So the compendium has raised 200k in 4 days.
$1 million actually seems possible.
I'm noticing that most North Americans bought it. Other nations . . . not so much
So the compendium has raised 200k in 4 days.
$1 million actually seems possible.
Wait solo match making doesn't add yo your wins/loses. Messed up.
nice...good way to practice against humans then
Wait solo match making doesn't add yo your wins/loses. Messed up.
Ima watch this.Jesus christ, game 2 of VG vs LGD is some of the best dota I've watched in a long time.
That one crazy ass stun by fluff single handedly winning them the game.This Liquid/Dignitas game 2 is INSANE.
Russian Skeleton King (who left a dazzle to solo vs 2) jungle level 3 after 10 minutes.
It's almost a stereotype at this point.
Jesus christ, game 2 of VG vs LGD is some of the best dota I've watched in a long time.
How is that even possible?
Do you mean jungling or abandoning the lane?
Liking this PA set, although it does kind of make her look like Shredder..
Liking this PA set, although it does kind of make her look like Shredder..
You say that like its a bad thing
I think that it might get the copyright infringement though.
Wait solo match making doesn't add yo your wins/loses. Messed up.
should i buy the ticket to the super league, won't be able to watch live but i want to see vods.
So Abaddon is next right?
Noticed it when CM was in the GAF channel today.
are you friends with basshunter
So Abaddon is next right?
Noticed it when CM was in the GAF channel today.
Slark so stronk.
Remember kids, never listen to reddit when it comes to discussing what heroes are competitively viable.
Slark so stronk.
Remember kids, never listen to reddit when it comes to discussing what heroes are competitively viable.
So Abaddon is next right?
Noticed it when CM was in the GAF channel today.
They should either buff shadow amulet, or just scrap it and replace it with a recipe for shadow blade.
Remember kids, never listen to reddit.
They should either buff shadow amulet, or just scrap it and replace it with a recipe for shadow blade.
They should either buff shadow amulet, or just scrap it and replace it with a recipe for shadow blade.
Needs to be cheaper honestly or they need to reduce that fade time. 2.6 seconds is a looooooong time. Makes TPing out absolutely useless with it because your TP will be over by then. On top of that, the other component of Shadow Blade: Claymore, is cheaper and gives you 21 damage. Most people that buy Shadow Blade get Claymore first for the damage and the fact that's cheaper, so it's a piece they can get right off the bat.
They should either buff shadow amulet, or just scrap it and replace it with a recipe for shadow blade.