Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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Day 6 - 18/05
17:00 CEST(GMT+2)/11AM EDT/8AM PDT - Preshow
17:30 CEST(GMT+2)/11:30AM EDT/8:30AM PDT - Rocks Kiss VS EG
20:30 CEST(GMT+2)/2:30PM EDT/11:30AM PDT - DD VS Mouz
edit WTF why is this wrong

Day 6 - 18/05
8AM EST - Preshow
8:30AM EST - Rocks Kiss VS EG
Game 1 Luxembourg
Game 2 US East
Game 3 coin toss

11:30 EST - DD VS Mouz

edit for new page

Magic command to autowatch every game in console:

dota_spectator_auto_spectate_games 65005


Fuckin hell, just had a comeback from what must have been a 15000 gold deficit. Want to check the replay later to see just how far we were. We, 5 solos, did nothing special except play well together after initially getting stomped 16-0 by a 5-stack.

And after a shitty ass day of dota 2. feelsgoodman


Not Wario
RosKis putting up a great fight here. Batrider just dominant. Who knew.

Edit: Game changing Rosh fight. Fun while it lasted, RosKis


Lol what a hater.

I think people enjoy it because of the extensive fluff/background present in the 40k universe, as well as all the tech and stuff.

It's very easy to get into and has lots of action and intrigue. It's just like star wars where it's very scifi-lite where there are a million planets and somehow all of them have an Earth-like atmosphere and gravity is the same everywhere.


It's very easy to get into and has lots of action and intrigue. It's just like star wars where it's very scifi-lite where there are a million planets and somehow all of them have an Earth-like atmosphere and gravity is the same everywhere.

Terrforming bro. Gotta make it liveable.

Personally I love the whole 40k Mythos, it's tres cool. Also anything by Abnett is good stuff to read. Especially their Horus Heresy stuff.
Another monthly check in on how awful people can be in this game. I am over a thousand games at this point and am generally pretty decent at Dota pub strategy. I am in this game as bounty and understand that I need to start needing to be more strategic due to the inability to guarantee gank kills mid game. This warlock instantly dumps on me and won't shut up about how awful I am over a mistake or two. I retool to a carry role and even buy a support Vlads for our AM. The the strategy pays off and he is of course suddenly silent. I really wish I could pull a Jay and Silent Bob Strikes back sometimes.
Ok, the fuck Rox.Kis are doing in the upper bracket? I remember how they lost to AG in their very first match up and were dopped down to lower bracket.


Ok, the fuck Rox.Kis are doing in the upper bracket? I remember how they lost to AG in their very first match up and were dopped down to lower bracket.

They're not in the upper bracket. This is the upper bracket finalist from group B playing the lower bracket finalist from group A. Just as DD (upper from group A) will play Mouz (lower from group B).

edit: Those group stage brackets through are pretty much nill at this point. They just determined seating for the playoff portion which is going on now; which has it's own lower bracket.


Just lost 2 games in a row as Gyro after going 10-0 in the first 20 minutes. I can't get a fucking break. Not surprising I got muted for 6 days for telling people how bad they are.


will learn eventually
Oh god why do I always get the people who are AFK during the picking phase of random draft. THERE IS FUCKING MAGNUS AND WARLOCK but no we get 2 random shit heroes.
So I've been playing gyrocopter a lot lately, and while I am carrying ok with him, I seem to die a ton. Is there a key to his survivability that I am missing? I also find it really hard to last hit with him for like the first 2-3 levels for some reason.


So I've been playing gyrocopter a lot lately, and while I am carrying ok with him, I seem to die a ton. Is there a key to his survivability that I am missing? I also find it really hard to last hit with him for like the first 2-3 levels for some reason.

Shadowblade can help if you're getting ganked a lot, BKB/Helm of the Dominator for teamfight survivability.


will learn eventually
So I've been playing gyrocopter a lot lately, and while I am carrying ok with him, I seem to die a ton. Is there a key to his survivability that I am missing? I also find it really hard to last hit with him for like the first 2-3 levels for some reason.

If you get ganked a lot, the thing that helps the most is positioning. If you know where you can be at any given time, then you won't get killed. If it's a single person chasing you they can't kill you. You have rocket, barrage and your ult.

If you really wan't to escape often get Shadowblade, but I have noticed I can do just fine without it. Map awareness is key though. And good warding.
My biggest problem is that I think I get over aggressive on ganks and I end up dying early, while my partner survives and gets the kill. That's something I'm working on, but the big thing for me is that in team fights I'm getting focused down a lot and somehow end up in the middle of the fight instead of around the edges. Part of that is because I have some terrible supports, and some of it seems like I'm doing something wrong. I have my bkb, but I might try and get a helm.


Just saw absolutely destroy ForLove in 14 min haha. xiao8/Sylar too stronk

East/West qualifiers are kinda pointless for most teams, since they stand no chance in hell to those strong Chinese team


Question regarding pennants. Can I have more than 1? Also, do I get credit for watching archived matches, or do I need to watch them live? Is there a FAQ somewhere?


Question regarding pennants. Can I have more than 1? Also, do I get credit for watching archived matches, or do I need to watch them live? Is there a FAQ somewhere?

Yeah you can have as many as you want. You equip them in your player load out, where you equip things like wards, announcers, etc.

You get views added to your pennant for watching archived matches, but you don't get a shot at getting items. Those only happen in live games.

I don't know about a FAQ though.


will learn eventually
God fighting against refresher magnus is the most infuriating thing ever. I hope he gets hit with the nerfstick 6.78
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