NeoGAF Dota 2 Inhouse League 4
After much ado, it's finally here. The purpose of IHL4 is to provide a fun and competitive environment for members of our community to play Dota together in. Everyone is welcome as long as you are on GAF or have played in our community for a long time. First of all, please see the links below:
Player Signup here
Non-player signup here - Delayed until closing of player signups
Right now: Inhouses, anyone can make them, play and have fun. This will also be an opportunity for captains to scout for teammates.
Friday, February 3 @ 6:30PM PST: Draft, Captains will be selected out of those interested and will draft players
Weekend of 2/10: Opening weekend, scrims.
Weekend of 2/17: First weekend of regular season
Weekend of 3/24: First weekend of playoffs
Weekend of 3/31: Finals weekend.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will be different this season from the past IHLs?
There will be some minor changes, but there are two major changes you should draw your attention to.
1. Zero Tolerance Flame policy (Council of the Flame)
This time around, there is no strike system for flaming. We have no tolerance for it. You either keep this a friendly environment, or be shown the door.
However, because going straight to removing someone from the league is a fairly large jump, it will NOT be that simple for someone to be removed from the league. That is what the Council of the Flame will do.
The Council of the Flame will consist of myself (HylianSeven) and four other members of the community. These four members as well as myself will not be players in the league, to prevent any kind of bias in judgments. The Council will hear cases of flaming, and review evidence, interview parties involved, and come to a decision. Evidence is going to be the most important thing above all else, so it is highly recommended you record your Discord/Mumble/Skype/whatever chat just in case, and be able to take screenshots if something happens in game.
The other four Council members will be picked by me, based on people that sign up for it in the Non-player role signup form.
The aim of this is to keep a fun and friendly environment, not to kick people out. I don't want to have to kick anyone out this season, so please don't make it happen.
2. Scrim Players - A way for those that can't commit to a team to participate
I ran a survey a while back, and a couple of suggestions were to have a way for people that were not playing on teams to be involved. This is what Scrim Players are.
A significant number of people in past IHLs wanted to play, but were not able to because they couldn't commit to being there for their team's games all the time, or maybe had to drop from their team. Scrim Players give you an opportunity to play against the teams when they practice. Teams can find available Scrim Players via the Steam Group or the list and invite them to a game. Scrim Players are not to reveal strategies or use their match to benefit another team in some form.
For the teams, the benefit of playing against Scrim Players rather than queueing for pubs is that you might play against more cohesive and skilled teams. Your team's MMR spread might not get you matched against people as good as your opponents for instance, and if you played against the right Scrim Players, you would get some good practice in.
Will these games be ticketed?
Yes, they will be!
I'm newer at the game, or not confident in my skills, should I play?
Absolutely! This is a friendly league meant for GAF people from all skill levels to play together. I would encourage you to sign up to play even if you think your MMR is too low, or aren't confident in your skills. This league can also help you improve in ways you didn't even know you could.
If you're on the fence just do it!
Will these games be casted?
A small goal of mine for IHL4 is to make sure every game is cast. Often we didn't have enough casters to cast every game, and I'd like to change that this season. I will be casting myself, but I can only be in one game at a time. If you would like to cast, please sign up with the Non-player role form. New casters mid-season are always accepted though.
Who are the admins?
I will be the head admin (HylianSeven), the others will be mainly for managing lobbies and other potential issues in my absence, and they are as follows:
Artanisix (AKA Milkman/Ellen Pudge/etc.)
I'm banned from GAF, am I still allowed to play?
Yes! Banned GAFfers are allowed to play. This tournament will be kept to GAF and GAF-close people. I know there are a few that have never had GAF accounts but have played with GAF people for a long time, and are allowed to play in IHL4.
In short, everyone is welcome, grey name or not.
I would like to help in some other way, how can I do that?
Just contact me and let me know. I can be reached via GAF PM or Steam.
Have fun!

After much ado, it's finally here. The purpose of IHL4 is to provide a fun and competitive environment for members of our community to play Dota together in. Everyone is welcome as long as you are on GAF or have played in our community for a long time. First of all, please see the links below:
Player Signup here
Right now: Inhouses, anyone can make them, play and have fun. This will also be an opportunity for captains to scout for teammates.
Friday, February 3 @ 6:30PM PST: Draft, Captains will be selected out of those interested and will draft players
Weekend of 2/10: Opening weekend, scrims.
Weekend of 2/17: First weekend of regular season
Weekend of 3/24: First weekend of playoffs
Weekend of 3/31: Finals weekend.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will be different this season from the past IHLs?
There will be some minor changes, but there are two major changes you should draw your attention to.
1. Zero Tolerance Flame policy (Council of the Flame)
This time around, there is no strike system for flaming. We have no tolerance for it. You either keep this a friendly environment, or be shown the door.
However, because going straight to removing someone from the league is a fairly large jump, it will NOT be that simple for someone to be removed from the league. That is what the Council of the Flame will do.
The Council of the Flame will consist of myself (HylianSeven) and four other members of the community. These four members as well as myself will not be players in the league, to prevent any kind of bias in judgments. The Council will hear cases of flaming, and review evidence, interview parties involved, and come to a decision. Evidence is going to be the most important thing above all else, so it is highly recommended you record your Discord/Mumble/Skype/whatever chat just in case, and be able to take screenshots if something happens in game.
The other four Council members will be picked by me, based on people that sign up for it in the Non-player role signup form.
The aim of this is to keep a fun and friendly environment, not to kick people out. I don't want to have to kick anyone out this season, so please don't make it happen.
2. Scrim Players - A way for those that can't commit to a team to participate
I ran a survey a while back, and a couple of suggestions were to have a way for people that were not playing on teams to be involved. This is what Scrim Players are.
A significant number of people in past IHLs wanted to play, but were not able to because they couldn't commit to being there for their team's games all the time, or maybe had to drop from their team. Scrim Players give you an opportunity to play against the teams when they practice. Teams can find available Scrim Players via the Steam Group or the list and invite them to a game. Scrim Players are not to reveal strategies or use their match to benefit another team in some form.
For the teams, the benefit of playing against Scrim Players rather than queueing for pubs is that you might play against more cohesive and skilled teams. Your team's MMR spread might not get you matched against people as good as your opponents for instance, and if you played against the right Scrim Players, you would get some good practice in.
Will these games be ticketed?
Yes, they will be!
I'm newer at the game, or not confident in my skills, should I play?
Absolutely! This is a friendly league meant for GAF people from all skill levels to play together. I would encourage you to sign up to play even if you think your MMR is too low, or aren't confident in your skills. This league can also help you improve in ways you didn't even know you could.
If you're on the fence just do it!
Will these games be casted?
A small goal of mine for IHL4 is to make sure every game is cast. Often we didn't have enough casters to cast every game, and I'd like to change that this season. I will be casting myself, but I can only be in one game at a time. If you would like to cast, please sign up with the Non-player role form. New casters mid-season are always accepted though.
Who are the admins?
I will be the head admin (HylianSeven), the others will be mainly for managing lobbies and other potential issues in my absence, and they are as follows:
Artanisix (AKA Milkman/Ellen Pudge/etc.)
I'm banned from GAF, am I still allowed to play?
Yes! Banned GAFfers are allowed to play. This tournament will be kept to GAF and GAF-close people. I know there are a few that have never had GAF accounts but have played with GAF people for a long time, and are allowed to play in IHL4.
In short, everyone is welcome, grey name or not.
I would like to help in some other way, how can I do that?
Just contact me and let me know. I can be reached via GAF PM or Steam.
Have fun!