Had an hour+ match that should've ended after 30 min. We had NP and PL on our team, and we ganked their carries hard early game. Also we had Doom, who should crush Riki. I was Gyro, not my best hero, but I did get first blood on a Riki gank EZ rares etc. However, PL could not farm or push. NP was pretty good at ganks and farming, but he barely pushed. It was like 40 min in and they still had T2s up. Needless to say, their Riki and LS got fat after such a long time while our carries did not (PL was level 14 when Riki was 21). Doom kept getting smoked so he couldn't get his ult off. Eventually it turns into a base race, where they get everything mid including the T4s and NP finally pushed and got two racks (he might have gotten their T4s if he focused on them instead). So we just need to defend and have NP backdoor it right? Except NP didn't try to push anymore, only farming and going for ganks. He had insane items, the hell was he farming for? Buyback? Except he was nowhere near any team fight ever. We lost in the end, which has to be the most baffling loss ever. We have NP AND PL and we can't rat Dota?
At least I had a fun Bounty game right after. Orchid = best Bounty item.