I fucking love Puppey.
But I'm not sure I can follow him to this new Team Secret. Heartbreaker.
New Team Singsing looks fun.
Anxious to see where S4, Kuro and Notail pop up again.
If I like 1/5th of a team, do I really like the team?no you don't.
If I like 1/5th of a team, do I really like the team?
Put differently: I like Dendi and I'm generally rooting for him. But there were numerous Navi matchups this TI where I had more sympathy and incentive to root for the opposing team. I expect this to be the case with new Secret as well.
Is it still Matt?I'll still root for Secret cause Puppen and Matt and Envy.
Discussing this with thingy, mrs bluth, i think jungle stacks should just be a single stack no more than that.
But stacking weakens lanes and leaves the 5 especially impoverished. It also takes some finesse, as even pros can miss timings or mismanage creep aggro.
It's a good tradeoff.
@TobiWanDOTA: I want to fuck you in the ass @ArianaGrande
That is an interesting Team Secret. I mean, in theory, they seem really strong. But in practice?
Too many cooks spoil the broth comes to mind.
rofltusr dont be a creep
hacked or just tobiwan?I want to fuck your petite pussy and cum in your pecious face @ArianaGrande
Much like the last Team Secret, each of them are really great players. So, if they can work together, some magical shit could happen.
I do think the last iteration was stronger, but hey, we will see in the next Major what they are like together.
how they interact could actually be amazing.
they're very good players but not top notch. None are top 5 in their position in the world.
Not even Puppey?
Not even Puppey?
Agree to disagree then.
However, not having top 5 players in the world doesn't necessarily mean they can't win anything. I mean I wouldn't call anyone on EG, with the exception of SumaiL, top 5 in their relative positions.
Agree to disagree then.
However, not having top 5 players in the world doesn't necessarily mean they can't win anything. I mean I wouldn't call anyone on EG, with the exception of SumaiL, top 5 in their relative positions.
I crank my hog twice a day. Sometimes after a stressful day of casting, I will crank my hog three or four times. I love too crank my hog.
Is Puppey's leadership a bit of a myth? Each team seems to fall apart with no practice, players disunited.
Complete guesses, how often does it have to happen before you question Puppey?