Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Anyone else heading the the Columbus OH MLG for the secret shop?

I'm planning on going, would be cool to meet some fellow gaffers there.

A nike navi hoodie. Intriguing how they can cross sponsor lines.
Kinda sucks there is no DK or Alliance gear. That stuff would sell out in a flash


The hats are mainly old ones though right? Looks like one Halloween themed Zyra skin, a Vi skin that seems to not have anything to do with Halloween and legacy skins for those that missed them before.
You mean girls don't dress up as slutty police officers where you're from

League Halloween is basically a shop update and the shop has been down for hours :(
They're making so much money that the store had to close


guys it's not over till halloween's actually over.

it's over

Current state of affairs at the dev.dota2 forum:

I remember last year when people made a big deal about how Valve were scrambling to get Diretide out just before Halloween hit.

Frankly, I just want my hero parity. Dammit Valve.
I am so disappointed, this was going to be my first Halloween event on Dota, maybe they are giving time to the people to get their achievements on Team Fortress's event.


I don't understand why Valve makes all these great, well-liked alt mode dota games while the game is in beta then they fucking release the thing and don't do fucking shit to support it. I hate you, Gaben, I won't buy any thing from your Halloween sale. I WON'T!

Gaben pls I bought some stuff but no more after this next one. Pls just gif diretide


I was looking forward to a Diretide like event because I wasn't around for the last one. Half Life 3 must really be hitting its stride.. right guys? Right?!


Ok here's what I think:

Valve is raking in all that F2P money on Halloween TF2 right now, and then when that's over they start Halloween DOTA to get all those monies again!

See they just don't want to cannibalize their own markets man. Follow the money.


Coming from the perspective of someone who is still new, I actually would have liked Valve putting work into another diretide or equivalent more than reaching parity as by the time I'm done with the current roster they will easily have had enough time to get the rest in. Whereas a cool holiday event is something I can immediately appreciate. Totally selfish reasons of course and if only one could happen I would choose parity as the people who have been playing for years are the ones who deserve to get what they want more.


tomorrow it is! I knew it! I have all the believes!

did a game earlier today as Riki, I don't play him much but sometimes ya gotta. We did well but our timber fed 2-15 by like 15 minutes in.. they got too much of a lead, it was a close game but they had far more pushing power :( I still need to branch out and try some more heroes, I think there's at least 3-4 I haven't tried in a real game yet *cough* invoker *cough*


Ok here's what I think:

Valve is raking in all that F2P money on Halloween TF2 right now, and then when that's over they start Halloween DOTA to get all those monies again!

See they just don't want to cannibalize their own markets man. Follow the money.

Well as long as they have it


If only we had bought more compendiums valve would have been able to keep up the content releases, we'd probably have 6.81 and Water Spirit right now. They were testing us, testing our love and we failed them :'(


What if the Earth and Ember Spirit portraits and icons mean they're going to have a SUPER SPOOKY SPIRIT RELEASE OF HEROES?!


LOL. they had to be furious.

yeah no doubt, it was a really rough game for them.
it was our rosh attempt, they came in and beat us in the fight, from memory it was just me and SK left alive.
it was probably the only thing that went their way the entire match, and it got reversed straight away.

actually thought we were going to lose the match from the start, our lanes were stupid, lion/sk safelane, troll/et offlane (and they were arguing for the first 10 minutes about one of them going to the safelane, both refused for some reason)


New Tranquil Boots are extremely awesome on heroes like Pudge and Puck. I've built them on both heroes and they have worked out extremely well. You get the movement speed as well as that regen while roaming. It's so good!


relies on auto-aim


Guys we need a new, trustworthy Cyborgmatt who isn't constantly trying to ruffle our good community's feathers. It was a only a matter of time before he'd stop being able to shoulder the great responsibility that comes with his great power.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I don't get why Valve doesn't hire some kind of community manager. The fanbase for this game needs pacification.
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