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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Welcome to the trenches. Make yourself at home.

Still have nightmares of the wanabe carry Dazzle I had in my lane, auto attacking creeps, going out of his way to steal last hits from me so he could buy a Dagon...


I wish reporting these people did any good whatsoever but it doesn't. You just have to eat the loss and hope the next "support" you get dealt in a game isn't as big of a shithead.
You're using reports incorrectly.


Two Geos before ult? I've done 1-1-1 and had great success with that. The in + out nukes on both Meepos do wonders, even at level 1.

I prefer two geos as with orb of venom, your kill potential rises dramatically once you get your ult, even in dual vs. dual. Depends on the matchup but this is the build I'll be sticking with.
Welcome to the trenches. Make yourself at home.

Still have nightmares of the wanabe carry Dazzle I had in my lane, auto attacking creeps, going out of his way to steal last hits from me so he could buy a Dagon...


I wish reporting these people did any good whatsoever but it doesn't. You just have to eat the loss and hope the next "support" you get dealt in a game isn't as big of a shithead.

Bad players=!reportable

Report people who are insulting, fuck their teammates on purpose, call gg early and feed.

Someone not playing how you want isn't a reason to report. I'm sure as hell ain't reporting that guy that went INT Anti-Mage.


James just said a patch will come tomorrow. Or at least the itemset for the deamhack ticket. So there's that. So sounds like another patch of nothing
Well most of the trouble is like mid game when he turns team fights into 4v5s. Although I have to admit he wasn't really ganked in those games.

Yea he's going to do that regardless (create 4v5's). But you can prevent him from hurting so much with early ganks. And if you can keep him undereleveled, his ult will be underpowered and thus irrelevant.
Let me first thank you both for taking the time to watch the replay and give me advice! I really appreciate it.

That is a very greedy line-up and you were unlikely to win, however, not to be overly critical, but I kind of agree with your team. You didn't move from mid lane as Zeus for 22 minutes. They were being killed under their tower by Viper, not much they could do. You needed to teleport.

You weren't better off farming. Zeus doesn't need a lot of farm (at least compared to the rest of your team). You should have been getting your gold from ganks and also buying wards. With the shitty lanes your team had, you were always going to be up against it, but that's all the more reason to go and help them out early.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, just trying to help.

No it doesn't sound harsh, but BeesEight answered it for me:

I'd agree with you that generally when your lanes are doing so poorly, you should look to try and help them out. I don't know if ganking would have been that great of an idea in this game, since Zeus doesn't bring a lot to a gank (especially when Luap was so consistently low on mana) and the other lanes contributed so very little too. All the stuns were melee and neither lanes offered the greatest targets.

That was exactly what I was thinking at the time. The thing is, I've read posts in here (by much better players than me) who said sometimes you have to decide that teammates aren't worth helping if they can't help themselves. That's kinda how I felt, because Void/DK is such a shit lane that I didn't think I would be able to contribute much against the opposing Silencer/Nyx/Viper gank squad who kept taking them out. I was worried that I would rotate to help them out just to get killed myself. As Bees said, I bought no CC to the table as Zeus, so I wasn't very confident about our chances.

But not to be too defensive — I definitely could have done more. What I probably should have done when Viper ganked top, is rotate bot and gank Warlock/Tide. Slardar and LD have decent CC together (granted Entangle procs) so we probably could have killed at least one of them.

Honestly, I'd say better lane and mana management would have done a lot more than trying to gank. Viper got his first kill near the six minute mark because he snagged the four minute rune. His next handful of kills were from grabbing the top runes and hitting that awful DK and Void lane. However, Zeus was really winning the lane and there's no good excuse for him not controlling the runes. Had Zeus grabbed those runes, I'm not certain those ganks would have happened.

Second, Luap spent too much time sitting in lane "farming" and not punishing the Viper's absence. He had close to ten minutes to push down Viper's tower since the Viper spent most of that time roaming and whenever he showed up in the mid lane, Zeus just beat him down. He couldn't stay and farm creeps so he farmed heroes instead. If Luap pushed down the mid tower, then he punishes the Radiant team for essentially abandoning the mid lane and also frees himself up to start roaming as well.

Yes, and if I wouldn't have ganked bot (like I probably should have), I definitely should have at least pushed the mid lane and taken a tower. I fucked up there. I was just scared of pushing too far and letting Viper sneak back to mid and killing me. But that's no excuse, because I should have bought wards to have vision of the river. My rune control was godawful, no excuses there.

Finally, if Luap managed his mana better he could have easily killed the Viper any time he showed up in lane. Farming with Chain Lightning, especially uncontested and when not pushing the tower, is just throwing mana away. Luap never had enough to cast all three of his spells which likely would have brought down Viper any time he showed his face.

So, if Luap bottle crowed and/or controlled the runes I think he could have really prevented the game being so one sided. Get the tower down as well to put some gold in your teammate's pockets and you could make up for the fact that Zeus isn't the best ganker.

Yeah, really dumb move by me. I was having trouble last hitting so I just started using Chain Lightning. But this still wouldn't have been a huge issue if I had controlled the runes, because then I would have had enough mana to kill Viper. My shitty rune control really cost me.

Ultimately, Luap was the only one to win his lane but he didn't get anything out of it. I'm not sure ganking would have helped with the other lanes and would have lessened what he'd get in mid so in this circumstance I think he should have just insured that they got the maximum possible benefit from mid that they could. He was one of the highest levels by the time mid game rolled around - and the best farmed on his team - but he couldn't leverage those benefits for anything.

So what I should take away from that match is: Buy wards, control runes, manage mana, and push hard when the enemy is absent. These are things I basically already knew, but for some reason didn't put into practice that match. Well I guess it's one thing to know and another to execute. My execution was poor. Having said that, I still refuse to take the majority of the blame for that loss. I will take my share of it though. I also regret letting some random pub players get under my skin. Usually when I solo queue like that I'm laid back and just ignore shit talkers, but for whatever reason it bugged the hell out of me last night.


Be happy that "being bad" isn't a reportable offense because 1.09 would have reported the whole Gaf community by now.

I wonder if he reported me too after i carried him with invoker, one of my worst heroes, in my worst role, with 150 USE ping.

This may or may not be a true statement




Fuck the hats!
Fuck em!
Fuck em!

Give DireTide?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I didn't report that Dazzle, which is why I said reporting them is useless. You can't just report people for being stupid, unfortunately.


So what I should take away from that match is: Buy wards, control runes, manage mana, and push hard when the enemy is absent. These are things I basically already knew, but for some reason didn't put into practice that match. Well I guess it's one thing to know and another to execute. My execution was poor. Having said that, I still refuse to take the majority of the blame for that loss. I will take my share of it though. I also regret letting some random pub players get under my skin. Usually when I solo queue like that I'm laid back and just ignore shit talkers, but for whatever reason it bugged the hell out of me last night.

No reason to be hard on yourself, though. I'm terrible at mid too and need to work on the exact same things. As you said, you're practicing it, so it will just take time and repetition. And as I said, you were the only one to win your lane, so there was no justifiable grounds for them to try and pin the blame on you.

I'd say keep it up, though. You really did do well against Viper and that's not a matchup I would favour for Zeus. I find it takes quite a few games for me to learn mana management of heroes and hopefully next game you get into you'll actually have a team that will... well... play like a team.


God damn Bulldog... triple triple kills in that match. Yes you read that right... he performed a triple kill 3 times in that game!


May contain jokes =>

Ridiculous game that we managed to win largely on my shoulders as Warlock if I do say so myself. Knew the game was gonna be a problem from minute 1 as SK did nothing but bitch and try to coach Venge who was laning with him. Venge is a friend so I knew he wasn't playing like an idiot.

All game SK would run through their jungle or some shit trying to catch out a hero, find 5 and get melted, then yell at us for not fighting or knowing how to initiate. Each team had its ups and downs and we managed to each take a set of rax. Around this time SK abandons (~50 mins in) after raging to the enemy about being the only good player on the team.

Won a decent fight in the top lane and pushed hard 5 man. They pushed 3 or 4 mid and we base raced. Terrible idea for them, considering I had 4 golems on tap and Necro 3. We wiped their base before they cracked Tier 3 mid. Glad we pulled out the win but some of the people in this game are just laughable.


Once I'm past 100 games vs people I should be ready to move away from All Pick right? I am so fucking tired of sniper and riki all the time, even on my own team.
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