Imp the Dimp
A Ganker. I wouldn't even classifiy him as a semi-carry.So what's Slark's role?
A Ganker. I wouldn't even classifiy him as a semi-carry.So what's Slark's role?
D'awww thanks :3
They could return to the store during an event or sale? but artists gwt a cut of the marketplace transactions anyway, although its a lot smaller than the store if the price fluctuates it can be good or lame![]()
I sold mine this morning for like $75 steambux.
Your inventory is worth roughly: 591.46 keys.
Your most expensive item is:
Fezzle-Feez the Magic Carpet Smeevil, worth 85 keys.
Is that site legit?
A Ganker. I wouldn't even classifiy him as a semi-carry.
Where can I watch archived dream league matches without the client
Thank you... to be honest, I know it's cheap but they sound like my kind of heroes! I like playing as characters where I can strictly follow a certain build or guide and know that I won't let the team down, especially as a new player.Yeah, that's certainly fine and understandable, many do the same. The reason I recommended avoiding All Pick is that there are a handful of heroes (Riki, Drow Ranger, Huskar, Spirit Breaker, Sniper) who are picked in about 90% of AP matches, and commonly ruin games. They are not overpowered per se, but uncoordinated pub matches simply do not play against them the right way and it can be very frustrating. Either way just be aware of that and don't let it ruin your opinion of the game.
Good points, thank you - I feel like I need to at the very least play through the entire tutorial... the first two sections were very boring coming from a LoL point of view, but I imagine the more indepth stuff (and as it grows to be more different to LoL) it'd be much more useful.Not sure how much I agree with this. Whilst DOTA is more punishing of falling behind, though the most recent patch lessened this somewhat, Valve have put in a bunch of features like the tutorial and guide system designed to help new players get to grips with things. This was maybe true a year ago, but not anymore I feel.
Oh I see, thanks! Sounds good but also like there's a lot to learn... I know it's boring but I really do like the idea of picking just the one character and (for now at least) sticking with them until I've really got the concepts down. Definitely sounds like he had blink dagger too, he was coming from no where and regularly ganking.Starting out that way is fine while you come to grips with the mechanics, but fairly soon (a few dozen matches perhaps) you're going to want to branch out. A large part of Dota is the drafting, and knowing "oh they picked Sniper and our team still doesn't have a gap-closing ganker" is one of the keys to sucess.
He probably had a Blink Dagger as well, which lets you short distance teleport on a 13 second cooldown.
Oh I see, thanks! Sounds good but also like there's a lot to learn... I know it's boring but I really do like the idea of picking just the one character and (for now at least) sticking with them until I've really got the concepts down. Definitely sounds like he had blink dagger too, he was coming from no where and regularly ganking.
Thanks again for all of your help and advice guys![]()
Good points, thank you - I feel like I need to at the very least play through the entire tutorial... the first two sections were very boring coming from a LoL point of view, but I imagine the more indepth stuff (and as it grows to be more different to LoL) it'd be much more useful
I'm watching a game between and Rattlesnake and supports on both teams (Crystal Maiden and Veno) are grabbing midas. Could someone tell me why? I assume it's because they think the game will last a while so midas will help get gold to help out in the late game? I know it can pay itself off relatively quick though, so if a support gets it early it's probably incredibly useful.
xp and gold for someone that won't farm much
also china. I don't like it in most cases (that support could have an early Mek, Euls, pipe, or force. Midas sets them back for another 10 mins. fckn china
Grakl I'm guna give milkman the dragon D in pokemon next week just for u
xp and gold for someone that won't farm much
also china. I don't like it in most cases (that support could have an early Mek, Euls, pipe, or force. Midas sets them back for another 10 mins. fckn china
Grakl I'm guna give milkman the dragon D in pokemon next week just for u
Pretty much this. The midas craze started in China where the passive style of play didn't punish it so it thrived and became popular. As soon as DK actually went aggressive on it the teams trying to use it lost badly. In the western scene it is having much less success as teams try it and find that early aggression just punishes it too easily.
My inventory is worth 12 keys.
Atleast there is a correlation between that and my real life value.
HehAs frustrating as it must have been for you the mental image of a bunch of new players getting wrecked by a Blink Dagger Aghanims Tiny is really really funny to me
Sounds great, thank you! I'll skip the tutorials but hopefully when I get a bit more time (maybe this weekend) I'll ask on here for a practise match to help me get used to the gameAs Steve pointed out afterwards, the tutorials are more aimed at those completely new to the genre, so don't worry too much about it. The only thing to be that aware of with regards to last hitting mechanics is denying. If you can understand that one of the biggest differences to how the laning phase plays out should be a lot clearer. The guides are the are tool you will be able to take advantage of.
And lastly, don't be afraid to ask other GAFfers for practice matches etc. I'm sure plenty of people would be willing to teach a newer player.
Also, regarding denying... after a quick Google it looks like I can A + Click one of my team's minions to kill them instantly and 'deny' the other team the gold/XP boost... is that right?
HehOne of the first thing I concentrated on buying were boots that I could activate to run considerably quicker, and also (I believe) with no clip... but they didn't help much at all
Sounds great, thank you! I'll skip the tutorials but hopefully when I get a bit more time (maybe this weekend) I'll ask on here for a practise match to help me get used to the game
Also, regarding denying... after a quick Google it looks like I can A + Click one of my team's minions to kill them instantly and 'deny' the other team the gold/XP boost... is that right?
Characters have different turn rates and casting animation times (e.g. Echo Slam is instant and Fissure is like 1.2s). In addition attack animations being good or poor or different heroes having vastly different starting damages can make last hitting much more difficult.
If you are having trouble try getting a quelling blade and making sure you are facing a target you want to last hit to reduce the time to attack.
Also I found Dota easier to learn than LoL as a sidenote (Due to in game guides / builds / being able to read what all spells on all heroes do and see their stats)
Also make sure you pick a close server to you.
Sounds great, thank you! I'll skip the tutorials but hopefully when I get a bit more time (maybe this weekend) I'll ask on here for a practise match to help me get used to the game
Also, regarding denying... after a quick Google it looks like I can A + Click one of my team's minions to kill them instantly and 'deny' the other team the gold/XP boost... is that right?
So... will we get a patch this week?
Also, regarding denying... after a quick Google it looks like I can A + Click one of my team's minions to kill them instantly and 'deny' the other team the gold/XP boost... is that right?
In lane? Doom has no armor and no lane presence. Just shit on him.You can start hitting creeps at below 50%, towers at 10%.
Anyone have Doom counter tips? I'm getting owned by him a lot, recently,
In lane? Doom has no armor and no lane presence. Just shit on him.
In jungle? Ward an gank the jungle repeatedly. He ha very little in the way of escapes and is often floating at around 50% hp or so. He's shit before 6, and still kinda shit after 6. Just go get him.
Fuck people picking support and not actually supporting.
Two Geos before ult? I've done 1-1-1 and had great success with that. The in + out nukes on both Meepos do wonders, even at level 1.New Meepo is so sick just like I thought. New build is definitely net / geo / geo / ult / poof / poof / poof / poof. Very good kill potential early.
I wish reporting these people did any good whatsoever but it doesn't.