It's that time of the month!
half of these dudes dont even have mana anymore
just get rid of the whole system if youre not going to use it

The King of Masks is a ranged, magical damage control mage that focuses on crowd control, slipperiness and area denial. The King of Masks performs best in a lane role, denying his opponents lane positioning and aggression through clever use of his abilities. The King of Masks uniquely excels at controlling his enemy, particularly in the mid-game; Area denial abilities mixed with situational and exclusive crowd control allows the King to be both versatile and powerful in many situations. In the late game, the King provides an intimidating presence for the enemy team to engage into while easily following up on his allies aggression with his game-changing ultimate.
Pure Shaper
King of Masks may cast his abilities freely.
Q - Captivate
King of Masks fires a tentacle in target direction, slowing the first enemy hit by 30%/35%/40%/45%/50% for 3 seconds. A group of 3 Tentacles spawns when a target is hit or the projectile ends. After a brief delay, each Tentacle deals 35/55/75/95/115 (+0.4) magical damage to a nearby enemy, resulting in 105/165/225/285/345 (+1.2) total magical damage if they all strike the same target. Flourish: The tentacle will root the target for 0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds.
Range: 775
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8
W - Flourish
First Cast: King of Masks dashes in target direction, empowering either his next Captivate or Endless Delights with an additional effect for the next 4 seconds. If an enemy Shaper witnesses the empowered cast, King of Masks may recast Flourish to dash again.
Recast: King of Masks dashes forward, but does not gain an empowered cast.
Range: 350
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10
E - Endless Delights
King of Masks lobs a sac packed with eggs to target location, spawning 6 eggs lasting 3 seconds. Enemies who step on an egg take 65/105/145/185/225 (+0.75) magical damage. Eggs deal 35% damage to targets hit multiple times. Flourish: Enemies who step on an egg within 1.5 seconds of being placed release a fever of skates and are feared for 0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9 seconds.
Range: 800
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8
R - Finale
King of Masks throws his Cage to target location. The Cage slows all nearby enemies by 40%. After a brief delay, the Cage erupts pulling in all nearby enemies and dealing 150/225/300 (+1.0) magical damage.
Range: 900
Cooldown: 120/105/90
half of these dudes dont even have mana anymore
just get rid of the whole system if youre not going to use it