I hear if you preorder in the uk, you can get one. Just not fair, NoA disband.oh SHIT
I hear if you preorder in the uk, you can get one. Just not fair, NoA disband.oh SHIT
The stand-in manager is Charlie aka Monolith aka Dignitas exec, so everything is last minute.
I hear if you preorder in the uk, you can get one. Just not fair, NoA disband.
cant find it in australia
They normally get all the cool preorder gifts and SEs that NoE puts out and NoA lacks.lol you thought nintendo australia would do something cool
It's in Australia. You didn't look hard enough.
It's in Australia. You didn't look hard enough.
Source: http://foxprite.deviantart.com/
Who even plays Treant anymore? I wish he was more fun to play![]()
Sigma does, watch more games.
Sigma does, watch more games.
I've only been able to catch DreamLeague and HyperX D2L games and haven't seen him in those.
Pub usage down, comp win rate goes up..
Icefraud plz, share the secrets of your black magic balancing.
why are you so bad at statistics
Still think Tree needs a more extensive rework. Completely redo or replace at least 2 skills. Even when theheroliving armor was imba, it still wasn't fun to play, at least for me. I don't even care if his base damage goes down or what have you if he gets some cool stuff to do. Leech Seed is boring with an underwhelming spell effect, Nature's Guise can be silly, but overall doesn't end up being that useful most of the time, and I'm still not a fan of Overgrowth - even if it does pierce BKB (if already activated).
Sigma does, watch more games.
http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/heroes/view/123They definitely need to change something about him. Something like the ability to walk through trees - I was sad to see overgrowth lose it's damage.
I'd be down for reworking Treant into Deadwood. Not like Nature's Guise is useful.
I mean there are so many options. One, yes the airline will usually put you on the next flight, so not sure why that's already been thrown out. Two, rent a bloody car and drive. It's like 8 hours. Three, look at bus schedules they usually go through the night. If they miss MLG it's entirely due to their negligence. Getting bumped from a flight sucks and their is not a whole lot you can do (well you could start by checking in online 24 hours a head of time, you'll probably not be first on the bump list then) about it, but it's not the end of the weekend if you really want to make it. They still have plenty of time, practically 24 hours.
It's been a while since I last played HoN but I do remember being able to unroot trees.
I personally didn't like Deadwood too much. I still believe that Treant can be reworked into a reasonable heavy-support class if they just changed leech seed and did something unique to overgrowth.
Nature's Guise would be nice if it had tree-walking abilities and even more movement speed.
why are you so bad at australia
Pub usage down, comp win rate goes up..
Icefraud plz, share the secrets of your black magic balancing.
Leech Seed is his best spell by far now, I would change his other spells if you truly felt he needed to be remade.
Valve's 1 month probationary period between when you make a purchase and can use the community marketplace can eat my shorts. I wanna buy a Hollow Jack recipe but won't be able to until mid December, by which point the chests will have stopped dropping and I reckon the price will go up.![]()
I didn't say it wasn't an amazing spell. Living armour gains priority over it and Leech Seed costs too much for Treant's mana pool (unless you have a soul ring or mana boots).
The range on Leech seed is a bit too short - most people won't even putting a point into Nature's guise until level 8+, so you can't really gank with it.
Disagree, I would max leech seed over living armor in 6.79. The range is plenty fine for how much it gives you and the low cooldown. Treant isn't a ganker and I would be annoyed if they transformed him into one, he's very much a utility-aggressor / deathball hero. Although I'm probably one of the few people who actually enjoy the hero and touted how sexy he was before #teamfunnik brought him into popular play.
I don't have anything I can even trade for one. All the stuff I have gotten out of chests since I gave Valve money last week is unable to even be traded away until a 2 week deadline has passed. So if I buy keys off the Dota store I can't even use them in a peer to peer trading transaction. I have a backpack page full of duplicate loot I've pulled from chests in the last week that I'd glady trade away for a recipe but I can't do anything with it.What? Just buy keys off a key seller
Or buy one directly
I didn't say it wasn't an amazing spell. Living armour gains priority over it and Leech Seed costs too much for Treant's mana pool (unless you have a soul ring or mana boots).
The range on Leech seed is a bit too short - most people won't even putting a point into Nature's guise until level 8+, so you can't really gank with it.
Ur questioning the what #8 treeant player in the world?
What makes treant a diretide all star?
Disagree, I would max leech seed over living armor in 6.79. The range is plenty fine for how much it gives you and the low cooldown. Treant isn't a ganker and I would be annoyed if they transformed him into one, he's very much a utility-aggressor / deathball hero. Although I'm probably one of the few people who actually enjoy the hero and touted how sexy he was before #teamfunnik brought him into popular play.
It's almost as if he thinks there is more than one way to play a hero.
Treant's role is dependent on the draft of his team. Personally, I believe that Treant has the ability to gank but will usually lack the levels to do so.
Leech Seed maxed out first is nice and all if your team does not benefit from Global protection of Living Armour, go ahead. Most players will not let you get 350-range to cast it. You definitely need mana to be able to spam it every ~12 seconds.
I don't know ... if only I had a bit more AP and more gold per second guys. Maybe some masteries to help out with all those mana problems.
update tonight? too soon? TF2 just got a big one.
update tonight? too soon? TF2 just got a big one.
I think you're severely underestimating the power of Leech Seed, especially when coupled with an orb of venom. And I think you're wildly exaggerating on the range "issue" for the laning phase, too. He has average movement speed and decent casting animation, it really isn't hard to get close enough to someone to cast it, especially if you're offlaning him (which I think you definitely should with the new offlane changes).
Most teams are doing just fine without a living armor shielding them in lanes, they'll continue to do just fine with a living armor maxed second.
And I don't have mana issues with him. Just need to manage it for your lane until you get a soul ring or arc boot.