Next mid-tier GAF tourney scheduled for TI4?
In reality we should do it like February.
Next mid-tier GAF tourney scheduled for TI4?
In reality we should do it like February.
Man I'm pretty buzzed after like 12 straight hours of crazy dota
Play the majorities. If you like both teams flip a coin.I think I'm having the same problem I had in sc2. There's both too many teams I like and too many individual players I like even if I don't care about their teams. It's hard to decide who to cheer for half the time or I'm cheering for one team to win but a specific player on the opposite team to do well and it feels awkward.
I usually just pick the underdogs or the team who has the most interesting draft. Picking uncommon heroes is the easiest way to my heart.Well those weren't the winners I wanted but god damn do they deserve it. This finals really was refreshing ( and filled with refresher orbs Jesus christ). I mean I'd never wanna see Alliance or Na'Vi fall off the radar but seeing other teams win and with their own unique playstyles is great.
I really loved the team chat segments, it was neat getting a sense of how teams communicated ( lol the constant telling Xboct to get back ) and coordinated, reacting on the fly and whatnot.
I think I'm having the same problem I had in sc2. There's both too many teams I like and too many individual players I like even if I don't care about their teams. It's hard to decide who to cheer for half the time or I'm cheering for one team to win but a specific player on the opposite team to do well and it feels awkward.
TI4 will be amazing
I'm so going to TI4.Talk about the biggest underdog story in dota history.
Talk about the biggest underdog story in dota history.
Liquid upsetting was a lot bigger. That was basically "happy to be there" beating one of the top teams in the world.
Dire does have tend to have the late game advantage, and DK do lean towards the late game, so I am not too shocked.
They also have a significant Roshan advantage, which is probably even more important in 6.79.
That being said, I don't really get why Na'Vi always want to be on the Radiant side.
dendi has a pure heart
They also have a significant Roshan advantage, which is probably even more important in 6.79.
That being said, I don't really get why Na'Vi always want to be on the Radiant side.
bought an Enemies Silenced Gem on the market for my Silencer hat
it was for Drow ;_;
The market REALLY needs to tell you what hero a gem is for
What kind of computer case and monitor is that?
What kind of computer case and monitor is that?
Picking a specific team/player to root for constantly is much more rewarding. Being a Kaipi/Arteezy fanboy has made this tournament pretty god damn amazing, especially after their shitty first day.
IDK when CBSmatt is going to have the Arteezy and Sing post-MLG interviews up, but the EE-one is pretty good - also another view at how gigantic the WETA demonedge is (only seems to work on Internet Explorer for me)
Hotbid - always great
I understand what you mean, being a long time fan of Bomber makes every incredible run he makes or win he achieves that much more enjoyable, especially with his perpetually cursed status.
At the same time I just find it impossible to say "I will like you and only you." Consigning myself to merely being impressed by others on occasion. There are simply too many charismatic, skillful and entertaining people in both games I follow for me to have one true allegiance.
When Alliance faces DK and I want Alliance to win, but I really want Iceiceice to perform well, unless he's attacking EGM who is my fav player.
Whenever Bulba plays clockwerk I usually want Liquid to win even though I'm not particularly interested in the team as a whole.
I have a lot of preferences or favorites but there's often exceptions to each rule because some player or team has a piece of my fangirl heart for some reason or another. So in that particular instance my usual desire for a certain outcome is reversed or has a lot of caveats.
I have no idea wtf it is about e-sports that makes it so hard. I have favorite figure skaters and equestrian performers I've stuck with above all others for years ( and generations in cases of certain racing bloodlines). I'm just not very good at being decisive in this case.
Searing arrows goes through bkb. He can also pick off supports easilyI haven't watched the finals but I notice that Clinkz is picked more regularly in 6.79 tham before. Can someone please explain why? Is he played as a number one hard carry in a team?
Ooooo the enigma effect GGWPDecided to open one final chest tonight with the leftover wallet funds I got from selling diretide stuff on the market...
in-game screen
Tobi's casting StarTale vs TongFu#3 in 5 hours.![]()
radiant jungle is better
Yep, that's what happens when you do science in Valve games.Did some science
What a disaster
Did they really boo DK and burning? Crowd seemed proDK, seems bad for mlg if they want him back for Anaheim. Bizzare that they were heckling Loda too.That place was pretty nuts to be at and probably one of the best events I've ever been to. I really want to go to TI4 now.
The Lina Cosplayer is 최슬기 of spiralcats, she's not as famouass Tasha, but yeah she's cute tooWh-Who is she
DK disband, or master troll at work