Looks like the Frostivus game mode is a proper game add on.
You can still Halberd before the duel starts, so it's still an excellent choice. IMO. Blademail does seem very strong. Gonna give that a try now.
nah bro, build dagon necro
The lack of racist comments means she is a far cry from the real Legion Commander.
Just a note: You don't actually have to build jungle items like vlads on her. I just did a jungle LC unintentionally. Had lane items. Started 1-3-2-1 and had enough sustain to get to the treads and armlet no problem. It took me longer to get to level 6 than normal (~7:30) but that was because I didn't have any mana pots or a QB. I built her like I was building my lane LC and the results were exactly the same. In fact, I almost prefer jungling LC at the moment because the ganking is so good once you hit 6. The nuke hurts and the steroid + disable mean someone is going to die if the teammates in the lane aren't clueless.
For a bunch of reasons.
I can already see the feeding LC's giving the other team's carries 40-50 extra damage. on a regular basis. it's very easy to do. It's not an ult you just want to throw out there as a, "well I'm going to die anyway" ult. Giving the enemy permanent buffs in addition to you dying will be the worst possible outcome.
BUT. That's better said, "150", because the shit reminds me of Bane's ult. You're easily catching people that are 400 units away.
As in permanent?
Likely not permanent for matchmaking, but it looks like its in the format Valve will use for mod once the mod tools come out.
Looks like there is going to be a filter to spectate just Wraith-Night games. Thats a thing.
Also, Valve changed Skeleton King's name in the the Mortal Strike Active tooltip, which I find a bit amusing.
Also, incase it was obvious, Solo Ranked and Party Ranked are different things and will have different ratings.
Also, there seems to be a "PLAY NOW" Button, not sure what thats going to be about.
Tool tip for custom games is set up,
In addition to the Exalted quality, there is also Frozen Quality Item and Corrupted Quality.
Legacy of the Awakened set is going to get a custom loading screen added to it.
There is going to be a dota 2 winter sale. Don't expect actual good deals.
There is a Demons Imprisoned gem. Maybe thats related to Wraith-Night?
"Econ_Socket_AbilityEffect_Name" "Mastery: %s1"
"Econ_Socket_AbilityEffect_Desc" "%s1"
"Econ_Socket_Soul_Name" "Soul Gem: %s1"
"Econ_Socket_Soul_Desc" "%s1"
"DOTA_Soul_Gem_Raving_Aristocrat" "Raving Aristocrat"
So it's possible that custom game tools may be coming in the next 3 months, or maybe 6? And if so do you reckon they will release holdout permanently then as a reskin of wraith night.?
So is LC not in yet?
So LC speaks a bit of Ozkavosh (demon language Doom, SF, SD, and Warlock speak).
Yeah, makes sense.only with arcana most likely
you hate skeleton king design but you like the drow beretIf only we could all forget that awful hero ever existed. Now Volvo just need to get rid of Sniper.
Drow Beret + Lion's Lobster Claw + Beastmaster Helm are sweet.
Slark in CM? Wow, I expect him to be very popular in competetive. Ult is OP.
Legion Commander, cool.
Relic Items:Ancestor's Frozen Axe
Wolfsden Gift
Besieging Bow
Lament of the Slain
Infernal Ram's Horns
Salamander's Fang
Rogue Omen
Hollow Ripper
Helm of the Warbeast
Redwood Claws
Tidal Blade
Curls of Flame
Rimeheart the Doom Stallion
Death Shroud of the Frozen Apostle
Drake Guard of the Frozen Apostle
Horned Helm of the Frozen Apostle
Twisted Ghostblade of the Frozen Apostle
Cowl of the Cold Hunt
Raider's Patch
Lone Traveler's Beret
Ainidul the Eternal
Reaper of the Deep
Abyssal Hellclaw
You're one like one of those pretend hipsters aren't youWraith King mode is going to be so good. It's going to be like the good ol' WC3 hero defense games which was the precursor to Aeon of Strife. And Aeon of Strife was probably the best WC3 moba before Dota which I'm sure none of you noobs here knew about.
I'm surprised no one made a new thread about this update on the gaming side.
We used to get a new thread for every update in TF2. Now that Dota's going the same 'big update' route I think we should make new threads for 'em.
This one's special because it adds ranked matchmaking, the lack of which turned a lot of Dota-curious people off.
Here are all the strings related to the "presents" you get leveling up. Hopefully Valve retroactively just gives them to everyone.
Nothing seems to make Frozen items though:
Looks like it. On the test client I got the level 1 chest which contained that BH thing, a Name Tag and the subsequent chest, which you can only open if you're the appropriate level.
Maybe they are the frostivus crate items
Thanks for the post
Damn died on the fight against Wraith King. Seems like Axe Sven CM LC WR is a great team.
Oh yeah, LC's Arcana is $35, so same price as lina's.
i tried dota again. i picked zeus and people got mad when i ulted. this friendly player added me after the game to clue me in on the error of my ways.
am i missing a way to disable click to move on the mini-map? the ui is just massive and i find myself inadvertently clicking on that section. it is really kind of problematic.
i tried dota again. i picked zeus and people got mad when i ulted. this friendly player added me after the game to clue me in on the error of my ways.
am i missing a way to disable click to move on the mini-map? the ui is just massive and i find myself inadvertently clicking on that section. it is really kind of problematic.
am i missing a way to disable click to move on the mini-map? the ui is just massive and i find myself inadvertently clicking on that section. it is really kind of problematic.
Players now receive a series of presents as they proceed through the early levels of the game. Each present contains some free items to use.
i tried dota again. i picked zeus and people got mad when i ulted. this friendly player added me after the game to clue me in on the error of my ways.
am i missing a way to disable click to move on the mini-map? the ui is just massive and i find myself inadvertently clicking on that section. it is really kind of problematic.
Could it be that the whole kill stealing thing is more of a problem in the absolute beginner's bracket? I seem to remember that people complained constantly about people stealing their kills when I started playing but at some point the complaining went almost completely away and was replaced with "a kill is a kill".
I've seen Zeus players complain about killstealing.I've rarely ever seen anyone even mention KS'ing since I stopped playing HoN.
Could it be that the whole kill stealing thing is more of a problem in the absolute beginner's bracket? I seem to remember that people complained constantly about people stealing their kills when I started playing but at some point the complaining went almost completely away and was replaced with "a kill is a kill".