Shoot arrow, hit arrow, win game.
Singsing doto.
Singsing doto.
It definitely is like this, a friend of mine was in low priority for a 5/6 days playing a couple of games each day just to get rid of a 3 match ban. If someone abandons it doesn't count and presumably because there was no message people would rage quit and others just had serious problems with their Internet.How often am I allowed to abandon? I've got 7 abandons out of about 550 games, which is a small % but is due to connection issues (and one afk lol).
Wording sounds like it's just a message? That'd be shit if it was like this, whenever I play in low prio someone disconnects.
Being a good support is even more important than a good carry. Setting up kills is quite rewarding, and certain supports can really rack up those kills (Lich in particular is my favourite when it comes to this).
Plus you get to show off your badass legendary/mythical courier and your cool collections of custom ward skins. Your Carry wouldn't be buying these, now would they?
Lately I've been having a ball playing relatively item independent supports like Venge, batrider, tidehunter. Just get that blink dagger whenever you can, and otherwise roam a ton and set up kills. Also, warding in the enemy's jungle is fun (especially in lower level pub games) where a low health jungler is an easy kill.
Yeah, about that. You're going to need to have those things first before you can show them off.
When will the update go out on the main client? Any rough ideas?
Trust me, my luck is shit when it comes to drops and chests. Nothing good ever.
I got my first good courier through crafting. Got a mythical scroll, and turned some rares into a mythical courier. Crafting somewhat guarantees good loot.
If all else fails, you can always pick up an enuduring wardog (mythical) from the steam market for as little as $2. Heck you even get a free courier with that Ti3 compendium.
It's up to 47.50% already:
Same with Elder Titan. He started off with a very low winrate until scrubs stopped picking him and merely people who were competent with him played him. His win% went up by like 12% and was among the highest in pubs in 6.78.
HUGE throws by Speed gaming, Titan might pull this one through.
Viyana is a ranged, magical damage support that focuses almost exclusively on healing and sustaining her team. Viyana performs best in a lane role, harassing enemies with a bevy of powerful abilities being rewarded for skillful offensive play with increased healing or shielding. Viyana sacrifices core kit utility present on other support Shapers in exchange for powerful sustain; being mindful of your lane partners skillset and item choices can often inform which sustaining or shielding abilities will be most useful. Viyanas ultimate is immensely powerful, notably piercing through all forms of crowd control immunity, but leaves her vulnerable to enemy advances be sure to use your abilities wisely and note your teams positioning before unleashing it on a hapless foe.
Passive Health Shaper Pulse Viyana uses health to cast her abilities. Viyana gains increased effectiveness from Heals, Regen and Lifedrain as her current health decreases.
Q Needle Viyana creates a spear of blood in target direction, dealing magical damage to the first enemy struck. Purified blood arcs back from the target healing nearby allied Shapers.
W Pure Blood Viyana generates Blood Orbs slowly over time that automatically heal nearby allied Shapers (except Viyana) with low health. Viyana may activate Pure Blood to consume a Blood Orb, shattering it at target location dealing magical damage and reducing the healing of enemies in the area.
E Leech Viyana curses target enemy, dealing damage over time. Each time the target takes damage, the lowest health allied Shaper gains a small shield that can stack several time. Any time a Shaper is shielded, the cooldown of this ability is reduced.
R Exsanguinate Viyana instantly suppressed target enemy Shaper, dealing magical damage to them over time. Viyana is healed over the duration of the effect.
She looks like some kind of demonic Lina. Even wearing the same cloths.whats a legion commander
is Titan the old Orange?
why is everyone in the twitch chat talking about the dude that picked beastmaster?
So when do we expect the patch to hit?
My ranking only shows one number. How'd you get the green one below?
I am now Mithril. DSR PLZ
EDIT: What the hell i'm like ranked 30 in the world lmao. What a shitty site.
I won one game, it jumped that much because of winning one game.
This is the team we lost to in the LOW tier Gaf Tourney, get exposed for being too good. Freakinchair was right all along.
This Sven, what a player.
If you mean sing he is a popular streamer.
Edit: Twitch memes don't make sense, don't worry about it.
why is everyone in the twitch chat talking about the dude that picked beastmaster?
How the fuck did the Roshan Hunter set make it to the store? That thing is the biggest eyesore in the history of eyesores
I don't know but two of my all time favorite sets are getting in, so this update will be great
Keeper of the Northlight (I plan on buying this instantly)
Fungal Lord (I'll trade for the hat). Too bad the mushroom Treants were replaced![]()
Why do teams use skype? What's wrong with vent?
My luck with rapiers has been good lately (picked up two on jugg and cemented a comeback after an incredible throw by opposing team) but I generally hate when my teammates get them. It's rarely a good decision in a low-tier pub games IMO.