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Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Wow man. I feel like I don't even know how to play this shit anymore. Some of you know I took a 2.5 month break to play other games and do other shit. Man, the fucking rust is real. Last-hit timing is hella questionable, failing to remember what hot keys I have on what items/shop/courier, etc.

I had almost forgotten how unpopular ward purchasing is in pubs. In the 4 or 5 matches I played yesterday, I think my teams bought 2 sets of wards combined. It didn't help that I picked hard carries a couple of times and had no actual supports picked after I selected my hero (despite usually picking first or second). One game I had SD support against a Kunkka/Lina lane and he just stood behind me the entire laning phase while they harassed for free...no ganks or anything helpful like that from mid. Next game I had random Brood jungling instead of a support.

It's what I get for solo pubbing, I suppose...but I didn't want anyone to be subjected to my not remembering how to play the shit, so oh well. I wasn't sure if I was struggling because I didn't have support, because we never had wards, or because I was just bad because of the rust at the moment. I'd say it was a 60/25/15 split. I did finish on a 3-game win streak after dropping the first 4, and my lane Dusa is still Dusa given a reasonable lane to work with and a little space...but even that game felt like shit. Off timings, missing stacks, rotating through the jungle slower than I expect. That kinda stuff.

It doesn't help that I'm playing with a totally different mouse with inventory stuff in different locations and on different buttons. Just feels bad.


Wow man. I feel like I don't even know how to play this shit anymore. Some of you know I took a 2.5 month break to play other games and do other shit. Man, the fucking rust is real. Last-hit timing is hella questionable, failing to remember what hot keys I have on what items/shop/courier, etc.

I had almost forgotten how unpopular ward purchasing is in pubs. In the 4 or 5 matches I played yesterday, I think my teams bought 2 sets of wards combined. It didn't help that I picked hard carries a couple of times and had no actual supports picked after I selected my hero (despite usually picking first or second). One game I had SD support against a Kunkka/Lina lane and he just stood behind me the entire laning phase while they harassed for free...no ganks or anything helpful like that from mid. Next game I had random Brood jungling instead of a support.

It's what I get for solo pubbing, I suppose...but I didn't want anyone to be subjected to my not remembering how to play the shit, so oh well. I wasn't sure if I was struggling because I didn't have support, because we never had wards, or because I was just bad because of the rust at the moment. I'd say it was a 60/25/15 split. I did finish on a 3-game win streak after dropping the first 4, and my lane Dusa is still Dusa given a reasonable lane to work with and a little space...but even that game felt like shit. Off timings, missing stacks, rotating through the jungle slower than I expect. That kinda stuff.

It doesn't help that I'm playing with a totally different mouse with inventory stuff in different locations and on different buttons. Just feels bad.

So is this preemptive downplaying getting your ass kicked during the upcoming GAF tourney? :p

In all seriousness though;
Would've expected you had more problems with adjusting to the 6.79 changes instead of the reasons you are providing?
It must be the combo of the new mouse and having some unlucky solo queing going on.
I know that feel Dreams. Forgetting your key bindings is the worst.

I have the opposite problem you had, though. I am almost always the lone support on my pub teams. It is an absolutely thankless job and it can be so unsatisfying when you lose because your carries couldn't carry and your gankers couldn't gank. I really need to stop worrying about my teammates and start playing carries more often. My last hitting skills are atrocious.
So is this preemptive downplaying on getting your ass kicked during the upcoming GAF tourney? :p

In all seriousness though;
Would've expected you had more problems with adjusting to the 6.79 changes instead of the reasons you are providing?
It must be the combo of the new mouse and having some unlucky solo queing going on.

6.79 stuff I can't really say I noticed. Had a hella annoying game against a Brood + Lycan+NP team. It was just really annoying and super try-hard. We just couldn't fucking kill the Brood early and with the lycan buff on the treeants and broodlings, it was a very annoying match. And it was my first game on a carry in 2.5 months. I was even missing Q's with Luna. Just couldn't click the right targets with all the broodlings and treeants in the way. Other games were as I said, a combination of not having wards and not having support (or weak support) against tough lane assignments (Kunkka and Lina vs Luna and SD). And this one we lost because our Mirana abandoned and people kept getting picked off.

Blink Pudge was kinda irritating, but nothing that couldn't be handled. Oh and Luna's auto-attack range was FUCKING RIDICULOUS. lol. Until I get a normal game with the basic shit covered (like wards, for christ's sake), I won't have a meaningful opinion on many of the changes.

I know that feel Dreams. Forgetting your key bindings is the worst.

I have the opposite problem you had, though. I am almost always the lone support on my pub teams. It is an absolutely thankless job and it can be so unsatisfying when you lose because your carries couldn't carry and your gankers couldn't gank. I really need to stop worrying about my teammates and start playing carries more often. My last hitting skills are atrocious.

Yea, I just picked carries mostly yesterday because I felt like the fastest way for me to get back up to speed was to reacclimate myself to the last-hitting autoattack animations of the various heroes I like to play. I was satisfied with the practice, though I would have liked to have more than 1 game out of 6 with a normal lane where reasonable farm could be had. Supporting for me is like falling off a log (CM is my 3rd most played hero and was before she became cool to pick)...but last-hitting...that requires a refresh after a long break.

These Alpine Ursa prices, so tempted to offload mine now.

what are the prices looking like?


I have the opposite problem you had, though. I am almost always the lone support on my pub teams. It is an absolutely thankless job and it can be so unsatisfying when you lose because your carries couldn't carry and your gankers couldn't gank. I really need to stop worrying about my teammates and start playing carries more often. My last hitting skills are atrocious.
I'm in that situation as well. You sell your ass so your carry ganker whatever has room to farm/survive; only to see them make the worst decision making in the world, ping like crazy as if you could have done something about it; never see them carry a tp scroll; etc etc..


Classic EG.


So Jeyo's buyback earlier on allowed Alliance to buyback collectively in the knowledge that his respawn time was ridiculously long and it was guaranteed 4v5.
So Jeyo's buyback earlier on allowed Alliance to buyback collectively in the knowledge that his respawn time was ridiculously long and it was guaranteed 4v5.

Honestly the buyback changes probably lead to more shenanigans like this than previously, especially with the passive gold change allowing supports to have it in more instances.

Not sure which iteration I like better. It seems like it's more punishing to defender's buybacks in late game (which is realistically the only time they'll be used now), aside from the theoretically shorter distance to travel to the fight.
Earth and Ember Spirit's portrait/icons leaked:

They are actually from Valve's Servers too. The link could easily die soon, but here is Ember Spirit's Portrait:

I don't even give a shit anymore. I can't even gather up the energy to care about new heroes on the horizon, because they've all been on the fuckin horizon for what feels like half a year. Fukn Volvo.
Earth Spirit first hero Valve had a direct hand in creating?

Just seems weird they'd rush him right into the game. It'd have to be some kind of record from creation in Dota 1 -> Dota 2 conversion ever.


Holy shit I just had the most amazing game. Laning stage was meh for everyone on our team, I had to go top as Invoker vs Slardar and Venge since they had an OD mid, bot kind of failed and mid went okay I think. They definitely had a pretty decent advantage going into the midgame when suddenly we have the most BEAUTIFUL fucking teamfights. Like every single player zoned out, clutch heals from Chen, great shackles, top-notch arrow (I assume) and ult usage from Mirana, strong positioning all around and I just dropped all of my spells on their asses.

Top 3 game this year for sure. It wasn't a really close comeback or anything but those fights man, just perfect communication/synergy between the players considering we were just a stack of three with two randoms.

http://dotabuff.com/matches/362669535 (the interesting part starts about 20-25 minutes in)

Just had to let that out lol
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