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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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So what are the Legion Commander changes about? Buffs? Nerfs? I really don't think she required a nerf. Seemed to fare average in pubs and I didn't see anything potentially broker about her.
Legion Commander
Moment of Courage now only procs one extra lifesteal attack [?]

The decrease in cd of MoC is huge though.


arcana items are just amazing:
When equipped, this item grants these custom upgrades to Terrorblade:
Several new animations - Altered voice - New base skin & model with special ambient effects - New Hero icon, portrait, loadout pose & minimap icon - New spell effects and icons - Socketed with a gem that tints the coloring of Terrorblade and all of his abilities - Custom death effect for Terrorblade's victims

That is so much cool


Just realized they buffed the damage on grip without increasing the manacost. ES's lane harass is now even more insane. Maybe not the mid he used to be, but he's now going to win you a side lane easy. Fuck having to push you into towers, he can now harass you to death in lane. He won't need to push you there because you'll be dead by the time he rolls into you after all that harass. If you aim the roll better you can still get his combo off, too. It'll work more like hook, but it'll be harder to do. Or you could push for stun, pull that same remnant for silence and damage, roll properly. He's a not a op core, but he's a crazy good support.

The easiest skill to aim is his most damaging. People are going to have a harder time playing him properly, but he's still crazy. Pushing then pulling the remnant is not as hard as it sounds. They did nerf his ability to kill safely 100 percent by making push the initiation, but yeah. He's gonna win lanes. He can't snipe as easily, I suppose. This is probably a nerf overall, but the changes suit my playstyle a little better.
God those Tinker buffs... Laser does pure damage too so with his ult you can reach 600~1200 damage depending on how you use it with rockets.


Nice change to AP, so you can lose 90 gold by creep wave spawn, might wreck a few starting builds.

Nice change to brood.

15 extra seconds on DP's ult :(
To be expected with the power it brought to the table, hope it doesn't wreck her.

Dem Faceless void changes

Nice small cd reduction on jugg's blade fury

I'm guessing lion's change is going to make aghs mandatory now?

I'm guessing rikki's hp regen buff change will make him slightly tougher to kill pre-6

Nice to see terrorblade. Any chances of others being brought up tomorow?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's all fun and games until Lina gets Take Aim/Searing Arrows/Blink/Walrus Punch


Bull on a Donut
i too think normal TB looks better but I actually have to see them in game

god i hope it really is because if it isn't im guna end up giving my wallet to gaben, screw u valve

this patch is amazing, 15 hp regen on lycan wolves at level 4 holy shit free roshan


Ability draft is the best thing ever. Buffed roshan is big, it will be a fucking monster lategame.

CM is quickly getting to wooden tier, IF stahp. Axe is more and more a jungler now.

Bestmaster is genious. BB is much less autowin in lane now.

DP silence seems incredibly annoying now, huge AoE.

Drow silence is really nice and perfect for her, knockbacking shits out of your zone. Big buff i'm gonna main her for a while i think.

Earth spirit is still stupidly broken i hate this. Fucking nerf him more IF.

CRITShaker best shaker. 310 ms also make roamshaker good, so fun.

Ench why nerf?ZZZ

Enigma little buff, not bad, considering a lot of nerfs this patch.

Void had a HUGE buff. That 90 mana timewalk mean he can flashfarm jungle almost like an AM with a bfury now, and he can also be much more aggressive in lane with the blink cause you'll have the mana to blink many times. The chrono buff is also nice, making him basically teleport inside of chrono lol.

Huskar had his worst spell buffed, as expected.

QE Invoker nerfed, QW and WE slightly buffed. Not an invo player but those seems big nerfs to me.

Jakiro now should level icepath once, max everything else first. Pretty good skills.

Jugg is basically unchanged, so early game utility hero etc...

KotL of the light stun is a real skill, better not move during it.

Legion seems like he can't jungle anymore? Gotta test.

Lesh supp, skip on ullt, take lightning stronger build now.

Lion bah

Sylla now may run more mael since it's no longer orb.

Lycan level 4 wolves can now jungle by themselves super ez. Not sure how relevant this is.

Magnus stronker hero ever. Now even stronker.

Meepo seems pretty decently good now. Not sure how big the buff is for him.

Morph got a decent buff being able to attack, use items and cast spells in waveform again. Make the hero feel a lot less sluggier, and can waveform->ethblade during it.

Necro got a decent buff u won't miss those retarded pulses now as before.

Ogre aghanim seems stupidly fun now, but still not viable.

PA still trash tier, get some more utility.

Riki can lane a bit better.

Sand king can now officially jungle at a decent speed.

SS nerfed ez he was clearly imba hero before.

Sniper +80 range could really be relevant this time. I'm afradi he's like cancer in pubs now.

Why storm nerf so many nerfs.

Sven +3 base armor seems pretty good. He can tank a lot more in lane now, may be worth to run it again in aggressive duo lanes since you can't fucking burst him down.

Terrorbad still bad.

Tide is now cancerous, can't stop that ravage no matter what, like 5 kraken shells trigger in a fight wtf.

Tinker's funny but agha still not good on him, too many imba items to go for.

Treant was already broken, now i'll have 95% wr with him ez. Guise still shitty skill IF plz.

Tusk was barely touched, still trash, still funniest hero ingame. At least his ulti is not a finisher move anymore but a sort of bkb interrupter like it should be on a semi-support like he is.

Undying is another cancerous hero no comment. You can rape tri lanes so much and now he's little less shitty lategame ez.

Veno GG. Still good but still, it'll feel so bad playing him now.

VISAGE FUCKING FINALLY FAMILIARS YES. Fuck them seriously. The hero is being nerfed good.

WR got a really good buff. I think i'll skill FF 10-11 now instead of 13-14. 150 mana at level 3 make for a good lvl 3 ult. Level 1 still sucks though.

Wraith king'll end up stunning all map in 6.83. Still bad, still really good in pubs. Still counterable by everything.

Zeus with 850 cast range arc not sure what this is for. You can literally farm from your tower to their uphill now, antigank mb?

Bfury got a dcent buff, more viable as a teamfight/combo item. Gonna start to try it on Kka.

Blink no mana cost seems insane. It's a huge buff for all those str heroes with mana issues that have to go blink, like ES,SK,WK, Panda etc... they'll go for phase or treads now probably. ES in particular may skip arcane totally and go for a null or maybe no.

Diffusal got +3 agi buff careful guys. Still, it make the item slightly better on some heroes like mirana that like the utility and all that stuff.

Drums nerfed again, but i'm not sure it's a big deal, because of RoA.

Eul stop plz. -2 sec cd seriously omg

GG branch is now even more GG. I gotta see which build are possible now that weren't before. Mostly, now Wand cost 9 gold less, which may not seems a lot but it's a decent buff.

MoM best item on every hero. Drow MoM everygame now. With the new knockback silence she's the legittiest hero ever.

Necro not a big nerf honestly. I thought they'd put a 5 min cd on it or something, so you couldn't get so many necro 3 so fast.

Radiance +5 damage item now clearly broken.

Refresher orb too good -75 gold ez win

RoA got a BIG buff, i repeat a BIG buff. +3 agi is nothing to scoff at for such a little item, this item now give +18 damage 9 ias for 985 gold on agi heroes just in term of damage. That's some huge dps increase for that little honestly, i see mirana and many others going for it over Jango now.

S&Y ZZZ just make the slow not on proc or an aura plz icefrog.

TB even more buffed, but my cm is dead anyway.

Veil now give 6 of all, regen, all stats, and armor. It's a decent buff, and the item was picked up some already anyway. I'll be even more legit now.


oh shit, this looks awesome. TB looks like a bitch to play against. Looking forward to trying the new changes.

think we'll get Phoenix tomorrow still? or maybe next week? I'm assuming tomorrow is the big reveal of the map itself, new cosmetics, mode? etc.


Sylla now may run more mael since it's no longer orb.

You could have always done that, this patch changes absolutely nothing.

I'm really interested in checking out how Str blinkers are now, aswell as Void and Beastmaster. I'd like to check out the new ES aswell, maybe blink will be good on him now?


Do you guys think the brood nerf was too much? I think map boundaries nerf by itself would have been enough. I can't even imagine what it'll be like to play brood vs bloodseeker now. It'll basically be back to 6.78 brood.


You could have always done that, this patch changes absolutely nothing.

I'm really interested in checking out how Str blinkers are now, aswell as Void and Beastmaster. I'd like to check out the new ES aswell, maybe blink will be good on him now?

entangle/maelstrom were only orbs when they proc'd, this might make desolater bear viable


Dam I hate Terroblade, I'm sure I'll be getting ownt by him many times.

Dat AP gold change. going over the rest of the changelog now.


Bull on a Donut
Do you guys think the brood nerf was too much? I think map boundaries nerf by itself would have been enough. I can't even imagine what it'll be like to play brood vs bloodseeker now. It'll basically be back to 6.78 brood.

nope, fuck brood, i'd rather her be shit than the monster she was last patch.


You could have always done that, this patch changes absolutely nothing.

I'm really interested in checking out how Str blinkers are now, aswell as Void and Beastmaster. I'd like to check out the new ES aswell, maybe blink will be good on him now?

Not really, before mael decreased your root chance by 25% since he overrided the entangle, and i'm not sure but it screwed with the RNG too. 25% less roots is really big since entangle is fucking broken.

Bulldoge plz.

EDIT: deso bear lol, but it worked fine in dota2, or did Deso override it too?


Not really, before mael decreased your root chance by 25% since he overrided the entangle, and i'm not sure but it screwed with the RNG too. 25% less roots is really big since entangle is fucking broken.

Bulldoge plz.

EDIT: deso bear lol, but it worked fine in dota2, or did Deso override it too?

deso's an orb effect, i think it would override root


Do you guys think the brood nerf was too much? I think map boundaries nerf by itself would have been enough. I can't even imagine what it'll be like to play brood vs bloodseeker now. It'll basically be back to 6.78 brood.

Yeah way to much. She is one of my favorite heroes and goes right back to being useless again. She wasn't that bad to handle last patch, stuns and focus still easily kill her. I've never seen her be a problem before in games.
Yeah what a huge patch for brew. I wonder if blink should be his first item now, since you can get his combo off without the extra mana.
Huge for not just brew, but every Str hero that has a blink as core.


Everyone for whom using a blink dagger early game meant not being able to cast one if their abilities just got a crazy buff. A meta-changing buff? Just might be.
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