Skadi Bear. You will never escape.
the stats are useless on the bear, go deso for faster push
Skadi Bear. You will never escape.
Take Aim range bonus increased from 80/160/240/320 to 100/200/300/400
I'm ready for the milkman sniper pub train of deathIt's sniping time! Is sniper op yet?
Yeah what a huge patch for brew. I wonder if blink should be his first item now, since you can get his combo off without the extra mana.
were is this patch volvo??
It's sniping time! Is sniper op yet?
I bought treads that game doesn't count.ur sniper sucks dude my ember spirit owns u
Fucking finally, goddam.Observer Ward
Can be targeted on allies to transfer one charge
Some of these changes are really fun, can't wait to see people use this.Shadow Amulet
Fade delay improved from 1.8 to 1.5
Can now be used on allies [?]
Huge for not just brew, but every Str hero that has a blink as core.
Everyone for whom using a blink dagger early game meant not being able to cast one if their abilities just got a crazy buff. A meta-changing buff? Just might be.
why the fuck are all the wrong heroes getting buffed? and he nerfs the fucking jakiro icepath? whoever is in charge of this game's balance is senile
It was always the first item, you don't really need anything other than a bottle already. I know some people like getting drums but it's not really needed.
I've been thinking about it a bit and I'm worried this Sniper buff might severly hamper my enjoyment of Dota. At my noob low level match making, you see Sniper in almost every game and more often than not people just feed him by being terribad. This is shit gonna make things even worse. Gonna have to either stack or gome home.
I was thinking even before mana boots, since blink, slam, ult only costs 275 mana at level 7 now.
I forgot but magnus is broken now. +2 base int, you can skip Arcane, go treads and bottle and blink and still have nice mana management. I love this blink buff. I'm gonna S4 it so much.
Day 3: Phoenix with Phoenix arcana that turns her into an actual Phoenix
I remember being in the trench and seeing a lot of Sniper. I don't recall him being a pub stomper at lower levels though. He's just god awful but bad players like him due to how easy he is to play. He's not easy to do well with however just based on how many weaknesses he got.
Do you mind being more specific? There don't seem to be a lot of straight buffs for heroes that are usually considered to be really good or OP in 6.79.
What is Icefrog thinking with Lina? Am I supposed to be carrying now? Give me increased aoe or range on LSA or decrease delay or something. I run carry Lina in bot games and semi-carry sometimes for fun online, it's not viable competitively ever.
going throught the list quickly, this is what comes to mind:
slardar shouldn't have been buffed, for one. he already deals a ton of damage with all the buffs to his ult. that thing is going to be op as shit
spirit breaker also shouldn't be buffed, even a bit. he wasn't even nerfed significantly in the last update actually, people just stopped playing it. the nerf last update was like, his ult can be cancelled now or something. that wasn't really what made the hero good
shadow shaman shouldn't have been buffed. the buff to his ult last patch already made him way too good
earth spirit should've gotten the broodmother treatment
ns shouldn't have been buffed. he's already really good with the changes to night time and the -vision his ult gives. not significant but still
lycan was already really good in this update. shouldn't have been buffed as well
desolator on bear is dumb
huskar buffs are dumb. hero was fine before. might become a problem again
dp should've had her ult nerfed to what it was before the last patch, kept the nuke cd. buff to silence is ok though
change to stampede is dumb
bs getting buffed again. fuck that
alchemist didn't get nerfed enough as well
don't think wr or tinker should've been buffed either. especially tinker
also i don't like the change to void's ult cooldown
Slardar isn't getting many points in his bash until mid game anyway, when other heroes greatly out damage him, so it's not that big of a buff.slardar shouldn't have been buffed, for one. he already deals a ton of damage with all the buffs to his ult. that thing is going to be op as shit
Not really, before mael decreased your root chance by 25% since he overrided the entangle, and i'm not sure but it screwed with the RNG too. 25% less roots is really big since entangle is fucking broken.
Bulldoge plz.
EDIT: deso bear lol, but it worked fine in dota2, or did Deso override it too?
I really don't think caustic should be an orb effectWhat's wrong with it?
All I want is very slight damage buffs to her nukes so a Dragon Slave/LSA combo will clear a creep wave.
*high five*Oh the other thing is I can't wait for the first RP/Aghs Finger combo vids. Will be glorious.
It wasn't 25% less roots, it was more like 10% or even less, it abrely even mattered. This is as much of a buff to Syla as less 4 base damage is a nerf to BB.
What? 1 root in 4 would've been overrided by Mael proc. Mael has a 25% chance to proc, so that stand true for entangle procs, no matter the chance for entagle was.
I wonder if blink would be something to get on Brood, just to get out of vision as soon as possible.