why is the first post in this thread about animal crossing? did i miss something
we circlejerk now
why is the first post in this thread about animal crossing? did i miss something
So, assume that you got a root, which is 25%. There is a 25% on that 25% that the lightning would proc, so, the chance of a mael proc preventing a root proc is, exactly, 6.25%.
It barely matters.
Dota 3DSwhy is the first post in this thread about animal crossing? did i miss something
You still have time.Kinda makes me sad that I never got to experience getting roflstomped by Earth Spirit.
Dota 3DS
I guess no visual remakes for any of the heroes with changes :x
Poor Slardar
You still have time.
spirit breaker also shouldn't be buffed, even a bit. he wasn't even nerfed significantly in the last update actually, people just stopped playing it. the nerf last update was like, his ult can be cancelled now or something. that wasn't really what made the hero good
Also, no Elder Titan changes?
Did he fall out of the meta when I wasn't looking?
why the fuck are all the wrong heroes getting buffed? and he nerfs the fucking jakiro icepath? whoever is in charge of this game's balance is senile
Divided We Stand is going to be pretty crazy in that ability pick mode
Divided We Stand is going to be pretty crazy in that ability pick mode
i feel like it wont be every ability...maybe just some like they did in wraith night
Is terrorblade in the test client? I need to install the test client.
No. Isn't out yet, and probably wont go up tonight.
The fact that the 6.80 version of dota 1 hasn't gone up, or even had its change log posted yet on playdota, suggests that were not done yet.
I'm expecting phoenix for dota 2 still, and sun wukong + 6.80 for dota 1. So more news tomorrow and test client maybe wednesday?
No. Isn't out yet, and probably wont go up tonight.
The fact that the 6.80 version of dota 1 hasn't gone up, or even had its change log posted yet on playdota, suggests that were not done yet.
I'm expecting phoenix for dota 2 still, and sun wukong + 6.80 for dota 1. So more news tomorrow and test client maybe wednesday?
Hero is harder to play now and less effective as a solo ganker, but I think he may still be too strong. We'll see.
rearm + disables
Rearm +disables + ESSENCE AURA
Split shot + Take Aim + Metamorphosis (Not sure whether this sets range or adds; if it sets, another dmg aura like luna or sf) + Troll Ulti
Doesn't it seem like this patch makes Sniper one of the best pushing heroes? He can outzone towers by level two of Take Aim and Shrapnel at max level does decent tower damage as well. Sniper, Pugna, Death Prophet, Enchantress/Shadow Shaman, and a Luna could make for one hell of a push team.
is that new mode permanent or just for this thing?
You now lose one gold per second if you haven't picked a hero after the selection timer runs out in All Pick
But while he is sitting there attacking the tower you can just gank his face and make him explode.
He still has to deal with no escapes and a pitiful health pool.
In pubs though with inexperience players I'm sure he will be able to dominate.
Outside of some nerfs to DK, veno, Bristle and DP, this patch doesn't do a whole lot to combat the 5 man deathball push squad. I think maybe towers should be buffed? Extra Armor or HP?
Outside of some nerfs to DK, veno, Bristle and DP, this patch doesn't do a whole lot to combat the 5 man deathball push squad. I think maybe towers should be buffed? Extra Armor or HP?
This would drag the average match time up, which would not be a good thing.. matches .. even landslides are still too long.
Aftershock plus quill spray
I really think there will be limits on this, some combos would be absurd
This would drag the average match time up, which would not be a good thing.. matches .. even landslides are still too long.