Na you aren't flatly wrong, that's the thing about dota, it's all guess-work and opinions, there isn't a single definitive judgement.
I agree with you, I think 5 man deathball push is too strong in 6.79 and it's the "thing" from the lowest tiers all the way to competitive. Heroes like SD, KOTL, and DS simply don't cut it anymore because these 5 man push drafts will co-opt powerful team-fight and control heroes, and simply roll your team in a tower dive with a quick mek before bulldozing down a tier 1 and tier 2. This starts around 8 minutes in, you can have most t2's down by 20 minutes, and by then your team is way overfarmed compared to the enemy and taking t3's isn't too difficult. Can even slow siege as you farm the entire map. In my experience, it's by far one of the easier strats to execute and the easiest way to score ranked wins when drafting.
The Chinese pretty much figured this out and it's why they had a pretty strong showing at D2L. I think the only way to deal with these teams and heroes (stuff like pugna, veno, visage, dk, shadow shaman, etc... it's not a problem with individual heroes but when you put rather when you put these guys together) is to pick your own push/team-fight oriented line-up and anticipate and ban around theirs. I generally first ban pugna in ranked because I really don't want to deal with that shit.
However, 6.80 seems to take down a few of these problematic supports that enabled such early deathball (veno, CM, visage most notably). Plus Roshan is considerably more difficult and these lineups would gain an even greater advantage over you by taking a very quick and early roshan after your t2's. We'll see what happens, I think we'll see a return of the AoE meta around heroes like Magnus. Lots of ultis got buffed and AoE's in general, not to mention that gigantic blink buff.