Apparently Terrorblade has a reputation for feeding in Dota 1?
Fuck yeah terrorblade! He's gonna be so fun to make items for!!!!
I dunno how you're gonna fit feathers on this guy.Fuck yeah terrorblade! He's gonna be so fun to make items for!!!!
Apparently Terrorblade has a reputation for feeding in Dota 1?
I am so fucking glad I'm not the only one this has been happening to. I've described it the exact same way. And there are so many lineups that work for it that its difficult to tell when its going to happen from the picking/drafting stage. Cause you don't even need the obvious "pushing" tells like Death Prophet or Natures Prophet, just a good tank, some aoe, and a couple reliable stuns is usually enough to do it.
he's got absurdly low hp and no escape; all his survivability comes from his base stats (armor, MS) and sunder
Just purposely get low hp then switch your health with your enemy's and 1 shot
CM got nerfed again, goddamnit.
So when does the patch actually drop? Can't be the 6th...
Sooo Luna?
I imagine we get test client tomorrow and patch Wednesday.
I imagine we get test client tomorrow and patch Wednesday.
man screw hearthstone. that game has made me angier than I get in dota 2
back to collecting hats and screw that p2w card game
Man, if day one is a new game mode and day two is the balance patch and more, Valve must have something awesome up their sleeves for day 3.
Outside of some nerfs to DK, veno, Bristle and DP, this patch doesn't do a whole lot to combat the 5 man deathball push squad. I think maybe towers should be buffed? Extra Armor or HP?
Or maybe the custom map/game editor.
She was the single most picked Hero in 6.79. She was definitely going to eat nerfs one way or the other.
What patch notes were you reading? DP got buffed. Sucks for pubs.
Or maybe the custom map/game editor.
His face does resemble AM's
Did they made terror blade look like shit to sell an arcana
Good God valve
Maybe Terrorblade went to hell, became a demon, and is still AMs Brother!
Non-arcana looks better
So how do I wanna build Terrorblade? He's obviously a carry, I know that much.
Drow better or worse?Build whatever you want, because he is a terrible Hero.
Maybe. It could be enough to make her ult a major factor in games, and not a sometimes-passive. Frost arrows and Precision Aura were already really strong before this.Seriously speaking, is Drow actually a viable hero now? That new Silence looks really interesting.
So how do I wanna build Terrorblade? He's obviously a carry, I know that much.