Milkman was pretty much dominating that 1 v 1, it's pretty obvious.
Just won my first game playing as TB, was a lot of fun. A common error I see with other tb's I play with/against is that they play him as a late game hero, when his power growth, imo, is highest at midgame, level 7-11.
My build is nothing special, I think its mostly common sense. First point in snare, second/third in meta, fourth in illusion, max those both and pick up ult at 10 & 11. I dislike sunder early because it's cost is prohibitive, and it won't help you push lanes.
PMS for inlane, first big item I picked up was yasha. The MS is really good on TB who lacks an escape option, and a short ranged snare, the stats also carry over to his illusion. Treads for more health and AS. BKB is core on him imo, magic damage is his weakness (he has an insane amount of base armor). After that I helm of the dominator or manta is a good pickup on him, and finally for a luxury either skadi or daedalus.
Playstyle is usually being super agressive. You can get kills pretty easy against non strength heroes at level 2. Should be trying to force fights whenever meta is up, or split pushing with it. Try to pump out your illusions with meta up. I like to pop meta and illusion before revealing myself in the fog, casting illusion in combat can cost you a kill due to it's cast animation. People will usually run as soon as they see you in meta.