How the fuck do you even kill this fucking terror guy. Every fucking fight is a giant waste of time, you're literally killing yourself when you try to kill him.
dude i wouldnt lie to you
skywrath mage has a slow, a damage amplifying silence, and his ult is a low cooldown/high damage nuke
he will think he can walk up to you and attack you and crush you because youre squishwrath mage but you will have him crippled and fleeing from a creeping arcane bolt if the ult doesnt turn him to chili first
god damnit dota gaf im gonna make you fall in love with Dragonus the Skywrath Mage even if it kills me!
You've thought this through?
What role do you usually play?
My solo mmr is at around 2.8k b/c I usually support. Often times I got shit carries/people who just plain made bad decisions. Only reason my mmr has gone up was due to me taking a higher impact role.
Man it did not take long for people to start taking Random Ability mode serious. Somebody got mad at me cause I wouldn't Rosh with Ursa. Which I couldn't do cause I had none of Ursa's abilities to do it.
Is 4K solo rating considered decent?
of course:
1K - Bottom
2K - Bad-Mediocre
3K - Decent
4K - Good
5K - Really Good/Pub star/Pro level
6K - Top tier
Who is Ellesime on gaf ? Too many lurkers and smurfs gg.
Is there a video of his play style? I tried ember a couple times and really liked him, especially the versatility of his ult, I just wish I was better at knowing how to use his skills properly. He's definitely a bad ass when you get going though!
thats ksanny
Need Dagon for proper Boys N The Hood drive-by shootings.
Holy shit, why did no one tell me.
Ksan is Clan_Iraq from PD? Lmao. What a disaster.
dude i wouldnt lie to you
skywrath mage has a slow, a damage amplifying silence, and his ult is a low cooldown/high damage nuke
he will think he can walk up to you and attack you and crush you because youre squishwrath mage but you will have him crippled and fleeing from a creeping arcane bolt if the ult doesnt turn him to chili first
god damnit dota gaf im gonna make you fall in love with Dragonus the Skywrath Mage even if it kills me!
It's really easy to tell who the assholes are right away. If I find someone to be whiny, dickish, an asshole while trying to order everyone around, or a rager of course I just comm report them even if they haven't sworn or done something offensive in particular. Those kind of people are a negative impact game after game, and I get that thanks for reporting message all the time.
EDIT: New page is the perfect time to ask: Phoenix is here but where is IHL MILKMAN?
I's think Sniper would the the bane of a TB's existence. That mini stun and range.dude sniper owns tb i even carried drunksan jugg with it
is there a hero Arteezy wont get a midas for
If you can get it early, why not get a midas?
Nothing like a good Sylla game to get you in a good mood.
Nothing like a good Sylla game to get you in a good mood.
That just means you climbed up a lot!I go 8-2 on my solo calibration games and my solo MMR is under 3K.. So demoralizing...
Nah. Combos damage was garunteed and now you have to use a rock to farm waves/jungle. If you wanted someone dead as ES you would just pull and roll anyway so it doesn't matter. Or GITGUD at kicking.Having played Earth Spirit last night, he seems a lot more balanced. He's probably pretty close to being perfectly fine.
Things I found
- Grip doing the bulk of the damage now is actually a buff. It's easier to land for finishing off people in the distance.
I really don't think playing support is ever an excuse for low MMR, I'm 3.8k MMR and I primarily play support, if you're playing support well then you pretty much have the most high impact role in a game.
Not that I'm good but you can easily win games by playing well on a support, have a 14 game win streak on Crystal Maiden right now and sure I can't win every game single handily but you can win your lane for your carry, help your mid win, turn around team fights with a Mek.
The important thing to remember is that their players are as bad as yours, if you're a good support then you're the one making the difference
Went 4-6 solo, predominantly as support, finished with 3.9 MMR.
Just a tossup as to how they're really scoring these things. I don't think there's actual concrete evidence on how you're ranked.
Pretty sure it uses your unranked mmr (since you've played a bunch by the time you can play ranked) as the starting point, then adjusts with x amount of uncertainty each game.
i love playing PA, farming in the jungle, then seeing anti mage come down the lane trying to farm and push down the tower
then grinding him to dust with the might of your crits
assassination at its finest
Nothing like a good Sylla game to get you in a good mood.
I wish they would rework AM so he wasn't so farm dependent. His design feels so outdated.
So just had my first non-bot invoker game. Didn't go terrible... Just need to find a better guide and stick to it so my invoke level is way behind my E Still got fucking rolled though because the team was utter shit.
Quas exort mostly.quas wex or quas exort?