So after it has been in game for a few days, I want to hear opinions on this: Tinker: to Aghanim's or not to Aghanim's? That is the question.
Cheaper than Scythe
Smaller parts than Scythe, 3/4 can be bought at regular shop
Makes you be able to participate in team fights from a safe distance
Allows you to effectively disable right clicking carries without getting close to them
Gives you nice stats, HP, and Mana
Allows you to deal more damage overall in fights, in addition to just marches and two missiles
Not a real disable like Scythe, so won't disable those troublesome casters
Ties into the above, but you can't permasheep an extremely troublesome target.
Honestly in most situations I think it is worth it, still going for Scythe after if you can. I've only gotten to do it once, but laser range made a huge difference. The enemy Medusa did not go MKB, so she was pretty useless and easy to kill.
Yeah, it depends if I can make AS before their carries can make king bars. It's pretty steam-rolly once you get those early multikills. I almost wish they added march of machines buff too for full trolololol
I wouldn't replace a scythe with an aghs. I'd replace a dagon with an aghs.
So depending no how the game is going, I'd go
Soul/Bottle/Travels --> Aghs/Sheep --> Sheep/Aghs --> whatever else is appropriate.
Never abandon the hard disable on Tinker. Ever. For any reason.
If you skip bots - ags is much funner. early/mid game