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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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So after it has been in game for a few days, I want to hear opinions on this: Tinker: to Aghanim's or not to Aghanim's? That is the question.

Cheaper than Scythe
Smaller parts than Scythe, 3/4 can be bought at regular shop
Makes you be able to participate in team fights from a safe distance
Allows you to effectively disable right clicking carries without getting close to them
Gives you nice stats, HP, and Mana
Allows you to deal more damage overall in fights, in addition to just marches and two missiles

Not a real disable like Scythe, so won't disable those troublesome casters
Ties into the above, but you can't permasheep an extremely troublesome target.

Honestly in most situations I think it is worth it, still going for Scythe after if you can. I've only gotten to do it once, but laser range made a huge difference. The enemy Medusa did not go MKB, so she was pretty useless and easy to kill.

Yeah, it depends if I can make AS before their carries can make king bars. It's pretty steam-rolly once you get those early multikills. I almost wish they added march of machines buff too for full trolololol

I wouldn't replace a scythe with an aghs. I'd replace a dagon with an aghs.

So depending no how the game is going, I'd go

Soul/Bottle/Travels --> Aghs/Sheep --> Sheep/Aghs --> whatever else is appropriate.

Never abandon the hard disable on Tinker. Ever. For any reason.

If you skip bots - ags is much funner. early/mid game


1) Semi-hard option: Counterpick Bounty and farm him
2) Zero skills required option: Counterpick Bloodseeker and farm him

I do counterpick Riki with BH all the damn time but both times yesterday, the Riki was a lastpick. I had already picked my heroes. It didn't help that for the party game, our only carry was Slark.

EDIT: And don't tell me not to play all pick.

Also, I'm really surprised that despite the gold penalty to picking late, I'm still seeing a ton of late pickers in all pick still. Right now, it's a goddamn clusterfuck because players need to decide between being counterpicked or starting off on the wrong foot with less gold. It's a decision that shouldn't even need to be made by players at that point in the game.


imo its not even arguable to take the aghs over the sheepstick

why fix something that isnt broken? that disable ruins lives for a good reason, and four rockets just cant replace that power


imo its not even arguable to take the aghs over the sheepstick

why fix something that isnt broken? that disable ruins lives for a good reason, and four rockets just cant replace that power

yeah, if I were gonna go aghs, i'd replace dagon, but I'm not sure I'd even do that.


Any merit in going for it as an alternative to dagon instead of scythe?

I wouldn't replace a scythe with an aghs. I'd replace a dagon with an aghs.

So depending no how the game is going, I'd go

Soul/Bottle/Travels --> Aghs/Sheep --> Sheep/Aghs --> whatever else is appropriate.

Never abandon the hard disable on Tinker. Ever. For any reason.

I don't think I'd get aghs either; I'd just go sheep, orchid and some other disable like halberd, euls, necro 3 etc.

Laser their right click, sheep, orchid whoever then rearm repeat. The 4 missiles are nice, but it's a big investment

Yeah, it depends if I can make AS before their carries can make king bars. It's pretty steam-rolly once you get those early multikills. I almost wish they added march of machines buff too for full trolololol

If you skip bots - ags is much funner. early/mid game


imo its not even arguable to take the aghs over the sheepstick

why fix something that isnt broken? that disable ruins lives for a good reason, and four rockets just cant replace that power

yeah, if I were gonna go aghs, i'd replace dagon, but I'm not sure I'd even do that.

I really meant going Aghanim before Scythe, still getting it after. I imagine I probably will more often get Aghanim over Dagon now, however in the past the utility of other items like Euls or Eblade took priority over Dragon in most situations. Aghanim gives you both greater utility and teamfight presence.

I do wish it did something to march though, even if it was only halving the mana cost or something.

Chris R

Gotta love that point in a game when you aren't sure if you will ever be fat enough to help, then it all starts to turn up your way.

Had to sell my freaking treads since I was already 5 slotted when I got another aegis, first world doto problems


Has anyone tried Venge on a role other than support lately? I just wanna try it out in a bot match, but you can go Treads or even Phase for more dmg and chase since shes at 345 ms with treads, but treads are the better choice
From there you can get aquila or just rush Manta or even S&Y for good stats all around, then go Deso for dmg and stack the minus armor and get whatever you need from there

Even blink doesn't sound that bad now that it has no mana cost

Blink > Stun >Wave of terror and a lot of supports wll melt, plus she sort of has an escape with her ult

Skills should be max first 3, get ult at 6 or 11, then max stats

This may or may not be awful idea, but I like the hero so I just want to try out something like this
Has anyone tried Venge on a role other than support lately? I just wanna try it out in a bot match, but you can go Treads or even Phase for more dmg and chase since shes at 345 ms with treads, but treads are the better choice
From there you can get aquila or just rush Manta or even S&Y for good stats all around, then go Deso for dmg and stack the minus armor and get whatever you need from there

Even blink doesn't sound that bad now that it has no mana cost

Blink > Stun >Wave of terror and a lot of supports wll melt, plus she sort of has an escape with her ult

Skills should be max first 3, get ult at 6 or 11, then max stats

This may or may not be awful idea, but I like the hero so I just want to try out something like this

Navi has run carry venge a few times for shits and giggles.

Anything can work in pubs so why not?

She has better stat gain then plenty of other agility carries.


Has anyone tried Venge on a role other than support lately? I just wanna try it out in a bot match, but you can go Treads or even Phase for more dmg and chase since shes at 345 ms with treads, but treads are the better choice
From there you can get aquila or just rush Manta or even S&Y for good stats all around, then go Deso for dmg and stack the minus armor and get whatever you need from there

Even blink doesn't sound that bad now that it has no mana cost

Blink > Stun >Wave of terror and a lot of supports wll melt, plus she sort of has an escape with her ult

Skills should be max first 3, get ult at 6 or 11, then max stats

This may or may not be awful idea, but I like the hero so I just want to try out something like this

carried with her yesterday http://dotabuff.com/matches/493951188

also i just got done with this match as skywrath http://dotabuff.com/matches/496208289



the amount of 4 stacked douchebags in ranked mm is amazing

I played support for them bought everything, courier, wards, smoke, sentries, they can't speak english for shit yet they can speak english when they want to insult you.


relies on auto-aim
the amount of 4 stacked douchebags in ranked mm is amazing

I played support for them bought everything, courier, wards, smoke, sentries, they can't speak english for shit yet they can speak english when they want to insult you.
This doesn't happen if you pick Earth Sp- oh wait
the amount of 4 stacked douchebags in ranked mm is amazing

I played support for them bought everything, courier, wards, smoke, sentries, they can't speak english for shit yet they can speak english when they want to insult you.

Sounds about right. Amazes me that people who can't form a sentence in English have mastered "fuck you", "bitch", and "fuck your mother".


What happens when you go repel - rearm tinker:


Btw, how long does it take for an item to become marketable?


Bull on a Donut
In case anyone cares, the creator of the Deadknight set is remaking it to match Wraith King better

And also Regalia of the Wraithlord (remake of the Bonelord set). Although this one might be too much of a deviation (but was done on Valve's request)

Exciting stuff in the land of cosmetic remakes.

I have some pieces from that second set and surprisingly enough, they look really really good on wraith king. I like the shoulder, cape, and the weapon, the helm doesn't fit but no complaints about the former three--huge upgrade over the original model IMO. Hope they let us keep the original version of any remakes.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Btw, how long does it take for an item to become marketable?

Everything from frostivus is marketable now, so shortly after the event it comes from. Not sure about sets from the Dota store, but a month or two tops seems to be the case.
I'm working on upgrading my prize pool tracking system and merging it all under one site.

Do you have any ideas what other information I can include? I'm already planning on adding the League ID list for auto spectating.


On the newer tournaments such as D2CL Season 2 I will hopefully have a prize pool tracking chart in place as well so you can see how fast/slow it is increasing.


Here is one of the old sites if you're unaware of what it is for: http://dota2.cyborgmatt.com/starladder


I'm working on upgrading my prize pool tracking system and merging it all under one site.

Different currencies, contribution $/day, comparisons to MLG/Starladder8/TI3, $/per player (divide by five)

It should also have Nature's Profit cyborgmatt as custodian of the wealth with a huge superimposed image and lots of gold coins and shit


I am so fucking tired of getting stomped by Riki in pubs. The problem is a good Riki requires two things to counter:

1. Strong and smart support players
2. Good teamwork

If you lack either of them, you're fucked. For supports, it's not as simple as buying sentries and dust and stuff because you will always be limited by the amount of gold you have. It's about knowing when to buy them as well as when and where to use them. For example, you don't fucking plant a sentry less than 1000 units away from your safelane tower when you can clearly see Riki farming your offlane. It's just a waste of gold. As a support, you need to know when your carry needs to be babysitted while he farms in the early to mid game.

Yesterday, I faced Riki twice in two ranked matches. One was solo queue and one was a 5-man party. The solo queue was terrible because the supports were bad and the teamwork was bad (people running off to NC when we should be pushing mid with sentries in hand as Riki clearly was fat and had map control). On the other hand, we had good teamwork for the party game but our support was useless (CM bought Treads and Drums, FFS). Both times, we got stomped.

Slardar... GG Riki
Question for people who play at higher levels. Do you get people all chatting, post game, asking you to commend them? I seem to experience it almost every game and I don't really know why. Are there any benefits that come with having a lot of commendations?


Question for people who play at higher levels. Do you get people all chatting, post game, asking you to commend them? I seem to expeience it almost every game and I don't really know why. Are there any benefits that come with having a lot of commendatiosns?

I'm currently at 4.6k and that pretty much never happens in my games. Commendations don't do anything beyond showing up in your profile.


Question for people who play at higher levels. Do you get people all chatting, post game, asking you to commend them? I seem to experience it almost every game and I don't really know why. Are there any benefits that come with having a lot of commendations?

Its DotA epeen

The only people i ever commend are those who actually play amazingly and were clearly the main factor in helping the team win


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Yeah that's what I assumed. Maybe it's just a thing at lower levels? I dunno why but for some reason it annoys me.

Kids do that shit. People who need to increase the size of their ePeen. I always just respond by asking them why I should.
The best is when they shittalk, feed, and complain all game, then go "plz commend :)" when the rest of the team carries them to victory. Though sometimes it's hard to hate on the long troll.

Maybe they believe that having commends balances out reports in determining if you go to low priority (it doesn't, does it?).


Still wondering, is it worth making a new account if I've been pulled down to garbage MMR? These games are unplayable.

Unless you think you can pull off huge strings of wins or are stacking consistently it won't matter, you will just end up in the same garbage MMR.

The best is when they shittalk, feed, and complain all game, then go "plz commend :)" when the rest of the team carries them to victory. Though sometimes it's hard to hate on the long troll.

Maybe they believe that having commends balances out reports in determining if you go to low priority (it doesn't, does it?).



Unless you think you can pull off huge strings of wins or are stacking consistently it won't matter, you will just end up in the same garbage MMR.

I dropped this low when one teammate went away for a month long holiday and the other's computer broke. Throw in teaching a new player during that time. Went on something like 3x10 losing streaks and it snowballed. I play support, so I can't win unless I have competent players on my team. Was at a pretty consistently high tier of players for months beforehand.

I know it sounds douchey to say "I'm not in this tier because I'm bad, it's because of bad luck!" but that's sure as hell what it feels like. Every game I'm in ends with a teammate at 1-15-1 or something ridiculous.

If I were to make a new account, I'd have my teammates some of the time but wouldn't be able to stack. At the moment I'm about ready to delete DotA though, I can't keep playing with this level of player and the game hasn't been remotely fun for a while now.


I dropped this low when one teammate went away for a month long holiday and the other's computer broke. Throw in teaching a new player during that time. Went on something like 3x10 losing streaks and it snowballed. I play support, so I can't win unless I have competent players on my team. Was at a pretty consistently high tier of players for months beforehand.

I know it sounds douchey to say "I'm not in this tier because I'm bad, it's because of bad luck!" but that's sure as hell what it feels like. Every game I'm in ends with a teammate at 1-15-1 or something ridiculous.

If I were to make a new account, I'd have my teammates some of the time but wouldn't be able to stack. At the moment I'm about ready to delete DotA though, I can't keep playing with this level of player and the game hasn't been remotely fun for a while now.
I think on reddit I read it is about 200 game/hour investment to go level 1-->13. If you think that is worth it by all means.

God Enel

Kids do that shit. People who need to increase the size of their ePeen. I always just respond by asking them why I should.

i report them. its fucking annoying. same as writing "EZ" when the game is finished. when you play AR and get like 5 hard carries and the opponents a balanced team, the game is obviously "EZ". just shut up and play.


Navi has run carry venge a few times for shits and giggles.

Anything can work in pubs so why not?

She has better stat gain then plenty of other agility carries.

2.6 STR gain, 2.8 AGI gain
The only other agi hero with higher STR gain is Ursa at 2.9 but 2.1 AGI gain

carried with her yesterday http://dotabuff.com/matches/493951188

also i just got done with this match as skywrath http://dotabuff.com/matches/496208289


Yup, something along those line


Solo queue can be soul-crushing at times.

First game. Guy first picked CM. Plants ward in mid directly in front of our tower when I say we need to ward because they have Pudge. Told him that's not the way to ward. Proceeds to do that multiple times throughout the game regardless.

Second game. Guy picks Sniper after we have OD, Luna and CM (me). Last guy picks Lifestealer. I don't even................

My MMR is 3.1k. I'm not sure what to think anymore.
Solo queue can be soul-crushing at times.

First game. Guy first picked CM. Plants ward in mid directly in front of our tower when I say we need to ward because they have Pudge. Told him that's not the way to ward. Proceeds to do that multiple times throughout the game regardless.

Second game. Guy picks Sniper after we have OD, Luna and CM (me). Last guy picks Lifestealer. I don't even................

My MMR is 3.1k. I'm not sure what to think anymore.

Oh well at least the CM's heart was in the right place. Atm I consider myself fortunate when playing carry and not having to buy courier.
Slardar... GG Riki

Sladar is a beast! Had a game yestersday that I started out slow and was worried it wasn't going to end well. Once I started rolling even terror blade couldn't do anything. His stuns are a nightmare for teams going against him.

I can see blink working well on him but since I didn't have any issues tracking down enemies I skipped it and went for more damage and attack speed.


Just won a game I shouldn't have won because it ended up being a 4v5 when their OD disconnected about 15 mins in when we were getting wrecked. Granted our AM was awesome and carried HARD but still.....

It also helped that I scum picked ES (the real one) when I saw they had CK and TB. That ulti really helped clear up all the shit in team fights. Lol. CK and TB bought Mantas as well. LOL



i don't think luna is OP at all, but i really hope she gets nerfed soon because i am tired of seeing her in every single pro match


I tried ranked match for the first time yesterday with a friend. Seems way harder. We always faced 4 or even 5 guys together and the other 3 on my team were not in the same party. Hm...
So I got Fury Swipes, Phantom Strke, and Sprint as OD.

Managed to own everyone then my teammates went retard and keep feeding enemies and makes the dumbest items.

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