Death Prophet is the most cancerous pubstomp hero in the game, no question. Her ult should be as powerful as it is right now but it should have the cooldown of black hole.
Death Prophet is the most cancerous pubstomp hero in the game, no question. Her ult should be as powerful as it is right now but it should have the cooldown of black hole.
nah, riki is terrible if nobody buys wards/gems/dust
Just had a game where riki got out of hand and was fat as fuck at like 35 mins
It happened
I would agree he is a pain, but literally all it takes is your support buying some dust and sentries. There is no item counter to DP outside of everyone getting blademail. Who do people think the best hero counter to her is?
I would agree he is a pain, but literally all it takes is your support buying some dust and sentries. There is no item counter to DP outside of everyone getting blademail. Who do people think the best hero counter to her is?
nah, riki is terrible if nobody buys wards/gems/dust
Just had a game where riki got out of hand and was fat as fuck at like 35 mins
Dude randoms CM and says "carry cm," goes mid. Builds this
not sure i'd ever build tranq on a carry.
carry maiden won you the game lbr
no one expects the unexpected. how do you prepare for linkens rylai?
I really wish the matchmaking didn't think that when I party up with one friend, an appropriate enemy team is made up of four or five guys in a party. It seems like this happens constantly these days.
scum prophet picker
Death Prophet is the most cancerous pubstomp hero in the game, no question. Her ult should be as powerful as it is right now but it should have the cooldown of black hole.
my friends and i were bitching about that the day the patch came out
i just do not feel like the cooldown is long enough. she can take two towers in one go if her team supports her.
Terrorrblade is the most devastating split pusher, holy shit. Give him Drums, BoT's, Manta, Skadi and it's GG.
Terrorrblade is the most devastating split pusher, holy shit. Give him Drums, BoT's, Manta, Skadi and it's GG.
Someone hasn't seen terrorblade's metamorphosis' pushing power.
so dont let him get those
I've gradually added All Pick back into my mode rotation. It's really not so bad, even before the new anti-counterpick change. 9/10 games I end up just hitting random anyways cause dat gold.
Surprised myself with a monster Chen game today. All that micro practice on Visage starting to pay off.
but i have, with my carry venge crushing the enemy anti-mage in the process if you recall
daRTZzle mid again? tree mid?
edit gg rTAz
I would agree he is a pain, but literally all it takes is your support buying some dust and sentries. There is no item counter to DP outside of everyone getting blademail. Who do people think the best hero counter to her is?
my mmr dropped like 500 over the last week so i decided to play ap and got matched up with weedman. he literally afk in the middle of the game to smoke weed. at least he doesn't pause
i've seen the most ridiculous things over the last couple of days too. i don't know if it's the new patch or the huge loss streak i'm in
15-2 with Luna. Go GG Rapier. Cost team game. Now I feel bad for doing that to my team : (
I really wish the matchmaking didn't think that when I party up with one friend, an appropriate enemy team is made up of four or five guys in a party. It seems like this happens constantly these days.
15-2 with Luna. Go GG Rapier. Cost team game. Now I feel bad for doing that to my team : (
I am so fucking tired of getting stomped by Riki in pubs.
15-2 with Luna. Go GG Rapier. Cost team game. Now I feel bad for doing that to my team : (
So after it has been in game for a few days, I want to hear opinions on this: Tinker: to Aghanim's or not to Aghanim's? That is the question.
Cheaper than Scythe
Smaller parts than Scythe, 3/4 can be bought at regular shop
Makes you be able to participate in team fights from a safe distance
Allows you to effectively disable right clicking carries without getting close to them
Gives you nice stats, HP, and Mana
Allows you to deal more damage overall in fights, in addition to just marches and two missiles
Not a real disable like Scythe, so won't disable those troublesome casters
Ties into the above, but you can't permasheep an extremely troublesome target.
Honestly in most situations I think it is worth it, still going for Scythe after if you can. I've only gotten to do it once, but laser range made a huge difference. The enemy Medusa did not go MKB, so she was pretty useless and easy to kill.