Just send visages minions to the top left corner, he gets stuck so you can pound on him.
The beast is still jumping around. Am I supposed to let it chase the fams first?
So the Ursa + WK wombo combo is already gone?
Guys found another exploit. (Thanks to the guys over at FacePunch!)
Basically pick Visage and send the birds to the corner of the map.
Beast stands still, and you just keep attacking. Ez Jades.
Post is done also I missed out on all the cheap non-Genuine Genuine items, sad face.
Couldn't get this to work, lmao, more indepth?
edit: nvm got it
Is desolator good on him?
Can you help me out? I still can't make it happen. Do you start the mode and immediately send fams to the corner? Where should the players stand?
heh.. valve just lowered the value of those TI3 items even more.
I don't see any item releasing nowadays that will have a value like the Dragonclaw Hook years after its release. (expect for those prized couriers like platinum baby rosh, golden baby rosh)
Has the boundaries for S / SS / X changed since the patch?
Has the boundaries for S / SS / X changed since the patch?
You only need to get to 10 million then let him kill you, so you dont have to waste the whole 25 mins doing it
Ok did the Visage thing, felt a bit dirty. I regret nothing.
How much Jade tokens does 10mil net you?
Can you help me out? I still can't make it happen. Do you start the mode and immediately send fams to the corner? Where should the players stand?
send familiars to top left as soon as you can, be near the shop, attack him once. He'll randomly, at one point, attack the familiars but be unable to reach them. No bashes, no stuns required. Fwiw I got about 20mill and 3500 tokens by locking him, then alt-tabbing and doing other shit for 25 or so mins. You'll have to find a way to get higher dps or whatever if you wanna go for sss/x, but this is def the easiest way right now.
Morph full agility while beast is stuck. What do you guys think?
is gold not turning back into ingots for anyone else?
Sold stuff at the end of the game, but I have way less ingots.
is gold not turning back into ingots for anyone else?
Sold stuff at the end of the game, but I have way less ingots.
Well yeah items don't sell for what you bought them for.
Yeah, they patched out that, you only get gold you never spent.
Redhoof, glados and trine announcer, rubick staff.
anyone want to trade their living nelum for the new jade pudge hook? I'm trying to craft the courier.
6,5M total with naix, drow, ta, windranger and warlock, we also died 5 minutes before the end and some of us didnt have much ingots. I think we're done with this mode after this run. Seems good enough.
Welll...my group is 10 minutes in and we're at 16 mill.
15 minutes to go!!!!
I have an extra nelum if anyone wants it.
EDIT: Done. Thanks!
I managed to just squeeze out 30mil, finding it tough to get any more than that though.
We just a little over 39 million with visage, chen, troll, undying, and venge, but still got S. It barely seems worth it to get over 10 million.
Divine divine deadulus divine divineWhat were you buying on troll?