We just a little over 39 million with visage, chen, troll, undying, and venge, but still got S. It barely seems worth it to get over 10 million.
What purpose does Chen serve? Just curious.
We just a little over 39 million with visage, chen, troll, undying, and venge, but still got S. It barely seems worth it to get over 10 million.
What purpose does Chen serve? Just curious.
Penitence gives you extra damage. I just remembered Chen and Undying were used in a lot of the diretide strats because of their damage amplification.
Ok umm, how should I best spend my Jades?
I also can't understand this jade dragon recipe
So, what causes a person to have 1,400 games of Bloodstone/MKB Lina?
We just a little over 39 million with visage, chen, troll, undying, and venge, but still got S. It barely seems worth it to get over 10 million.
welp, best game was 44.5 million.
we could have bought better items, though.
dayum, mind sharing?
I need living nelum to make the jade dragon
can someone trade? I have quite a few items
we had troll, huskar, visage, drow and slardar.
I have a plan to maximize damage on him. I'm gonna need 4 people with at least 950 ingots. If you have it and have time over the next 12 hours, my plan will put us in the 55 million range.
But it doesn't work outside of everyone having enough gold to buy the right items.
Anyone up for doing this Visage thing while it's still not patched? Need a 5 stack since I don't trust randoms
Edit: It would be funny if Sunder worked on the beast and you just took away some infinite number of health instantly and crashed Dota forever.
I am, i have 6100 tokens as well so I can do a few runs
I have no idea how to do any of this though so I'll need a few practice runs or something :\
I'm playing as visage and letting other people buy dps items. Feels good man. Like symbiosis.
like a parasite
How do you do the bug then? Just autoattack the beast with the birds and send them to the top left of the screen?
I think it's just a case of working out fast DPS at this point, since the Visage bug seems broken enough to work with any hero. Thinking Drow might be good, because of her general agi gain from her ult, would give her more DPS than the average hero.
I'll PM you my steam
How do you do the bug then? Just autoattack the beast with the birds and send them to the top left of the screen?
Welll...my group is 10 minutes in and we're at 16 mill.
15 minutes to go!!!!
Tell me da secrets
Save it for the next cycle. You can't compete against ursa swipes.
armor reduction, attack speed, crits.
fml it's been fixed..
fml it's been fixed..
fml it's been fixed..
Yup, been fixed. Three games now i've played that he's refused to go for the birds.
Got like 5 crates out of it, so i'm not too upset.