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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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Man went up against a 5 stack last night that went Invoker, AA, Nature's Prophet, Zeus and CM. After 15 minutes in the game, they could pretty much one shot us with their global moves. Zeus would use his ult to give vision than followed AA's ult and prophet's. And then if we were left alive after that Invoker would just sunstrike us. Their was almost nothing we could do against it.
I've always wanted to run an all global team, you know, for kicks. It sounds pretty silly..


I've always wanted to run an all global team, you know, for kicks. Mainly for that very reason.

Yeah it was dreadful. We weren't even playing bad, just way to much aoe damage. It also didn't help that the AA was amazeballs with his ult.


Man went up against a 5 stack last night that went Invoker, AA, Nature's Prophet, Zeus and CM. After 15 minutes in the game, they could pretty much one shot us with their global moves. Zeus would use his ult to give vision than followed AA's ult and prophet's. And then if we were left alive after that Invoker would just sunstrike us. Their was almost nothing we could do against it.

So Invoker was mid, NP jungle. AA off lane? with Zeus and CM in safe lane?

That's a pretty bad lineup. If your losing to that, then you need to start picking better heroes.


So Invoker was mid, NP jungle. AA off lane? with Zeus and CM in safe lane?

That's a pretty bad lineup. If your losing to that, then you need to start picking better heroes.

Then how do you stop it? We would gank invoker, be half health then die from Zeus ult and prophets ult. Couldn't team push then we get AA ulted into a prophet ult. Our supports couldn't even leave base without dying.

We were doing fine till Zeus and prophet got Sceptar. By the time we all had BKB's it was useless.


Is today the last day Year of the Beast will be up?

There are still a few things to come with this event(as far as I know there are some unreleased Chinese items still, like the wardfish.. also the second offering rewards still need to happen), though I'm not sure if this is the last time you can fight the Year Beast. Though I would imagine there will be another chance to fight him.


There are still a few things to come with this event(as far as I know there are some unreleased Chinese items still, like the wardfish.. also the second offering rewards still need to happen), though I'm not sure if this is the last time you can fight the Year Beast. Though I would imagine there will be another chance to fight him.
No monkey king?
Medicine works


No monkey king?
Medicine works

Haha. I still think it's possible. I haven't been taking my meds, but this kool-aid sure is good!

Edit: The other thing that's been missing so far from this event is the ability to collect the Beast's body parts and use them in the special recipe that hasn't been added to the list of rewards yet, though I'm not sure if that plan has simply been altered or even scrapped all together at this point.

how can anyone like this hero


The first round of offerings bugged and kicked all my items back into my inventory and I didn't end up getting anything.

I blame the patches.


Then how do you stop it? We would gank invoker, be half health then die from Zeus ult and prophets ult. Couldn't team push then we get AA ulted into a prophet ult. Our supports couldn't even leave base without dying.

We were doing fine till Zeus and prophet got Sceptar. By the time we all had BKB's it was useless.

Don't forget CM's global mana regen. must've helped a lot since zeus/invoker/prophet/aa are all mana dependent.


I played an actual game of year beast and dare I say it I had some fun.

The game still feels like Diretide without the first half. Which means half the fun is gone.

Also, is anyone else getting a relatively lot of Redhoofs from Bloom Bounties? My last 2 have been Redhoofs. I'm afraid to sell or open my last 5 bounties.
7 Game loss streak, I want to murder someone.

How can you die 17 times in one game?

I think this is divine punishment from icefraud because I won with morphling.


Corporate Apologist
Did 14 Million to the Year Beast. Hope thats at least top 10% this cycle. I'm expecting Necrolytes Ult working on the Year Beast parts is gonna be patched out next cycle.


It just goes on for to long. After 10 minutes it just gets so boring.

Yea. The fight itself is fun, it just lasts way too long, and you can't really "beat him". All you do is damage him, and after you all die or 25 mins, he just "dissapears".

Wish there was more too it. Least fun seasonal event so far. Greeviling and Wraith Knight were most fun for me. Diretide was p fun too. This one not so much. Luckily the rest of the update still added enough anyway.
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