Yep, I feel horrible when I win a game with people raging the whole time and/or not listening to team, calling gg at 3-5 minutes in, blaming their teammates. Means these guys are getting a higher rank without learning anything. Almost makes me want to throw.
I mean, there's only one person who was in every game you lost, you. You're the only constant in all your games, you'd think people would realize that and take the time to analyze their own plays instead of wasting time raging at their teammates.
What do you learn if you spend the game raging at someone else? Even if you told them to get good, there's not much chances you'll see them again anyway.
Heck, I had a game where our omniknight was raging after specter for farming...
She then told him she had her ult (meaning she could join teamfights instantly), but no, keeps raging about how she doesn't stick with the team lol. That guy wasted time raging at his own team and learned nothing.