Did they move all the games back a day for the Dotacinema tournament? Thought the next game was today (a game every 2 days).
Oh and this...
Pretty much sums up LoL.
Never posted here so hello.
I've been playing Dota for 6 years, but I only started with Dota 2 yesterday. Yes, yesterday. I've played 5 games so far, stomped 3, lost 1 close game and got stomped once.
This shit is just a clusterfuck, I'm so lost in teamfights. The two games I lost were against an ET and I just couldn't tell his spirit was stomping in time. Oh, and Silence effects are hard to tell apart too in the midst of everything when Silencer ults, I can't even BKB fast enough.
It's weird, because even when I played WC3 Dota I still watched Dota 2 games since I like following the comp scene. And while watching it never seemed too hard to understand what's going on, but playing the game itself is a whole different beast. It seems like I was too accustomed to the WC3 graphics. After 6 years of playing I can sort of subconsciously seize the danger at every point in the game, but a lot of this (esp. in teamfights) is due to being so familiar with the animations I can instantly identify what's going to happen before it does.
Did anyone else here go through something similar? How many games until I'm familiarized enough with the Dota 2 feel? At least there seems to be no hinder to my laning compared to WC3, I dunno if I'd have won 3 games if I couldn't even lane well.
Oh and SF is so awkward to control, the Fire Lord in WC3 was the smoothest model in Dota by far and now I feel like he isn't half as good anymore. My favourite hero is dead ;_;
this is why we need a moba megathreadWhy don't we make fun of Infinite Crisis itt? They just dropped STAR SAPPHIRE as a playable hero. :O
This talk about Dota 1 made me wonder if there's any way of playing the version of Dota where Invoker had 27 spells.
fuck we lost the inhouse so bad fuck whoever was palying sniper! Btw i was windruner
god why did you have to steam that dildo
this sentence is best appreciated without commas or context.
god why did you have to steam that dildo
Actually I'm streaming the inhouse! I'm in!
Midas on Ogre Magi?!
aghs aint gonna buy itself
The mod file is probably out there somewhere.
Two terrible missed stuns on AM now.
Gonna google it to see just how broken Invoker was.
this is why we need a moba megathread
This is a good video on that old broken Invoker. He goes through all the spells and explains them. That fire breath one is ridiculous.
Did they move all the games back a day for the Dotacinema tournament? Thought the next game was today (a game every 2 days).
Truly, you wish to see the world burn
oh im makin it
Question regarding TB, does it make a difference as to what order you Conjure Image-Metamorphosis? Like is there a difference in terms of what order you perform the skills in regards to your illusion?
So one of the main things that seperates mid and high teir players are item choices correct?
I just went sniper offlane. We ended up losing the game but I finished up 7-6, with everyone else on my team having 10+ deaths. I was flamed at the end soooo much for having a force staff on sniper, despite the enemy team having a PA and Ursa. Apparently I didn't do enough damage for their taste. It's just odd when you look around items for most all the players at my level.. its damage... always damage. I had a drow build 2 butterflies in a game vs a shadow shaman and earth shaker the other night... never getting a BKB. People never build BKB's unless it's absolutely core like on Luna, or another carry type. People never build survivability on a hero unless they are axe or bristleback. They are all so worried about damage output that they forget that you can't do any damage if you're dead.
oh im makin it
Question regarding TB, does it make a difference as to what order you Conjure Image-Metamorphosis? Like is there a difference in terms of what order you perform the skills in regards to your illusion?
Are you asking if images carry over TB's state? If yes, then yes.
Metamorphosis, then Conjure Image will give you SICK ILLUSION DEMONS.
Conjure Image, then Metamorphosis will just give you a sick demon and some scrubby melee illusions.
That has to be a joke at this point. That's like purposefully sabotaging their own game. Then again they decided to run with the secret unicorn level in Diablo 3.. sigh
I miss you Blizzard North ;-;
You guys are acting like that dumb shit doesn't already exist in LoL. They just don't have the engine to fully realize it in-game.
this gif is totally hilarious. karthus got wrecked by global ults. I gotta say, that it takes some great coordination to get something like that down.
155% Cleave sounds and looks pretty scary.Triple battle fury on ember spirit in this Zephyr game right now.
Triple battle fury on ember spirit in this Zephyr game right now.
Just missed it.Which stream?
this gif is totally hilarious. karthus got wrecked by global ults. I gotta say, that it takes some great coordination to get something like that down.