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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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Just to mention a lot of the bristle picks have been in the offlane stacking ancients to catch up in farm. So whether he is as good elsewhere remains to be seen at pro level. If you want to stomp that way though you can!

Chris R

Me thinks Titan is going to destroy yet again this game.

And I've learned to never queue early morning... I end up in team where nobody speaks English, buys couriers as supports, ect :(

At least they abandon quickly making the "games" short...


From 4k to 3.8k, Had the most obnoxious teammates ever.

1.) Quitter
2.) Went afk when we're winning
3.) A carry who wasn't able to flamed the whole fucking team
I have played with and against so many Ember Spirits, I don't think I've seen a single one of them carry. Even when farmed, he's not as intimidating or as big a threat as an Anti-Mage, Faceless Void, Phantom Assassin, Morphling, Legion Commander or any of the more common hard/agi carries. Although I don't think I've seen a single Ember Spirit snowball. He's kind of like Carry Shaker, a gimmick build based around improving a single ability but I think a Carry Shaker can start to be more effective with just a Shadow Blade. Enchant Totem, Stealth, right click your target, Fissure, Enchant Totem, right click and ult if needed. It's kind of a stupid and very specific item build/skill use but it can burst someone down. Get a Crystalis and then Daedelus and you can really start to burst people down. You're better off playing as an actual support and getting more standard items but it can be done.

Ember just seems like he needs something. His ult is good for escape or chase but I've mostly only seen remnants used for escape, or plunging headlong into a fight he shouldn't be in. Once he loses that castable radiance, he just sort of melts.


How exactly does the Earth Spirit ulti work? If I use my ult and put down a Stone Remnant, the duration of the damage they take will refresh and they will take another round of damage ?
How exactly does the Earth Spirit ulti work? If I use my ult and put down a Stone Remnant, the duration of the damage they take will refresh and they will take another round of damage ?

Contact with a Stone Remnant refreshes the six second duration of Magnetise.


Is this guy just trolling, or is orchid and dagon after midas a legit brood build? I've downloaded a few of his replays and he seems to be really good with her.

It seems like he goes soul rings, poor mans, treads, midas, orchid, dagon level 5.


I have played with and against so many Ember Spirits, I don't think I've seen a single one of them carry. Even when farmed, he's not as intimidating or as big a threat as an Anti-Mage, Faceless Void, Phantom Assassin, Morphling, Legion Commander or any of the more common hard/agi carries. Although I don't think I've seen a single Ember Spirit snowball. He's kind of like Carry Shaker, a gimmick build based around improving a single ability but I think a Carry Shaker can start to be more effective with just a Shadow Blade. Enchant Totem, Stealth, right click your target, Fissure, Enchant Totem, right click and ult if needed. It's kind of a stupid and very specific item build/skill use but it can burst someone down. Get a Crystalis and then Daedelus and you can really start to burst people down. You're better off playing as an actual support and getting more standard items but it can be done.

Ember just seems like he needs something. His ult is good for escape or chase but I've mostly only seen remnants used for escape, or plunging headlong into a fight he shouldn't be in. Once he loses that castable radiance, he just sort of melts.

Ember needs some sort of buff, very badly. He requires way too much farm to effectively do his job relative to other farm-dependent heroes in the game. Every match I've ever played with him on my team has always resulted in him dying first and, even though we still get wins at times, I'd rather have a carry with more survivability. He spends too much time either being dead or running away after he's exhausted most of his attack options when we actually need him to stand and fight. The guy just can't stand up to late game right clicks.


relies on auto-aim
I lost to an Ember mid, fml. Quelling blade OP. 1v1 Flame guard OP. Reminds me of playing him like a bully vs a no nuke lane.

Still won because our Riki got fat, feels bad.
Ember needs some sort of buff, very badly. He requires way too much farm to effectively do his job relative to other farm-dependent heroes in the game. Every match I've ever played with him on my team has always resulted in him dying first and, even though we still get wins at times, I'd rather have a carry with more survivability. He spends too much time either being dead or running away after he's exhausted most of his attack options when we actually need him to stand and fight. The guy just can't stand up to late game right clicks.
He's a weird super late game glass cannon, but if your team has nothing to pressure against initiation then it gets real bad. Ember's mid game is very good with either 2 of his abilities maxed since he can chase and burst down so well and he's safer than most with his Ult and Chains.

He's a snowball hero for sure and has a benefit of comically defending highground with miniOmni. If Ember isn't ganking or fastfarming constantly with Remnant TP he's not doing it right imo.

Also I build Phase/Drums/Mael/Deso on him, then BF if it gets that late.
I have played with and against so many Ember Spirits, I don't think I've seen a single one of them carry. Even when farmed, he's not as intimidating or as big a threat as an Anti-Mage, Faceless Void, Phantom Assassin, Morphling, Legion Commander or any of the more common hard/agi carries. Although I don't think I've seen a single Ember Spirit snowball.

Ember just seems like he needs something. His ult is good for escape or chase but I've mostly only seen remnants used for escape, or plunging headlong into a fight he shouldn't be in. Once he loses that castable radiance, he just sort of melts.
I wish there was something that kept track of how many times I end up having to buy and upgrade courier, regardless of what hero I'm playing, when solo queuing.





I probably should check out some announcers and a HUD while there is a sale. Someone has a recommendation? Was looking at the Defense Grid one as an announcer. I like the one of Pyrion Flax, but it would probably become kind of annoying and is more expensive. The GlaDOS and Trine ones I have not tried too many times, but they don't seem too good. Bastion seems nice too.

And probably a separate one for Mega kills, maybe Axe or something.

FYI you can get almost every announcer pack for less than $1.50 and every Megakills for $1 or less on the community market. So if you want Pflax announcer but Axe megakills you can buy them separately
The Lina pack is the best one by far, IMO.

Thanks for the input, sadly since it is new it is not in the ssale.

FYI you can get almost every announcer pack for less than $1.50 and every Megakills for $1 or less on the community market. So if you want Pflax announcer but Axe megakills you can buy them separately

Yeah, thanks, was planning on doing that. Just don't know which one to pick.


Just finished my first solo ranked game. I thought I'd pick CM because I was the first to pick and a support should be safe to pick without getting countered too hard. Two guys finally picked 30 seconds into the game and I had to play solo offlane as crystal maiden.


Just finished my first solo ranked game. I thought I'd pick CM because I was the first to pick and a support should be safe to pick without getting countered too hard. Two guys finally picked 30 seconds into the game and I had to play solo offlane as crystal maiden.

Don't play -ap


Don't play -ap

I know, I usually only play all random but I thought if I play solo ranked AP should be the safest bet because I can actually pick a hero I know and can play instead of getting fucked over by a random captain. We won anyway, so it worked out in the end.


Solo AP is fine if you are willing to pick last to fill the gaps in the team you end up in. That is what I have been doing in my ranked games and it's worked out well. Surprisingly, I don't need to pick hard support that often.


Solo AP is fine if you are willing to pick last to fill the gaps in the team you end up in. That is what I have been doing in my ranked games and it's worked out well. Surprisingly, I don't need to pick hard support that often.

Crystal maiden OP. I've won many solo AP with her, before I started mainly playing Captain/Random Draft whenever I solo.

Solo still sucks though.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Solo AP is fine if you are willing to pick last to fill the gaps in the team you end up in. That is what I have been doing in my ranked games and it's worked out well. Surprisingly, I don't need to pick hard support that often.

Eh, my experience with Solo AP is that the enemy team still likes to instalock wombo comobs or crazy synergy picks that make the entire match an uphill slog and I just find that exhausting over and over.


Eh, my experience with Solo AP is that the enemy team still likes to instalock wombo comobs or crazy synergy picks that make the entire match an uphill slog and I just find that exhausting over and over.

Talking about uphill slogs, this is what I had to play against yesterday. I was drafting and it didn't occur to me that they'd go absolute full rat dota, it was disgusting. Thankfully they kept getting caught out in front of our base and built useless items on Treant considering they never took an actual fight, so we were able to take it with a super close base race after being down 4+ rax for ten minutes or something.

I was totally salty for the final 20 minutes but man did that victory feel good.


Bottle on Nightstalker, yay or nay? Also is Agh's worth it on him?

yay and i dont know about aghs

also can somebody give me tips to speed up my farming? ive been trying to start playing phantom assassin a bunch and it takes me 20+ minutes to get a battlefury, and i know thats not even close to ideal


yay and i dont know about aghs

also can somebody give me tips to speed up my farming? ive been trying to start playing phantom assassin a bunch and it takes me 20+ minutes to get a battlefury, and i know thats not even close to ideal

A tip for a tip, as I play PA a bit. Firstly, you don't always want to go battlefury, especially in pubs. You are better off going for a fighting mid-game build (I do go fury occasionally myself when I'm feeling greedy). So Phase boots, BKB, Basher into Abyssal Blade. Also pick up a Helm of the Dominator to make a Satanic, though when you do this is situational. Also get a PMS for early survivability. This build let's you fight early and snowball.

If you do want to go Bfury because farming till you are 6-slotted then unleashing the crits is hella fun, then my tips would be

Make sure you have at least a stout shield, preferably PMS. This plus regen should allow you to take the harass, especially with a point in blur. This way you can make sure you get every last hit possible. Don't be afraid to CS with Dagger. From level 2 it easily out damages any auto attacks so if you think you might miss one you can use it due to the low mana cost.

Pick up a helm of dom after Bfury. If you are going for the farming build you might as well go full hog. Use it to stack ancients and other camps. If you are dead you can actually send the creep to a lane and CS from beyond the grave which is a neat trick.

Don't stand around waiting for fights. Carry a TP at all times and just farm until the fight starts, then evaluate if you are needed and come then. You may already do this but I wanted to make sure. Efficiency is Key.

As for getting that Battlefury before 20 mins, honestly just work on last hitting. Get a quelling blade if you feel you need it. In pubs you will often get into lanes where either your partner is also trying to farm or the opponents just have much better harass, and there isn't really much you can do about that. Farm small camp in your downtime I guess, if you get any. After the fury you can start clearing waves super fast then rotating to a couple of jungle camps and back before the next wave comes.


yay and i dont know about aghs

also can somebody give me tips to speed up my farming? ive been trying to start playing phantom assassin a bunch and it takes me 20+ minutes to get a battlefury, and i know thats not even close to ideal

Battlefury on PA is not ideal. And farming fast just involves last hitting well, nothing more to it. Your dagger is meant to help you farm from safety if need be.


Is this guy just trolling, or is orchid and dagon after midas a legit brood build? I've downloaded a few of his replays and he seems to be really good with her.

It seems like he goes soul rings, poor mans, treads, midas, orchid, dagon level 5.

Brood soulring into eblade/dagon5 is legit.


I'm not sure I understand this MMR thing.

I have had 4 ranked matches since I got my party MMR. Of those 4 matches, I won 3 and lost 1 with my MMR changing by +28, +27, +26 and -25. If the theoratical underpinnings of the Elo system would mean that most people end up with a 50% win-rate, wouldn't this mean that I would only gain a net 2 MMR for every 2 games played? So to raise my MMR by 200 points, I would need to play 200 games?

There are some people on my friends list who I am generally equivalent to in terms of skill (perhaps there is overconfidence bias on my part here) in the game and I notice they have MMRs that are a few hundred points higher than mine. For all of these people, they generally have at least 400-600 more games played than me.

Prior to ranked MM coming into picture, I had approximately 300 games played with a 50% win-rate. My MMR after my first calibration game was about 2900 and my MMR after the calibration games was 3100.

EDIT: For the game that I won and got +28 to my MMR, I was queueing with guys with MMRs of 4.1k, 4k, 3.6k and 3.2k. I was clearly the lowest ranked player on the team by quite a margin and yet I only got a very small bump in my MMR. Why is that?


I'm not sure I understand this MMR thing.

I have had 4 ranked matches since I got my party MMR. Of those 4 matches, I won 3 and lost 1 with my MMR changing by +28, +27, +26 and -25. If the theoratical underpinnings of the Elo system would mean that most people end up with a 50% win-rate, wouldn't this mean that I would only gain a net 2 MMR for every 2 games played? So to raise my MMR by 200 points, I would need to play 200 games?

There are some people on my friends list who I am generally equivalent to in terms of skill (perhaps there is overconfidence bias on my part here) in the game and I notice they have MMRs that are a few hundred points higher than mine. For all of these people, they generally have at least 400-600 more games played than me.

Prior to ranked MM coming into picture, I had approximately 300 games played with a 50% win-rate. My MMR after my first calibration game was about 2900 and my MMR after the calibration games was 3100.

EDIT: For the game that I won and got +28 to my MMR, I was queueing with guys with MMRs of 4.1k, 4k, 3.6k and 3.2k. I was clearly the lowest ranked player on the team by quite a margin and yet I only got a very small bump in my MMR. Why is that?

+28 is a small bump? That's a big one.

It probably doesn't matter if you're the lowest, it matters which team has the lower average. If their team has a higher average, you'll get more than 25 from a win. If their team has the lower average, you'll get less.

To get the biggest jump in MMR you have to beat people higher ranked than you, at least as far as I understand. Maybe performance is taken into account, I'm not sure.


+28 is a small bump? That's a big one.

It probably doesn't matter if you're the lowest, it matters which team has the lower average. If their team has a higher average, you'll get more than 25 from a win. If their team has the lower average, you'll get less.

To get the biggest jump in MMR you have to beat people higher ranked than you, at least as far as I understand. Maybe performance is taken into account, I'm not sure.

So assuming that I then lost the next game with the same party against the same enemy team, my MMR would fall by -22? That is just a net gain of +6 when I was clearly playing against people with substantially higher average MMR. So to chase my MMR up from 3100 to 3400, I would need 100 of such games played, assuming a 50% win rate? That seems like an exceptionally flawed system to me.

And based on my reading of the dev forums, it seems like you will always lose MMR for losing and gain when winning.
So assuming that I then lost the next game with the same party against the same enemy team, my MMR would fall by -22? That is just a net gain of +6 when I was clearly playing against people with substantially higher average MMR. So to chase my MMR up from 3100 to 3400, I would need 100 of such games played, assuming a 50% win rate? That seems like an exceptionally flawed system to me.

And based on my reading of the dev forums, it seems like you will always lose MMR for losing and gain when winning.

What sounds so flawed about it? Not fast enough? That's all relative to just how large the ladder is anyway.


Forever Platinum
So assuming that I then lost the next game with the same party against the same enemy team, my MMR would fall by -22? That is just a net gain of +6 when I was clearly playing against people with substantially higher average MMR. So to chase my MMR up from 3100 to 3400, I would need 100 of such games played, assuming a 50% win rate? That seems like an exceptionally flawed system to me.

And based on my reading of the dev forums, it seems like you will always lose MMR for losing and gain when winning.

...why should grinding reward you with an mmr increase?
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