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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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Guys [A] need to kick bulldog out he only playz two heroes they are losers now since they lost a tournament back when they don't have teh drive
I mean, let's not get down on Speed too much. They just got bodied by...you know...the fucking TI3 champions. I know GAF has been down on Alliance lately (too down on them, as I've said before), but it's not like then went from first place to middle-of-the-road. Dry spells are dry and every team has them. Good players can play off games or series'. Speed will be fine just as Alliance will be fine.

Calling for roster changes after a team takes second place in a large tournament is frustrating as hell. It's like anything less than exceptional play at all times against the best teams in the world requires us to squat down and shit on the entire career of offending parties. Es no bueno.


support gyro and spectre?

He was being sarcastic. That said, I don't think they need to kick EE, that would be overreacting I feel.

Edit: I agree with Dreams here. This talk reminds me exactly of what people were saying about Alliance.


Just played a game where the other team DC'd except for one player.
Me and my friends decided to have some fun so we bought a few forcestaffs (forcestaves?) and continually push our BB into their base. Apparently he knew what the item did, but not that you could use on your own teammates.


When the game was almost over we told him to go to the enemy fountain so he could kill them all. And so we all pushed him into the fountain.


May contain jokes =>
I mean, let's not get down on Speed too much. They just got bodied by...you know...the fucking TI3 champions. I know GAF has been down on Alliance lately (too down on them, as I've said before), but it's not like then went from first place to middle-of-the-road. Dry spells are dry and every team has them. Good players can play off games or series'. Speed will be fine just as Alliance will be fine.

Calling for roster changes after a team takes second place in a large tournament is frustrating as hell. It's like anything less than exceptional play at all times against the best teams in the world requires us to squat down and shit on the entire career of offending parties. Es no bueno.

Honestly. The amount of roster-shuffling in competitive Dota, especially after a major tournament, that goes on is already a bit of a joke. No need to rally for more. It's impossible to truly grow and improve as a team in any sport if you have an endlessly-changing lineup.

The Alliance lineup have been playing together for a long-ass time. And Na'Vi certainly seemed to have some drama going on behind the scenes after TI3, but they made the decision to work through it as a team rather than boot people. I don't think it should be any surprise those two organizations are so strong relatively in the scene.



This is the hardest rage iv had in quite a while.

a quick retelling of the events

-we were destroying everybody

-wd picks up another mek when i have one already

-mirana screams gg go fountain

-my teammates feeling superiority tower dived in t3 stayed in their jungle

-tell them to back off, they don't want to

-gem holder dies. I said its ok just pick it up and back off

-they don't pick it up

-we're still so ahead lets just take rosh

-i push the lanes while my team kills rosh and guess fucking what? NOBODY WANTS THE PORKING AEGIS.


Edit: Also OD can't even communicate properly. The only words he know are: Idiot, Retard, Noob and GG


You guys were never that far ahead, they were close on levels and your team got picked off in one by one wandering around in their jungle with no vision and a pudge on their team. Brood got bkb instead of necro3 to take the exposed rax, then OD dc'd which probably did you in. Aegis snatch seemed like the least of your worries.

Chris R

In future, just eat your pride and buy courier at ~5 minutes if there isn't one already.

Likewise for the flying upgrade.

Nah, I was totally fine with losing the game, and for a while we were. No idea how they didn't win the game :| I just got my farm on for a while and then just pushed lanes.

If I cared about the people I was with though it would have been different, and I have bought couriers/wards even as carries. Only 1.2 levels left until I unlock Ranked MM! Yay.
For those not watching, what is it? Ethereal Blade?

nah. he's just really far ahead in levels so his Q damage output was too high for their HP. tack on a shadowblade and phasers for more right-click and it's a problem. @ 15 minutes he was dropping them to half hp with 1 Q and a right-click.

level 17 @ 20 minutes.

shadowblade, manta style, blink dagger, phase.


edit: 13/1/5

edit: 14/1/7


Man just had an 80 minute game where we could have won if we split pushed properly. We had Brood and Furion after all. I was brood. I did alright in laning, they put down senties but I played safe and disrupted the sniper so he got almost no farm. Then come mid game I do the usual thing of pushing and hiding when I need to. Thing was, they were smart enough never to come to the lane alone unless it was SF who was stronger than me. So I just pushe and farmed, pretty boring, whilst my team were kinda winning fights and NP was splitpushing with me. Then, I check SF's items as I was regularly doing and see a sacred relic...

That meant rapier, and this is where our game went downhill. Being a Brood I could hardly roam with the team or anything so when fights broke out at their towers I was in no position to help. In the end my item choices were bad. I got an orchid BKB thinking I would fight but then SF had a rapier and a Daedulus BKB so I couldn't do shit against him. He also got a satanic. Before we knew what was going on SF had two rapiers and was destroying in fights. But still we could just dodge fights and rat them to death and we got two raxes this way.

Then, as they had been doing all game my team, particularly Bristle, started diving towers and dying. There was no need for it either. Just wait for one of the many times they came to kill me and push the base. Instead that didn't happen. Eventually we got the rapiers and then we could GG push. Instead I'm not sure why but we dallied doing nothing and eventually he got them back in a fight in their jungle. No idea why they were fighting there. I got Halberd but it got to the point where SF and rubick could kill our entire team on their own, leaving the rest to stop me killing the exposed ancient.

We lost.


I played average at best myself, they had gems all game and rubick kept stealing charge so he could break trees with it and get to me hence the deaths. Prophet was a good player, better than me, but the rest of them did nothing and kept throwing in the mid game. I know now I should have got a necro 3 and the Halberd as soon as I saw the relic but whatever. The other team played exactly how they needed to in order to beat me and my team couldn't take advantage of the space I created.

This unlocked ranked for me. Hopefully I will find better matches there.


All you needed was 2 hexes. Orchid is cool, but not what you want vs 3 AD heroes imo.

Yeah like I say I realized about 40 mins in my item choices were pretty dumb. Unfortunately they didn't react to me the way I thought they would. Instead of sending rubick or tiny to deal with me via AOE they just came as a group, so any solo killing potential I had hoped for was wasted. Then I built a BKB for fighting, and my team never picked fights near me, instead only fighting in the other lanes. By the time I realized what would have been appropriate it was too late. Honestly, I can say that I played poorly myself, however I was such a low impact hero in that sense ( I did my job of keeping their attention because they came to kill me like 15 times in the mid game, with at least 2 every time) that it didn't matter that much as I still filled my role. The bristle, SB and Silencer just kept dying needlessly, and were the worst in that order.I felt kinda useless in the late game because I had to spent so much time hiding.


Playing Earth Spirit, initiate on a Mirana mid with our Shadow Shaman with me. I do the standard Pull Rock > Roll > Kick back, SS chickens her, I'm not blowing my ulti to finish it. and he has plenty of mana for Shackles, and DOESN'T FUCKING DO IT AND SHE LEAPS AWAY, HE HAD 3 FUCKING SECONDS TO REACT! GOD HOW ARE PEOPLE THIS BAD?!


Playing Earth Spirit, initiate on a Mirana mid with our Shadow Shaman with me. I do the standard Pull Rock > Roll > Kick back, SS chickens her, I'm not blowing my ulti to finish it. and he has plenty of mana for Shackles, and DOESN'T FUCKING DO IT AND SHE LEAPS AWAY, HE HAD 3 FUCKING SECONDS TO REACT! GOD HOW ARE PEOPLE THIS BAD?!

channel your fury into 6200 mmr hylian

Chris R

pick earth spirit

Not 100% :( But IDK is arcane/mek/urn a good ES build (not me, team member in a game that just ended).

edit: shit, just looked. He did less healing with mek and urn than I did as Abaddon... So I'm guessing that isn't the best ES build lol


Not 100% :( But IDK is arcane/mek/urn a good ES build (not me, team member in a game that just ended).

edit: shit, just looked. He did less healing with mek and urn than I did as Abaddon... So I'm guessing that isn't the best ES build lol

Nah, it's a good ES build, he probably just didn't use the items enough.


What's the standard Slark skill and item build? Is he usually played safe, mid or offlane? Seems like he can be used in every lane though.
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