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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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All of the heroes that have some sort of escape ability are extremely good in the current game.

1) Buy back nerf means heroes that can escape alive have even bigger gold advantage as they can farm while anyone who buys cannot

2) reduced night vision makes escape easier

3) heroes with escape abilities are generally balanced by having low hp and mana pool, but with gold gain buffs they can buy earlier treads or bracers, so bursting them down before they can escape is more difficult.

Any hero that abuses vision/fog with mobility and range is having it's day at the moment. Positioning, as a player skill, has been rendered less important. Storm, Mirana and Slark are mega strong.
So is it wiser to play ranked matchmaking to play opponents of my skill level or just play something like all pick and see what I get? I don't have a grasp for who's playing ranked and who's playing what.


Corporate Apologist
So is it wiser to play ranked matchmaking to play opponents of my skill level or just play something like all pick and see what I get? I don't have a grasp for who's playing ranked and who's playing what.

You should get opponents of your skill level in both, but people in ranked tend to be a bit more serious.


why do people get vanguard on Bristleboss?

For me its such a situational pick (when my team is losing other lanes and I have too turtle along/help them defend)

Stout - Ring of Basi + Wand - Blade mail and Heart are the ultimate build.

I don't even think AC is needed (unless u have too many squishy heroes you gotta tank for). Just go into luxury radiance if you have the above and the game should've ended by then.


What's the standard Slark skill and item build? Is he usually played safe, mid or offlane? Seems like he can be used in every lane though.

Anywhere except jungle.

I don't know about standard builds for him but I build Skadi-Basher(potential Abyssal later)-Mjollnir and S&Y.

Stats, damage and aoe!

I know some like to get heart on him but I feel like it's a waste when Skadi gives Slark much needed stats+mana+HP and his ulti gives you HP back. I guess in the Skadi vs Heart debate I'm firmly a Skadi supporter since I have reaped the benefits of it so many times now.
why do people get vanguard on Bristleboss?

For me its such a situational pick (when my team is losing other lanes and I have too turtle along/help them defend)

Stout - Ring of Basi + Wand - Blade mail and Heart are the ultimate build.

I don't even think AC is needed (unless u have too many squishy heroes you gotta tank for). Just go into luxury radiance if you have the above and the game should've ended by then.
As long as you get it early it kicks butt. Allows you to dive so much easier and earlier since all the creeps and towers you just ran past do shit for damage. Then you snowball.

Blademail sucks unless you're against mass aoe heroes as no one with half a brain is going to bother targeting you in a team fight past ten minutes anyhow.

AC just makes your damage even more ridiculous and I don't even have to do the math to tell you get way more dps out of an AC + quill spray vs a radiance + quill spray for the same time period.


why do people get vanguard on Bristleboss?

For me its such a situational pick (when my team is losing other lanes and I have too turtle along/help them defend)

Stout - Ring of Basi + Wand - Blade mail and Heart are the ultimate build.

I don't even think AC is needed (unless u have too many squishy heroes you gotta tank for). Just go into luxury radiance if you have the above and the game should've ended by then.

Vangod gives you the one ability that Bristleback lacks -- an effective way to tank tower damage, as his passive does not effect it.


I did a little experiment that I'm going to upload to youtube (have to record it again since it didn't take my voice because the microphone settings were wrong) on the whole Sniper Headshot vs Shrapnel debate.

The results? Actually pretty damn close to each other. I ran it a few times and there would be times they would be about 5 damage apart and other times they were almost 100 damage apart. This accounts for both the RNG of Headshots and the damage variance of his regular attack damage. I'll record the video again though and upload it. I'll probably redo the Void thing since I never saved the VOD of that on Twitch, and people seemed to enjoy that.

I need more ideas for experiments to do like this.


I just had a good game as lifestealer. This makes me feel wonderful. Considering how down on my luck I usually am when it comes to lifestealer games. Usually the team dies way too much when I jungle and even when i go to gank, which makes it unpossible to win. Also legion commander + lifestealer is pretty nice.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I need more ideas for experiments to do like this.

What about the percentages of different outcomes with Chaos Knight's abilities. Will you link your YouTube channel?

Also how do you guys play Clockwerek? I just randomed him in a pub and we won, but I felt like I didn't have much positive presence against the enemy.



Interesting thread on reddit about the MMR system. Basically, some guy with a MMR of 5.6k took on a 2.9k rated account to play so as to prove that Elo hell doesn't exist. He won 26 games IN A ROW and got the MMR to 3.5k. All solo queue.

I don't believe Elo hell exists but I do think the MMR system is too static and does not adjust for a player's true skill level quickly enough. The guy won 26 games in a row and gained only 600 MMR. He is still 2000 MMR away from his true rating which implies that he would need 85 more wins than losses to climb to his current skilll rating. Combined with his 26 wins, that's easily 100-200 hours of gameplay.

As I mentioned a couple of times in this thread in the past few weeks, the system essentially requires a lot of grinding to get to your true MMR.


Corporate Apologist
I just wonder how distinct the different MMR brackets are. I remember some LoL Elo booster saying back when they used a number for their ranked matches, that he could tell what rank players were within about 10 MMR due to the differences in play styles, and knew what strategies worked best in each bracket.


Bull on a Donut

Interesting thread on reddit about the MMR system. Basically, some guy with a MMR of 5.6k took on a 2.9k rated account to play so as to prove that Elo hell doesn't exist. He won 26 games IN A ROW and got the MMR to 3.5k. All solo queue.

I don't believe Elo hell exists but I do think the MMR system is too static and does not adjust for a player's true skill level quickly enough. The guy won 26 games in a row and gained only 600 MMR. He is still 2000 MMR away from his true rating which implies that he would need 85 more wins than losses to climb to his current skilll rating. Combined with his 26 wins, that's easily 100-200 hours of gameplay.

As I mentioned a couple of times in this thread in the past few weeks, the system essentially requires a lot of grinding to get to your true MMR.

Well that's why you have the minimum level 13 requirement in place. After you've played around 150-200 normal games, I think the system has a pretty good idea of where you stand.
Well that's why you have the minimum level 13 requirement in place. After you've played around 150-200 normal games, I think the system has a pretty good idea of where you stand.

Agree, but clearly it needs some adjusting. If you're facerolling to 26 consecutive wins, each win after a certain number should increase your MMR more and more. Until you lose a few.

But I'm sure Valve is going to continue to tweak it. No reason to take the position that it's perfect as-is. It's very much a WIP, just like everything Valve does.

Interesting thread on reddit about the MMR system. Basically, some guy with a MMR of 5.6k took on a 2.9k rated account to play so as to prove that Elo hell doesn't exist. He won 26 games IN A ROW and got the MMR to 3.5k. All solo queue.

I don't believe Elo hell exists but I do think the MMR system is too static and does not adjust for a player's true skill level quickly enough. The guy won 26 games in a row and gained only 600 MMR. He is still 2000 MMR away from his true rating which implies that he would need 85 more wins than losses to climb to his current skilll rating. Combined with his 26 wins, that's easily 100-200 hours of gameplay.

As I mentioned a couple of times in this thread in the past few weeks, the system essentially requires a lot of grinding to get to your true MMR.

what role does he play?
What's the standard Slark skill and item build? Is he usually played safe, mid or offlane? Seems like he can be used in every lane though.

I think the only standard items I have are Tangos, Slave, Stout > Poorman's Shield > Brown boots > Orb of Venom > Power Treads. From there you can build a number of items. Magic Stick or Wand depends on who you're laning against. Drums to give you a little more HP and help with your mana regen. You can make Sange & Yasha to break apart into a Manta and/or Heaven's Halbred later. Maybe you feel like you don't have enough lockdown, so you can build a Basher and later upgrade it into an Abyssal Blade. I like going Eye of Skadi myself.

Mask of Madness is also a relatively safe item to use on Slark, great for flash farming and pushing lanes along with Dark Pact. Some people like to build Shadow Blade, which makes more sense to me now given his ult's longer cooldown. Didn't build Drums, ganking nonstop, got mana issues? Build an Orchid. Even a Linken's Sphere, although that's kind of dumb and maybe only necessary for Doom. You can make a Butterfly, a Heart, BKB pretty much whatever. You can build a Radiance if you feel like being a troll.

Slark's build is really flexible as is his laning. He can safelane, he can situationally mid or he can offlane. I generally prefer to offlane him since his escape can make him sort of hard to lockdown. You just need 6, once you have that you rarely, if ever, need to return to fountain. Your mana pool will be your most pressing problem.


Weighting streaks kinda defeats the entire purpose of an MMR (as I understand it)- you derive the post-match adjustment from your rating as compared to the rating of your opponent. Powering people through on account of streaks might make the climb for smurfs seem more pleasing aesthetically, but it's just going to grief the shit out of people learning the game when they're sent bouncing off of MMR tiers they're incapable of playing at.


Agree, but clearly it needs some adjusting. If you're facerolling to 26 consecutive wins, each win after a certain number should increase your MMR more and more. Until you lose a few.

But I'm sure Valve is going to continue to tweak it. No reason to take the position that it's perfect as-is. It's very much a WIP, just like everything Valve does.

I'd imagine the system is much better at handling the gradual improvement that most people will experience compared to enormous jumps like that example. That sort of situation is an extreme outlier.


Just saw a mass disconnect in a game by everyone but me and the Omniknight on my team at the beginning of a match.



I'd imagine the system is much better at handling the gradual improvement that most people will experience compared to enormous jumps like that example. That sort of situation is an extreme outlier.

That is the key flaw of the system. It assumes that everyone improves gradually and at the same rate throughout their entire ranked "career" when that is not true at all. People can have spurts of improvement in their game for a large variety of reasons and the system does not have any way of accounting for this at all.
I don't think I've played a ranked match without a Slark, Mirana or Bristleback pick yet. These guys are so, so strong in 6.79 holy shit. Really fun too.
That is the key flaw of the system. It assumes that everyone improves gradually and at the same rate throughout their entire ranked "career" when that is not true at all. People can have spurts of improvement in their game for a large variety of reasons and the system does not have any way of accounting for this at all.

If after the calibration you are near your current level you should have a win rate of about 50% and therefore your ranking stays the same.

Would you gradually get better? Maybe your win rate gets 60% or so and you slowly increase in rank.

Would you suddenly get a lot better for some reason? You win 90% of the games and you rank up faster.

The game accounts for this is a bit. There is just a max at a 100% winrate in the system. But I doubt anyone under normal circumstances can reach that. We are talking about what is basically a smurf account. A normal person is not going to get the same sudden improvement as a smurf account and the system does not need to account for this situation since it is not supposed to happen.


Anywhere except jungle.

I don't know about standard builds for him but I build Skadi-Basher(potential Abyssal later)-Mjollnir and S&Y.

Stats, damage and aoe!

I know some like to get heart on him but I feel like it's a waste when Skadi gives Slark much needed stats+mana+HP and his ulti gives you HP back. I guess in the Skadi vs Heart debate I'm firmly a Skadi supporter since I have reaped the benefits of it so many times now.

So you actually rush Skadi on him and not SnY first? Where does the Maelstrom fit in this build order?

I think the only standard items I have are Tangos, Slave, Stout > Poorman's Shield > Brown boots > Orb of Venom > Power Treads. From there you can build a number of items. Magic Stick or Wand depends on who you're laning against. Drums to give you a little more HP and help with your mana regen. You can make Sange & Yasha to break apart into a Manta and/or Heaven's Halbred later. Maybe you feel like you don't have enough lockdown, so you can build a Basher and later upgrade it into an Abyssal Blade. I like going Eye of Skadi myself.

Mask of Madness is also a relatively safe item to use on Slark, great for flash farming and pushing lanes along with Dark Pact. Some people like to build Shadow Blade, which makes more sense to me now given his ult's longer cooldown. Didn't build Drums, ganking nonstop, got mana issues? Build an Orchid. Even a Linken's Sphere, although that's kind of dumb and maybe only necessary for Doom. You can make a Butterfly, a Heart, BKB pretty much whatever. You can build a Radiance if you feel like being a troll.

Slark's build is really flexible as is his laning. He can safelane, he can situationally mid or he can offlane. I generally prefer to offlane him since his escape can make him sort of hard to lockdown. You just need 6, once you have that you rarely, if ever, need to return to fountain. Your mana pool will be your most pressing problem.

So how do you deal with the mana issues early game? RoB? Does Vlads work well with him?


So the US servers maintenance was just done. What happens when the servers go down? Is it the case where everyone in-game would auto-DC? And how long did the maintenance last? Any longer or shorter than the stated 24 hrs?


Any Lone Druid players want to comment on why Skadi isn't picked up on Bear? I feel like the slow would be great, it makes him much tankier and since a lot of players get orb of venom on the bear early it could work as a progression.

I can see that basher, ac etc is generally better but I still feel like in certain situations it could work.


Any Lone Druid players want to comment on why Skadi isn't picked up on Bear? I feel like the slow would be great, it makes him much tankier and since a lot of players get orb of venom on the bear early it could work as a progression.

I can see that basher, ac etc is generally better but I still feel like in certain situations it could work.

Spirit Bear - Summons a powerful Spirit Bear companion that can equip items. If the bear moves 1100 distance away from the Lone Druid, it cannot attack. If the Spirit Bear dies, the Lone Druid suffers composite damage as backlash. As the bear increases in levels, it can learn the Return, Entangling Claws, and Demolish abilities. Spirit Bear does not benefit from attributes.


Spirit Bear - Summons a powerful Spirit Bear companion that can equip items. If the bear moves 1100 distance away from the Lone Druid, it cannot attack. If the Spirit Bear dies, the Lone Druid suffers composite damage as backlash. As the bear increases in levels, it can learn the Return, Entangling Claws, and Demolish abilities. Spirit Bear does not benefit from attributes.



Agree, but clearly it needs some adjusting. If you're facerolling to 26 consecutive wins, each win after a certain number should increase your MMR more and more. Until you lose a few.

But I'm sure Valve is going to continue to tweak it. No reason to take the position that it's perfect as-is. It's very much a WIP, just like everything Valve does.

In any normal scenario, their true skill level would have been found in the initial 150 games + 10 calibration games. I don't think Valve should have to account for times when an account gets taken over by a significantly higher skilled player.


Agree, but clearly it needs some adjusting. If you're facerolling to 26 consecutive wins, each win after a certain number should increase your MMR more and more. Until you lose a few.

But I'm sure Valve is going to continue to tweak it. No reason to take the position that it's perfect as-is. It's very much a WIP, just like everything Valve does.

I don't have a problem with the system being unable to handle an elite player suddenly taking control of someone's account. That kind of skill progression is unrealistic in any other scenario.


May be a dumb question but would anyone be interested in some 1v1 mid practice tonight? I've hit a bit of a slump trying to pick up new heroes(specifically QoP/TA/SS in particular) and work on fundamentals so I would like to practice them in a vacuum rather than just keep making the same mistakes over in games.



So you actually rush Skadi on him and not SnY first? Where does the Maelstrom fit in this build order?

It depends on how the game is going to be honest.

If I can get some early kills and farm then rushing Skadi is what I do with just orb of venom, power treads, wand and smoke...otherwise if things are slow then I do a slow build up...Yasha-Basher-Maelstrom-Skadi-Mjollnir.

Slark is very flexible to be honest so there is no definitive build order and you find yourself just going with the flow as everything just falls into place without you having to over think what items to get him.


May contain jokes =>
This is pretty cool. When I woke up today on my day off, hoping to play a game or two of Dota, what I was really hoping for is that I would be literally the one single person not from Russia in my game. That really makes for a fun and communicative game.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
This is pretty cool. When I woke up today on my day off, hoping to play a game or two of Dota, what I was really hoping for is that I would be literally the one single person not from Russia in my game. That really makes for a fun and communicative game.

Maybe we should all just start learning Russian.


Valve need to bring back solo MM. Most game's I play are with two; two stacks or a four stack. Which you would think would promote better games due to communication or what not but actually it just makes people pick stupid line up's and mess up laning as they want to lane with their buddy regardless of synergy.

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