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Dota 2 |OT4| The saga of Vade and ReRixo: the Boat Anchors continues.



So I did this, and it worked. Successfully harrased multiple times without aggro'ing the creeps. Lost the lane and game badly.... it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't do anything to stop it either.

well that's not true, invoker, luna, and I wrecked like two team fights in a row but then sven got big and killed everyone in two hits.



I felt like this whole game I was staring our defeat in the face the whole team and couldn't do anything about it by myself. Many times, I asked my teammates to help me gank this Drow. I couldn't pick up a solo kill on her. I help them by ganking other lanes, all sorts of things.

In this situation I just don't understand what I could have done to win this, because it felt like it was already too late, Drow was too big (her one death was from fountain diving). I kept saying "Hey guys, we need to do something about Drow." and we never did.

Then near the end our team is sitting on high ground, as they are trying to take our T3, and my team is telling me "Go in there and Dream Coil them, we have Ravage and Global Silence." and I knew leaving the high ground was a bad idea. I tried to tell them that. Then someone decides to smoke and we left high ground (Yes, I know I whiffed the dream coil there, but it would have been on Drow, Phoenix, or both only anyway which wouldn't have mattered that much). We all get decimated of course, just like I said. They said something about it being the "farming silencer's" fault. I really think it was the fact that we put no pressure on the Drow and let her play PvE doto with a brightwing bothering her sometimes.
So I experienced a Russian 2-stack with a really special pudge today. Dude didn't go mid for some reason (let his friend naga go mid but they both fed 3-4 times in lane), and when he tried to hook he did next to no positioning, had no awareness, and had no concept of leading a moving target.

He would stand behind the rest of the team instead of getting a better angle, and ended up hooking a teammate atleast 4 times (3 of those were me). He'd see a support run away but couldn't understand how to lead the target and always end up missing behind them. If he arrives late to a teamfight (he did that a bunch too) he'll just run in to the pileup and turn on rot instead of trying to pull someone from the other team away from the fight. I haven't seen someone play this bad since my first 20 games, and while I've seen a lot of bad pudges I don't think I've ever seen one that had no idea what a pudge was supposed to do.
every prick asks for free tangos these days.

Which is worst:

A) Selfish prick that asks for free tangoes.

B) Stubborn dude who refuses to heal even when he's at 1/3 health against a Sven/Venge duolane and you're stuffing all your spare tangos into his pocket.

C) Well-meaning but clueless player who click-drags his tango into your inventory.


Which is worst:

A) Selfish prick that asks for free tangoes.

B) Stubborn dude who refuses to heal even when he's at 1/3 health against a Sven/Venge duolane and you're stuffing all your spare tangos into his pocket.

C) Well-meaning but clueless player who click-drags his tango into your inventory.

D) Guys who says 'Pull me a tango'.


So I did this, and it worked. Successfully harrased multiple times without aggro'ing the creeps. Lost the lane and game badly.... it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't do anything to stop it either.

well that's not true, invoker, luna, and I wrecked like two team fights in a row but then sven got big and killed everyone in two hits.

Some quick tips that always help in the long lane (offlane is where I go most of the time in pubs)

- Always buy wards at the start, no matter the hero you are playing, these will be much more useful than any other extra regen or stats you can buy most of the time. You can leave one for your safe-laners but at lower matchmaking levels its better to keep both for you in my opinion and go place them asap. One at the rune/river and one to block either the easy or the hard camp, depending on your playstyle and the matchup. I generally just block the easy camp since I can leech xp from the hard camp when I'm radiant side. An example form your game: A ward would tell you at 2:35 that lion left the lane to ward the rune, you can use that to your advantage by either going for an arrow on the 300hp medusa and trying to kill her or just generally playing more agressive to deny her farm.

- Opposite lane enemy support is missing and the carry is farming in front of you? Now is not the time to shop especially if you are not fast enough with it, you'll have ample time to do it once you force him out of the lane.

- If you think your teammate in the lane is being silly, as was the case of the SK (every single one of his stuns was badly timed), you don't need to follow up their bad moves. Make a call and stick to it, you wasted some very precious hp/mana trying to help him. You can also try to communicate with him in chat and ask him to stun when you have the creep advantage so that you can safely arrow a distance. Some people just do not think about this stuff and will react positively when asked nicely. You can ask him for example to go for a stun when you ping.

- The best arrows are those that leave your opponent with very little time to dodge them. Close range ones with no setup will generally fail against decent opponents, especially once they have boots. A good thing to do is to try and position yourself to the right or the left of the lane, or even behind your opponents, especially at night time, and shoot your arrow from there. Making sure your arrow follows a tree line will ensure that your enemy won't be able to see it until it is very close to them. There are a lot of spots you can shoot them from, you can try doing it from the tree/juke spot to the left of your t1 tower for example, or from the sideshop. Be imaginative! and don't be scared to try if you think you can land one.

- On the subject of arrows, you have to try to predict where your opponent is going to move and aim there rather than always aim at the position he is currently in. A neat trick to do is to observe his movements when trying to last hit. We all move in certain patterns, and often when going to last hit or deny a creep, a player will come back to the same spot. If you aim there and time your arrow when he is going for the creep, you will often land it.

- Keep working on your camera movement! Every two minutes, try asking yourself "is my camera positioned well?" You need to be able to gather as much useful information on the enemy heroes, the different objectives in the lane while being able to move comfortably. I've seen you make a few pathing mistakes while moving your hero and the camera at the same time like when you were checking medusa's items right as your creep wave died and you walked into her. These mistakes happen to all of us but the more you work on your camera movement the less likely you are to repeat them. From my observations, there are generally three stages players go through when learning how to control their camera efficiently. I'd say you are at the second stage where your camera is generally at the right spots when there's not much going on but when the action picks up, you don't feel at ease anymore. This comes with practice, you can also try to change the camera speed and camera acceleration settings or use your M3 button to control the camera or just stick with your exact setup and keep practicing.

When it comes to this game in particular, considering the skill level of the players involved, I'd say the sand king lost you an otherwise easy lane with his decision making. That doesn't mean you couldn't have won the lane though. You would have to outplay the opponent but it was possible. The medusa mispositioned herself a few times. You can play really agressive on her in a 1v1, since you have both a stun and a leap to get you out of trouble.

I felt like this whole game I was staring our defeat in the face the whole team and couldn't do anything about it by myself. Many times, I asked my teammates to help me gank this Drow. I couldn't pick up a solo kill on her. I help them by ganking other lanes, all sorts of things.

In this situation I just don't understand what I could have done to win this, because it felt like it was already too late, Drow was too big (her one death was from fountain diving). I kept saying "Hey guys, we need to do something about Drow." and we never did.

You answered your own question. Your team made no effort to kill arguabley one of the easiest carries in the game to keep under control. Add to that your CK was almost non-existant in fights apparently, and it's easy to see why you guys lost.



It was looking pretty grim when your team had both CK and Earth Spirit, two of the heroes with the lowest win % in pubs.

Still, there are ways you could have improved your chances of winning marginally, especially during the first 20 minutes of the game. In the laning phase, you weren't able to deny drow rangers farm mid. One way of doing it would have been to exploit the advantages your good creep block at the start of the game gave you. If you denied a little bit more (as soon as it was possible on your melee creeps), you would probably have been able to keep the creepwave on your cliff for the first 80 to 90 seconds of the game, letting you zone out the drow ranger when she comes close to last hit and give you a gold/xp advantage for the rest of the laning phase. Instead you pushed the lane, and she did a good job of last hitting at her tower which let her have a 2 cs and 6 denies lead over you at 5 minutes and hit 6 before you, a lead that will just keep on getting bigger and bigger. Still, you had enough gold and xp to have a decent impact on the game when the laning phase ended. The first gank top was great, and you had 1300 gold at 8:30 with marchers, bottle & magic wand but then you started dying in very avoidable deaths. This is where you lost your chance to carry your teammates if you ask me. Instead of farming up your blink or your treads or whatever really you died at 8:30 chasing kills you shouldn't have been chasing and then a minute later in what was a good fight from you until you made the slight mistake of not porting to your orb. Result? 500 gold lost and 1 minute spent on the bench, not getting any xp or gold except for the trickle gold. The wasted tp bottom at 12 minutes put you back even more when you could have stayed mid and farmed up your blink.

So instead you get your blink at 17 minutes, after drow got her shadow blade and helm of the dominator, spectre her diffusal and almost at the same time SK finished his blink, and phoenix his mek. If you were more efficient, you could've had your blink at least 5 minutes earlier with the start you had, before any of these items were finished on the opposite team and you could have made much more of an impact on the game from there.

In short, you need to farm better and more efficiently on puck and die less early on. You had all the tools to avoid those deaths. Maybe you would still have lost the game but it would have a been hell lot closer!

edit: By the way If you ask me, the mistakes I've noted above are much of a bigger deal than the missed coil at the end.

Also, I really do not want to dwell on this particular point but since puck is a hero I play a lot, I'm really curious to why you go for orb of venom on him?


The Inaugural - Group B

MVP vs. Execration (bo3) followed by Scythe vs. MVP (bo3) on beyondthesummit, cast by GoDz.

Ninjaboogie carrying Execration to the win in game 1 vs MVP. The koreans honestly surprised me, I thought they'd lose much more convincingly.


DK vs. CIS (single game) on beyondthesummit2, cast by Maut.


Some very costly mistakes by DK there at the end.

Edit: Not that CIS didn't play well, they most certainly did.
Just didn't have a lineup to deal with sing target lock down.

Bane would have been wedded to controlling naix; didn't have enough to lock down Bat and Pudge as well.



Can you identify EE's animu waifu poster scrolls?

Yes :(
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