i always watch pro games and see teams doing awesome coordinated stuff with their supports and it makes me want to play supports but then i go to play supports in pubs and reality strikes and im only expected to buy wards and never get the last hit on a hero or else im kill stealing noob support womp womp
New strategy: Just mute everyone on my team in solo queue right off the bat so I hopefully get less frustrated at them or don't have to watch them get frustrated at me. Will report on how well this works.
You need to get to 5k so you can play supports freal.
Or find someone to play with.
2 years lttp.
Shira are you interested in making the international 4 thread this year in gaming? I know you've made one of them before and you did a good job.
It's cool if you don't have the time or interest in making it. I think DrKirby made last years? And he did a good job too. But we should all totally figure out who will be putting that baby up.
Pretty much every game (using storm spirit as an example, but applies on most heroes) it's either "STORM NO GANK HUEHUEHUE" when I actually try to farm and get my stuff quickly, or if I try to gank, it's "STORM WHERE'S UR FARM? BAD AT FARMING GG REPORT"
is already up, but if someone else wants to do it, go for it
It's not a bear
The perfect solution with this is always have a TP, starting after you get boots mailed to you on any hero. I neglected doing this until I started playing Morph and Naga mid, and after doing it with other heroes it is simply the best way to do it. A quick tp to countergank or to return to your lane after a rune gank is fast and it will allow you to both gank AND farm.
Guys is there a different build for antimage besides the usual BF, manta and late game dmg items?.
Guys is there a different build for antimage besides the usual BF, manta and late game dmg items?
Farming up a battlefury on time is difficult as it is, but the pressure becomes immense against the 15-20 min deathball 5 man with crazy pushers like DP, lycan, etc.
I try my best to prolong the game, split push, show up at team fights when possible, buy it almost seems u arent truly useful as am till the 25-30 min mark.
is already up, but if someone else wants to do it, go for it
It's not a bear
If you want help, like proofreading or anything then just gimme a shout. I was actually wondering if we could make in-depth (to an extent) team profiles for people who don't know much about pro Dota. Maybe make an avatar for each team that people can rep, fill them in on common catchphrases like 2ez4rtz etc. Would help to get newer people into the atmosphere of it all. I can't do banners or graphics or any shit like that though.
Pretty much every game (using storm spirit as an example, but applies on most heroes) it's either "STORM NO GANK HUEHUEHUE" when I actually try to farm and get my stuff quickly, or if I try to gank, it's "STORM WHERE'S UR FARM? BAD AT FARMING GG REPORT"
Guys is there a different build for antimage besides the usual BF, manta and late game dmg items?
Farming up a battlefury on time is difficult as it is, but the pressure becomes immense against the 15-20 min deathball 5 man with crazy pushers like DP, lycan, etc.
I try my best to prolong the game, split push, show up at team fights when possible, buy it almost seems u arent truly useful as am till the 25-30 min mark.
Guys is there a different build for antimage besides the usual BF, manta and late game dmg items?
Farming up a battlefury on time is difficult as it is, but the pressure becomes immense against the 15-20 min deathball 5 man with crazy pushers like DP, lycan, etc.
I try my best to prolong the game, split push, show up at team fights when possible, buy it almost seems u arent truly useful as am till the 25-30 min mark.
<3 you, Axe. Manliest man in MOBA.
How do the updated brackets look? I had to step away halfway through EG vs [A] game 1.
Going to add AP to my selection and play some Axe tonight. When others TURN TO RUN, AXE FIGHTS
Question: it's 10 minutes in, you're underfarmed as Anti-Mage because of early enemy pressure and it doesn't look like you're going to be getting a Battle Fury any time soon. Do you persist or go an alternative build? In this situation, last time I went Treads, Vlad's, Drums (although the game was practically lost by that point). Is there a decent Anti-Mage build that lets him help out earlier?
Question: it's 10 minutes in, you're underfarmed as Anti-Mage because of early enemy pressure and it doesn't look like you're going to be getting a Battle Fury any time soon. Do you persist or go an alternative build? In this situation, last time I went Treads, Vlad's, Drums (although the game was practically lost by that point). Is there a decent Anti-Mage build that lets him help out earlier?
Jeez, alch fell harder then I expected from the last change.
It was definatly the nerfs. Alch stun is so hard to max stun/damage now, where it was ridiculously easy before hand. And as a hard carry he just isn't good enough considering stuff like ycan, naga and luna bring more to the table.
Going to add AP to my selection and play some Axe tonight. When others TURN TO RUN, AXE FIGHTS
It was definatly the nerfs. Alch stun is so hard to max stun/damage now, where it was ridiculously easy before hand. And as a hard carry he just isn't good enough considering stuff like ycan, naga and luna bring more to the table.