I've re-evaluated to think the passive might be better then the heal early game. I don't think the AS from the heal scales...
The IAS and heal both scale, as well as mana cost. Tbh i prefer to max W, then E, then Q. You aren't as mana intensive, and play a bit like a bat early, setting up ganks. Plus, with maxed E after W, you can jungle in the downtime very efficiently. The nuke is abit awkward because ideally you want to use it before duel, but then you expose yourself at too much of a risk. PtA->Blink-> Duel is far safer. I use the Q mostly lategame as a cleanup tool, antipush, or whatever.
The only problem is that if they deathball on your team really early, this hero is useless. In that case, QW may be better, but you remain a pretty poor hero, and i prefer building heroes on their strenght, in this case getting a fast blink and go gank lanes. This is playing lane, but being able to fall back on the jungle, just like bat (tbh this hero jungling sucks now, unless you get a support stacking medium camps or somehting). You really don't do much in lane either, but at least you got a stun remover/heal and decent base damage for csing
The only way i see Q useful early is if you go mid and bottle crow, in which case Q is ur farming skill and you go like 4-1-1-1. But again, then you need to rack up kills with a worse setup (not max W and E for max damage during duel) that may be harder.
If OO were significantly mana cheaper, you could see the hero mid more consistently, but it still clash a bit with the rest of your skillset. Tbh, i would change OO this way:
The archers of Stonehall are ready at Tresdin's command, reinforcing the morale of your allies.
Turns the enemies numbers against them, dealing damage over an area after a short amount of time, and giving movement speed bonus to allied heroes near you. Deals bonus damage to illusions and summoned units as a percent of their current health.
Radius: 315->330 (damage AoE)
Damage: 50/100/150/200 +14/16/18/20 damage per unit
Summoned Unit Bonus Damage: 25% of unit's current hp
Range: 1000->1250
Movement Speed Bonus to allied heroes: 6/8/10/12% (lasts 5 seconds, 500 AoE near you)
Delay: 1.5 seconds
This way it would work sorta like torrent, give it a delay and get some more radius and cast range in exchange. Get some more supportive utility too by being able to give your allies some bonus MS.