In all honesty Phantom Lancer is a fucking miserable hero to play against.
Just play Axe.
In all honesty Phantom Lancer is a fucking miserable hero to play against.
Well he's not too fun to play if you just kill him when he's weak.
Well he's not too fun to play if you just kill him when he's weak.
Faceless Void tank build is fun
What's the 'tank' FV build?
probably something with an AC and Halberd.
i havent played a match of dota in 2 days
Me too it feels great
Well it's not like I hate the game, I just haven't played it for 2 daysyet here you are!
So what do I build on Omni after boots/soulring/mek?
More Perfect World hats that will be in the Labor Day update:
Just play Axe.
Blink/Shivas/Vlads are solid.
If you have money to throw away Skadi and SnY work too.
In all seriousness though he obviously out CS'd me, but I out item choice'd him.
I'm at the point where if I see a storm, qop or even ember spirit on the opposite team and I'm not going mid, I just support with Skywrath Mage. Too many times our mid loses pretty hard and opposite hero ends up snowballing. I recommend it since It works very well at 4k rating so there's no reason for it not to work at lower brackets.
Once they commit on you, or any other hero and mess up their positioning, you just silence and get a return a kill, even if outleveled. If they're smart about it, they'll pick up a bkb asap but even then it's a win.
Also, I'll resume doing my daily vods list tomorrow, been pretty busy with work and could not find time to fit it in these last two days!
How would you advise 'training' to play a position your not used to ?
I mean I really mostly a support picker, or hardlaner to some extend; but would like to play a little more carry and mid; but always feel bad for my team the few time I try it ( even more so because I know it mean my friend who usually play carry end up being support, so between him and me it make 2 inefficient player in the team ).
Should I go full I don't care, mute everyone and keep going at it ? bots ( but even I can beat them as carry or mid since they are so weak; thought I can always use more last hiting training ) ? smurf ?
The frequency of patches to the Dota 2 Private Beta has been ramping up over the past few days.
How would you advise 'training' to play a position your not used to ?
I mean I really mostly a support picker, or hardlaner to some extend; but would like to play a little more carry and mid; but always feel bad for my team the few time I try it ( even more so because I know it mean my friend who usually play carry end up being support, so between him and me it make 2 inefficient player in the team ).
Should I go full I don't care, mute everyone and keep going at it ? bots ( but even I can beat them as carry or mid since they are so weak; thought I can always use more last hiting training ) ? smurf ?
You mean doing 1v1 in private games to train the laning phase ? seems like a good plan for mid practice.Best way is find a mate and get a dozen or so of pratice laning in the time you'd do a normal game.
My biggest grip against -melee hero- training using the last hit challenge is that you can be pretty powerless against the distance bot they can put against you, more than what you would actually expect in a true laning phase where you ( should ) have a support helping you out.If you want to play carry you should watch some replays of Liquid ` TC on Twitch or look up his Dotabuff and do it in-game. I think the first thing you should do if you want to get better at carry is practice last hitting with some common carries like Lifestealer, Luna, Spectre, etc. using the last hit challenge in training.
More Perfect World hats that will be in the Labor Day update:
there is no greater joy in life than drafting hero with untouchable, corrosive skin, backtrack
My dude.Not playing AD gives me more joy.
SingSing strimming
These rats omg.
I used to play with one dude that always went for Vanguard on Ember, it was fucking terrible.
Vanguard on anyone is generally pretty bad unless you get it crazy fast, or are Anti-Mage without the farm to go Battle Fury.You are both beyond wrong for hating on vanguard ember. What is wrong with you people? I have seen it succeed more than other builds.