Some 6.81 spoilers:
Huskar flaming spears are not an orb anymore
Ursa lvl 3 enrage is now permanent
Xmts cast animation removed
Tusk +10 base movement speed
Crow don't refill bottle anymore
Now a second rune always spawn on the opposite side of normal rune: Clearwater Rune , has the effect of a bottle charge, or refill your bottle by 1 charge. This rune don't stop the normal runes from spawning at 2x time.
Terrorblade agi growth reduced from 3.25 to 2.25 (make him a mistake carry, not lategame one)
Lycan wolves now have 250hp at all levels (faster jungle, but harder to solo Rosh)
Naga song of the siren mana cost increased from 100 to 100/200/300
Wraith King Mortal strike reworked: 15% chance to deal 10/15/20/25% of the target current hp as physical damage (make him better as a semi-supp). Instantly kill non-hero, non-ancient units
Lina fiery soul now give 10/15/20/25 agility per stack instead of attack speed
Shrapnel cd decreased from 15 to 10
Ogre magi movement speed increased by 5
barathrum aura now also increase attack speed by the same amount
WD cask mana cost now fixed at 120
Viper's poison attack is not an orb anymore
Zeus aghs upgrade now make his ulti strike twice instead of increasing damage (2 seconds between first and second strike)
Skywrath mage agility growth increased to 2
Razor str growth increased from 1.8 to 2.5
Juggernaut blade dance reworked: reduce bat to 1.45/1.4/1.35/1.3
Drow's Markmanship aoe trigger from 375 to 375/275/175
Spectre's dispersion now deal increased damage below 300 distance instead of reflecting max 100% absorbed damage(formula is absorbed damage x (130-distance/10), so 110% at 200 range, 120% at 100 range etc).
Undying tombstone now require 3/4/5/6 hits to be destroyed
Riki permanent invisibility also grant him a 50/75/100 bonus damage when breaking invisibility with an attack
Phantom assassin stifling dagger cooldown decreased to 5s
Omniknight's Purification heal rescaled to 120/200/280/360 (better at lvl1-2-3)
Abaddon's Borrowed time now let him use life instead of mana for his spells (so he get healed and don't use mana during ulti)
Legion Commander OO cast range increased to 1100, added 1.5 sec delay from cast
Ember spirit sof cooldown rescaled to 18/14/10/6, mana cost increased to 90
Ember spirit flame guard mana cost rescaled to constant 90
broodmother don't lose pathing anymore when revealed
Medusa mystic snake damage changed to pure always, not only against stoned targets
Stout shield cost decreased to 225g
Quelling blade cost decreased to 215g
Clarity potion now heal 100 mana in 25s (changes to help melee laners after bottlecrow removal)
Phase boots bonus damage decreased to 22
Atos now cast purge instead of cripple. Cooldown increased to 25, purge removed from diffusal blade
Diffusal blade now has soul strike instead of purge: blink strike with 15 s cd, 700 range and 50/75 bonus mana burn on attack. Diffusal recipe cost lowered to 550
one ring of regen removed from hood recipe, bonuses unchanged
Vanguard now uses Pms as a component instead of stout, bonuses changed to 6 agi, 6 hp regen, 250 hp and 100% chance to block 20 damage
Veil now has an amplify magic aura instead of the active that increase all magic damage in 900 radius by 20%
Dagon has now only 4 levels, and start from lvl 2
Soul booster now passively decrease your respawn timer by 20
Removed buyback from the game: added instead aegis of the immortal to the shop. Its cost is the same as old buyback (basically buyback is now to be used offensively instead of defensively), and until you have it in your inventory, you don't gain passive gold. You can't drop it. The cooldown on the item is 6 minutes, and you can't have more than one.
Hand of Midas attack speed bonus increased to 40, bonus experience decreased to 2x
Jjango bonus agility decreased from 9 to 3, gold recipe cost decreased to 650.
Orb of venom and eye of skadi are no longer orbs
EoS slow reworked: slow by 25% for 4 s (2 on ranged) and deal 25 damage per second (more attacks refresh the duration but the dot don't stack). Ranged skadi don't pierce magic immunity
Sange maim is now an aura that slow attack speed and movement speed by 16%, has 250 radius (350 on greater maim aura)
Sentry wards cost decreased to 160g
Dust now also reveal an 800 aoe with flying vision around you for 5 s when used
Blink cooldown decreased to 10
Blink now goes in cooldown when you're damaged (gg puck)
Lothar's Edge bonus damage increased to 30
Mkb true strike now work on buildings
Urn of shadow mana regen increased to 60%
Medallion of courage mana regen increased to 60%
Blademail now use 2 mantles instead of a robe of the magi, bonuses unchanged (so cost 150 less)
Chainmwil cost decreased to 500 (so ac, buckler, medallion and blademail cost 50 less)
Armlet active reworked: give +25 strenght and engulf you in flames, dealing 40 damage per second as magic damage to you and all enemies in 300 radius. This damage can't kill you.
Magic stick cost increased to 215g
Magic wand now give +4 all stats
Yeah I'm at work and everyone's on vacation