Marauder Shields
Now Ursa pick from Tongfu. What a fun draft.
There's an option that allows your teammates to control the familiars. Helps, especially in hectic situations.I can't deal with microing Visage in a hectic teamfight, I just sit there like an idiot microing my familiars while I do nothing or the opposite.
boy do i hate playing sven. what a dumb hero.
What makes you hate him?
I love the guy, strong in lane and so much damage late.
I hate having such a small mana pool and basically being forced to go BKB if you want to participate in fights at all. But mostly I went up against an Axe/Omni dual lane and it sucked and I was frustrated. If someone else is building drums, what do you build to help with that mana pool?
I hate having such a small mana pool and basically being forced to go BKB if you want to participate in fights at all. But mostly I went up against an Axe/Omni dual lane and it sucked and I was frustrated. If someone else is building drums, what do you build to help with that mana pool?
I hate having such a small mana pool and basically being forced to go BKB if you want to participate in fights at all. But mostly I went up against an Axe/Omni dual lane and it sucked and I was frustrated. If someone else is building drums, what do you build to help with that mana pool?
I hate having such a small mana pool and basically being forced to go BKB if you want to participate in fights at all. But mostly I went up against an Axe/Omni dual lane and it sucked and I was frustrated. If someone else is building drums, what do you build to help with that mana pool?
Get stats at 2 and 4.
I hate having such a small mana pool and basically being forced to go BKB if you want to participate in fights at all. But mostly I went up against an Axe/Omni dual lane and it sucked and I was frustrated. If someone else is building drums, what do you build to help with that mana pool?
Ugh, really hate when sven doesn't have at least one level of battle cry early.
cleave is not going to help you early on anyway so might as well do that
i don't see why you would have mana problems with Sven anyway if you don't spam out your stun on creeps every time you have mana for it
also remember to tread switch
also most games you will have someone with arcane boots on your team so...
sven manliest hero people just don't realize it yet
Matt said the stupid pro player name "issue" should be sorted this week in Twitch chat last night, I think. Maybe this could be the same update as the compendium? Or maybe that's not something that necessitates a client update, idk.
cleave is not going to help you early on anyway so might as well do that
i don't see why you would have mana problems with Sven anyway if you don't spam out your stun on creeps every time you have mana for it
also remember to tread switch
also most games you will have someone with arcane boots on your team so...
sven manliest hero people just don't realize it yet
What exactly is the issue? Haven't been following that closely.
anybody here really good at templar assassin and have any tips?
im really interested in playing her but her playstyle is really aggressive and its put me off giving her a try
I prefer the Phase > Drums > Yasha route on her. Blink is good, sure, I usually do better and get more out of stacking MS like that, plus damage as well.Though I'm certainly no TA pro, if you're going blink dagger (easily the most fun way to play this hero, in my opinion) make sure that when you combo it with meld strike you blink by clicking directly on top of your target (as opposed to clicking your blink dagger near or right next to it) so that when you meld there isn't a chance that the ability is out of range. I found this tip really useful.
anybody here really good at templar assassin and have any tips?
im really interested in playing her but her playstyle is really aggressive and its put me off giving her a try
Artgerm (fucking great artist) is livestreaming some Dota 2 portraits now
Edit: I think it has to do with The International 4
anybody here really good at templar assassin and have any tips?
im really interested in playing her but her playstyle is really aggressive and its put me off giving her a try
This BTS passive aggression lol. I could see this coming days ago. Merlini is kind of a dick frankly. He seems to challenge everything and won't let anything pass - inconsequential things sometimes. Zyori doesn't help, but yeah I know everyone is quick to shit on him. I'm not a fan either. I didn't really catch what happened, will have to check VOD - probably something silly - but I knew shit hit the fan when twitch chat was spamming "CRINGE".
Yup, I'm basically just giving DotaCinema all my hits right now and watching day old VODs.Wow there are WAY too many tournaments going on right now. Top teams are playing each other too much. sigma forfeit any of their dreamleague games? How does a professional team go 0-14.
Did sigma forfeit any of their dreamleague games? How does a professional team go 0-14.
Did sigma forfeit any of their dreamleague games? How does a professional team go 0-14.
What happened to Sigma that caused them to no show?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! skywrath picked rip ember !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!