Stack streaming. Fingers crossed that we do well, otherwise things get belligerent.
So on Reddit it says Sheever is casting at TI4. Thoughts?
I've got nothing against her personal.
He's going to do an announcer pack? Can't wait for the jokes about missing first blood, that sure would be funny.I've seen many implying AC won't even get an invite, but personally I interpreted his whole hinting about an announcer pack to be confirmation that he will.
I like Sheever and it seems like she works hard to stay on top of lots of stuff, but I do not enjoy her as a caster.
Ayesee needs to work on his awareness and what his co-commentators say and he'll be a ton better, but I haven't seen that much improvement as of late so I'm not a fan of most of his casts.
More or less my thoughts too. He has a serious case of Tasteless syndrome: doesn't play the game enough to improve his mechanical knowledge, but without any cocaster synergy really at all in the present.I used to be with ok with AC. I always believe in giving people a chance. Problem is, he's been casting for aaaaaaaaaaages now, at fairly big tourney's/leagues, and he's just as bad as ever. If you show no sign of improving, then I cross you off my list of liked casters. At least Tobi listens to his casters more than he used to and improved his camera work, and as people have said Sheever is improved every time I see her.
This is what all those complaints of ksing have wrought.
Arteezy dying to bots
I used to be with ok with AC. I always believe in giving people a chance. Problem is, he's been casting for aaaaaaaaaaages now, at fairly big tourney's/leagues, and he's just as bad as ever. If you show no sign of improving, then I cross you off my list of liked casters. At least Tobi listens to his casters more than he used to and improved his camera work, and as people have said Sheever is improved every time I see her.
If Ayesee was paired with a dedicated cameraman and someone who could cut him off any duo would work a lot better.
This is making me want to do more casts too.Legit, I could cast TI5 quals if I worked at it, but I'm soured on eSports jobs right now.
I think Sheever would do very well interviewing players, she has good chemistry with a lot of them.
I guess only of TPL agrees, if I remember right they actually paid for the items to be maid and thus are the owners.So the bramble ward thing gets kind of interesting
Ticket was removed due to "issues" and the contributor requested it just be added as a regular item. Valve was fine with that, so here we are.
I wonder if this is one of the things that pushed Valve to severely restrict what size tournaments can have items.
I also wonder if the old TPL items could get the same treatment, but they might be too old now.
Camera control should be through middle mouse and isn't as much of a focus as dedicated SC2 casting which I think is a detriment because there start to be readability issues on a 30FPS stream with fast scrolling.do it hazaro
bring the wasd camera community out of the shadows
I don't know, I like Ayesee. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't really listen to dotacasts to get better at dota or for their deep insight/analysis. If you want to get better at dota just watch some replays and play the damn game, a cast isn't going to make or break you as a player lol (unless your a redditor that watches a lot of competitive dota, then you're a grand strategist for your mmr level but your mechanics might still be poor).
I want a shoutcaster that's just plain entertaining while the ideal co-caster (a pro player like Synderyn) spells out some of the thoughts behind items/drafts/skills. And to me, Ayesee is damn entertaining. His shoutcasting is good, his voice is even better, and his silly ass radio phrases always make me chuckle.
Tobi is a close second. After that I really don't care, LD is ok, yeah his game knowledge is better than most but he's not very entertaining and he doesn't have as shoutcaster voice. Lumi is god awful, his game knowledge is complete ass and his voice just isn't suited for the business. Capitalist's voice might just be more jarring than the mosquito phone sound. Ryoboritz wins my award for the new Blaze though, I don't know what the fuck joindota is doing using him as a co-caster. He speaks like he's whispering at a church, has absolutely no confidence in his cast or analysis, "uhhhh yeah sure, uhhh yah good play, uhh dunno, uhhhhhhh."
I don't know, I like Ayesee. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't really listen to dotacasts to get better at dota or for their deep insight/analysis. If you want to get better at dota just watch some replays and play the damn game, a cast isn't going to make or break you as a player lol (unless your a redditor that watches a lot of competitive dota, then you're a grand strategist for your mmr level but your mechanics might still be poor).
I want a shoutcaster that's just plain entertaining while the ideal co-caster (a pro player like Synderyn) spells out some of the thoughts behind items/drafts/skills. And to me, Ayesee is damn entertaining. His shoutcasting is good, his voice is even better, and his silly ass radio phrases always make me chuckle. He's definitely my first choice for a caster (maybe behind Sunsfan + Synderyn tho, those two are truly amazing, and no, fuck reddit an their whining that sunsfan isn't professional enough to cast, shit sometimes I really hate that place).
Tobi is a close second. After that I really don't care. LD is ok, yeah his game knowledge is better than most but he's not very entertaining and he doesn't have as shoutcaster voice. Lumi is god awful, his game knowledge is complete ass and his voice just isn't suited for the business. Capitalist's voice might just be more jarring than the ringing of a mosquito phone. Ryoboritz wins my award for the new Blaze though, I don't know what the fuck joindota is doing using him as a co-caster. He speaks like he's whispering at a church, has absolutely no confidence in his cast or analysis, "uhhhh yeah sure, uhhh yah good play, uhh dunno, uhhhhhhh."
Because that's the way it always was, 'cept it launched instantly before.Why is snow ball man's snow ball move invincible during the spin up animation? I can't call him out of it with axe or Cull him while he's in his little protective ball.
So on Reddit it says Sheever is casting at TI4. Thoughts?
I've got nothing against her personally, would like to see her getting some interviews or whatever but I don't see what she brings to the table particularly for casting. Tobi/LD/AC all offer better play by play and I'd rather have Draskyl, Lumi or the various pros on analysis. Unless Valve just wants more casting duos, in which case I'd still probably rather have 3 or 4 core teams than a bunch of frankly less talented casters.
Anybody watching DotaCinema A-Z challenge?
Watching SunsFan play a shitty support and Synderen eventually carry him has been fun. Next game, roles switch with Sunsfan on Axe and Synderen on Bane. Can't wait for the feeds.
Synderen got a 12 min BF on AM and kept saying he was playing like shit, I feel so inadequate![]()
You bet!
Even when I'm last hitting like a champ, I eventually get it by 15-17 mins and thats when I skip treads. But I guess its because my supports are dumb to push the lane too often and deathball begins at minute 10, whereas synderen had free farm that game and SunsFan actually did ok in zoning out that offlane clock.
Or they can just kill you, and if you go Shadow Blade they will probably dust your ass. If they don't they don't deserve to win anyway.
You don't want to make one of the squishier heroes in the game then squishier when you have the option of just buying real items.
Why do people bitch and moan with report threats because I won't go die with them? Fuck you I'm not TPing into your tower to make the fight 3-5. 3-5 loses, just not as quickly as 2-5. Same goes for pushing uphill into a base when all our ults are down and all of their ults are up and ready to use :\
I had a teammate when he was between the enemy's first and second towers and all of us were on our side of the map. Then I also had a Lycan wanting me to buy support items when I was playing PL. Both of them had the most deaths by the end of those games. There's no accounting for stupid.I absolutely love it when someone runs into the enemy team and the pings furiously and asks why you didn't back them up.
Why do people bitch and moan with report threats because I won't go die with them? Fuck you I'm not TPing into your tower to make the fight 3-5. 3-5 loses, just not as quickly as 2-5. Same goes for pushing uphill into a base when all our ults are down and all of their ults are up and ready to use :\
I had a teammate when he was between the enemy's first and second towers and all of us were on our side of the map. Then I also had a Lycan wanting me to buy support items when I was playing PL. Both of them had the most deaths by the end of those games. There's no accounting for stupid.