network ded
much like milkman vs trav
network ded
much like milkman vs trav
I played 99.9% of my game with 1-2 friend ( sometimes more but that's far too rare sadly ), and did some solo queue recently, and I actually found myself 'rage' far less in solo queue because I went there with 0 expectation of having decent human being with me, and didn't even try to really win those game.I feel bad for you single solo queue people. I can't tell you the last time I did solo, it would probably make me quit Dota. Thank God for Whatsapp though, I usually always schedule people from there so I always play with 2 or more people. Usually the GAF guild channel is dead unless a inhouse is going on.
Just use pings and alt-click items.
Sigh.. I feel like this game is being ruined by players on NA servers not speaking english.
Communication is so vital and not being able to communicate kind of kills the game.
I'm strongly considering tricking my friends into getting into Dota and ruining their lives. It's worth not having to solo queue 99% of the time.
Maybe you should play with some of the people on your friends list. >.>
Brad Shoemaker just got a rampage, live on stream (after wailing on Borrowed Time for its full duration). He then promptly died to creeps.
what hero?
No patch? Pretty surprised.
but kirby said it should hit in a few moments..........
You can be anything as long as you have a strong impact. Support doesn't mean you sit behind your carry and deny, it means you go and fucking kill everyone starting from level 1, bully the shit out of them, counter-TP dives, etc.Man cant believe some people go all the way to 4k or more solo mmr. Im stuck at 2.7k and win 50% of the matches. Even when I play very well cant do anything if 3 other players are just bad. Guess that most people with high solo MMR are mid laners that control the early game and gank?
Man cant believe some people go all the way to 4k or more solo mmr. Im stuck at 2.7k and win 50% of the matches. Even when I play very well cant do anything if 3 other players are just bad. Guess that most people with high solo MMR are mid laners that control the early game and gank?
Man cant believe some people go all the way to 4k or more solo mmr. Im stuck at 2.7k and win 50% of the matches. Even when I play very well cant do anything if 3 other players are just bad. Guess that most people with high solo MMR are mid laners that control the early game and gank?
Man cant believe some people go all the way to 4k or more solo mmr. Im stuck at 2.7k and win 50% of the matches. Even when I play very well cant do anything if 3 other players are just bad. Guess that most people with high solo MMR are mid laners that control the early game and gank?
Man cant believe some people go all the way to 4k or more solo mmr. Im stuck at 2.7k and win 50% of the matches. Even when I play very well cant do anything if 3 other players are just bad. Guess that most people with high solo MMR are mid laners that control the early game and gank?
Man cant believe some people go all the way to 4k or more solo mmr. Im stuck at 2.7k and win 50% of the matches. Even when I play very well cant do anything if 3 other players are just bad. Guess that most people with high solo MMR are mid laners that control the early game and gank?
Phoenix abuser would queue withI'm above 4k and I rarely play mid or carry. I prefer support or offlane.
Brad Shoemaker just got a rampage, live on stream (after wailing on Borrowed Time for its full duration). He then promptly died to creeps.
why are americans so fucking bad at dota
eu w might be full of russians but at least they aren't so dumb