Support Kunkka new meta
Ryze called.
Support Kunkka new meta
What happened to James's hair?
So everyone, who will you vote as your 8 players to be in the solo tourney?
For me it's SingSing, Arteezy, IceIceIce, Mushi, Dendi, Resolution, S4 and H4nn1.
I thought about putting Ferrari, Xiao8 and RoTK in there but I feel like it would be less fun, even if they are better mids than my last 2 choices.
Five stretch goals in the time it took me to sleep? You sick, depraved animals.
Five Dota threads active at once? . . .
Now six. I'm scared, you guys.You can pick and choose based on your place on the appreciation to outrage spectrum.
Is there an issue with battle boosters? I didn't get any bonus points at all last round when I should have gotten a ton.
Edit: asdf they fixed it WHILE I was in the game asdjhasjkdas
Wish the compendium points would actually drop for meHad a game last night where 4 people got points but I was the only one with a compendium.
Volvo just trying to make me spend $$$.
Also, how does in game event viewing work for TI4 attendees?
I don't even have it yet and I got points from a bot game lol
Looks like we'll unlock the new game mode by tonight, probably the immortal items too
This is bananas, the ability to pay more into the pool for a bigger battle booster and more immortals is ingenious
I though it was sleazy
You badge is linked to your steam ID and you are scanned on the way in to trigger your attendance for that day.Also, how does in game event viewing work for TI4 attendees?
You badge is linked to your steam ID and you are scanned on the way in to trigger your attendance for that day.
I take an hour long nap and EG goes 2-0. Wtf.
Two stomps.
You badge is linked to your steam ID and you are scanned on the way in to trigger your attendance for that day.
Perhaps im a big downer, but i'd rather watch MYM loose a game, than Eurovision.
Yes. You also have a separate item drop pool for attendees.So I'm "viewing" the game without needing to remotely connect to my desktop at home to log into dota and view games? Sweet!
Your loss.
bro your song was terribleWE LOST
Ok so is it confirmed that you can win some of your games with the ten heroes, then re-roll the remainder?
Tried it twice today, always won.Yo mek huskar legit awefu might aswell quite and play lol
Should only be the uncompleted ones.If you complete 6 hero challenges then re-roll will it just be the 4 uncompleted ones which get swapped out, or the whole 10?
Tried it twice today, always won.
But that was bot match.
Should only be the uncompleted ones.
Oh, totally forgot Summit Bo5 was today too.
Doesn't really matter, can't see either of these teams doing anything at the LAN.
Worst thing about the 10 hero challenge is I have to play AP to do it :< Might as well play ranked and just lose more MMR while I'm at it.
I'm a 20 paladin, why isn't my trainer in Stormwind offering to teach me Summon Warhorse?
They don't know how to deal with pretty much anything, but yeah I know very well how it proved nothing. But I still like getting the feeling of a hero I don't usualy play, first against bots, before the usual matchmaking game where insults willl be thrown.You could just buy rapiers and feed them to the enemy and still win as huskar vs bots. They don't understand how to deal with orb attacks.