Marauder Shields
Medusa pick. Xboct pls.
Does anyone know if the immortal items you get from the compendium will be all new, or will you have a chance at getting any immortal item that's already out, like dragonclaw hook?
Yes. For the purposes of spells like those, the hero doesn't exist and cannot be interacted with in any way outside of explicitly stated interactions (Shadow Poison, Soul Catcher Demonic Purge, Sanity's Eclipse, etc).What happens if axe calls someone but the gets euls'd or disrupted? Does the call get dispelled?
I hope it will be part of the voting liste, that's pretty much one of the only hero with invoker ( and mirana ? ) which could maybe win that vote against pudge.People really want that Techies Arcana.
Who can we vote for to get the arcana?
next week is going to be
Why would you guys want to waste an Arcana on such an ugly hero I dont understand you people at all.
Doesn't matter if they're ugly, Arcana changes the way they look. Bring skeleton king back
Doesn't matter if they're ugly, Arcana changes the way they look. Bring skeleton king back
EE is the last carry I'd trust PA with.
Beautiful Ghostly green skeleton king. Guys it'll be fine.
WHo else has a chance at beating pudge?
Where are you guys voting for the arcana? I can't find it anywhere.
Guys pls. Treant arcana
Isn't invoker also a very popular hero?
Kill it with ice...Bring it back