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Dota 2 |OT4| The saga of Vade and ReRixo: the Boat Anchors continues.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You should read the entire Juice doc, carefully. He delves into the mentality he adopts in order to win and you can make use of some of that. I don't have the time to look through your replay at just this moment but I'm sure Juice was counterpicked at some point and he got over it through sheer play. That's what you need to work on most of all. Improving your mechanics. It's not about any one thing, but about being better overall.
what rewards do i want?

A big number, obviously. Shit, do you need to be carried so badly I even have to explain to you what you want?


Low Tier
honestly someone whos 3k gimme their account when I get bored of RoS and i'll make like a nature documentary climbing mmr
There needs to be gems that count how many times you say GG or Tryhard, and valve should force socket them into people who get reported for voice communication.

It would certainly help me break my bad habits.

honestly someone whos 3k gimme their account when I get bored of RoS and i'll make like a nature documentary climbing mmr

Keep picking void and you won't have to ask.


whats the point of 4/5s existing if the best way is to play 1/2?

4/5 is just the bitch role thats there so you can have a 1/2?


whats the point of 4/5s existing if the best way is to play 1/2?

4/5 is just the bitch role thats there so you can have a 1/2?

Fun, I would guess. The point made is that the 1/2 role is best for getting up the ladder as fast as possible (provided that you are not already at the right MMR for your skill). If you aren't obsessed by the number and just wanna play for funzies then you can play 4/5 if you feel like it.


Fun, I would guess. The point made is that the 1/2 role is best for getting up the ladder as fast as possible (provided that you are not already at the right MMR for your skill). If you aren't obsessed by the number and just wanna play for funzies then you can play 4/5 if you feel like it.

F-...fun? What's that?


I never feel like I have the levels or money to not be passive. Like it takes me 8+ minutes to get boots on a support.

Well there are plenty of ways to get around that. If you want to roam and are feeling greedy, then you could go boots first. Buy a smoke instead and you could go for a first blood on mid. First blood gold could give you quick boots. If you don't wanna go mid, you could just do the same in your lane, stay in fog until you strike, sap a level 2 first if you need to on your particular hero. Kills get gold and fun for you, great stuff!


I never feel like I have the levels or money to not be passive. Like it takes me 8+ minutes to get boots on a support.

That's why you start at minute 1 and make things happen instead of waiting for boots. For example, if you have a mid that can stun or provide any sort of slow vs a storm spirit or someone without an escape pre-level 6, you can ruin their game by roaming on them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
whats the point of 4/5s existing if the best way is to play 1/2?

4/5 is just the bitch role thats there so you can have a 1/2?

1-5 doesn't exist. It's all in your head.

The only thing that matters in Ranked is game impact.


Stop focusing on the number and just play.

if you forget about it, you'll actually make it there

I don't buy that.

I'm about to win this game, but suddenly just started playing like total shit and don't know why. It seems every day for the last week I only win 1/3 of my games per day. Fuck this shit.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I don't buy that.

I'm about to win this game, but suddenly just started playing like total shit and don't know why. It seems every day for the last week I only win 1/3 of my games per day. Fuck this shit.

It's because you are focusing on the win, seriously. You get near the end and think, "Oh wow I might actually win this. I might win this and get up to 4k+. I'll win this as long as I don't choke."

Then it happens uncontrollably.

If you just play the game like there was nothing on the line, like you were playing an unranked game that isn't saved, then you will improve. I guarantee it.

Everyone says that but wtf does it even mean?



It's because you are focusing on the win, seriously. You get near the end and think, "Oh wow I might actually win this. I might win this and get up to 4k+. I'll win this as long as I don't choke."

Then it happens uncontrollably.

If you just play the game like there was nothing on the line, like you were playing an unranked game that isn't saved, then you will improve. I guarantee it.


I doubt it. Before ranked was added I alway was barely able to keep a 50% winrate.


Everyone says that but wtf does it even mean?

Tilting is when a mistake causes you to get frustrated and annoyed at yourself. You then desperately try to play really well to make up for it, causing you to not think things through properly as you are not concentrating fully and are desperate. I was watching your stream just now and that seemed to be the case.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I doubt it. Before ranked was added I alway was barely able to keep a 50% winrate.

There's that stat focus again.

No matter what the stat, if you focus on it over everything else, you're going to do worse.

Everything is mind games over anything else.


If you're saying you've gotten really inside your own head, I could have told you that. Focus on what you can improve about your own play and stop trying to rush the improvement required to get you to 4K.

Seriously, I'm also in the mid-high 3ks and I know firsthand how just throwing yourself at the game when tilted doesn't accomplish shit. It isn't a bucket you can just fill by attrition. Step away from the game, recenter, improve on your weak points and go again.


Corporate Apologist
And 3/3 games lost now and this one was all my fault. And was with Terrorblade. Fucking great.

Lets not go into that late game.

One thing you over looked is that at about 16 minutes, you had a really powerful death ball going on, and the other team was broke (Ember had Arcane Boots Wand, Slarks biggest item was treads). You decided to go off and farm though, where your team could have kept up pressure, and this really hurt you, because the other team farmed far faster then your own. You likely could have gotten all the T2s with almost no contest, then secured Roshan and broke basev (ES farmed Jungle, Ogre was beating you almost the entire game with just lane CS, Slark just farmed heroes)


relies on auto-aim
I don't buy that.

I'm about to win this game, but suddenly just started playing like total shit and don't know why. It seems every day for the last week I only win 1/3 of my games per day. Fuck this shit.
Play unranked TB to actually learn the hero, then play ranked, then gitgud.

Seriously focus on improving your play and you'll get there.


Lets not go into that late game.

One thing you over looked is that at about 16 minutes, you had a really powerful death ball going on, and the other team was broke (Ember had Arcane Boots Wand, Slarks biggest item was treads). You decided to go off and farm though, where your team could have kept up pressure, and this really hurt you, because the other team farmed far faster then your own. You likely could have gotten all the T2s with almost no contest, then secured Roshan and broke basev (ES farmed Jungle, Ogre was beating you almost the entire game with just lane CS, Slark just farmed heroes)

Play unranked TB to actually learn the hero, then play ranked, then gitgud.

Seriously focus on improving your play and you'll get there.

I know how to play the hero and know where I fucked up in that game, I just...had one of those games where I was just fucking it up left and right. Does that make sense?


I know how to play the hero and know where I fucked up in that game, I just...had one of those games where I was just fucking it up left and right. Does that make sense?

Sure does. Everyone has bad games, it happens. Don't worry about it bud.


Another day playing doter, another day doter gaf tells Hylian to git gud. Just play ember or terrorblade or phoenix and you'll get that magical number in no time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Don't play Phoenix if you don't know how, lol.


I want to weigh in on this MMR talk surrounding supporting. I am not a good player by any means, but I play at a higher level than my friends and it's impossible to not notice some of their frustrations surfacing here.

No, Juice is not raising his account quickly through hard supporting but it's silly to think that he would be unable to do it at all. Yes, he would likely have more loses and yes it would likely take more time to raise his ranking but he would not be stuck in ELO hell if he was good at the role.

From my experience, it is a really bad mindset to classify yourself as "a support player." Too often I see people who end up in the role or pick it from the start and automatically assume "well, I'm just going into autopilot and will make sure wards are up and sit behind my carry so he doesn't die and I'll get a win."

Not only is this bad supporting, but it is making things harder for your team. It gives large advantages to the enemy if their solo offlaner is able to out level you and your carry as well as get decent farm. You are losing your lane if you don't punish them for having that weaker lane especially since you're team is likely losing the lane where the solo player is affording an advantage.

I have a friend who solely plays support and he is atrocious at some of the basic mechanics of the game. He can't last hit to save his life and has to rely on spamming his skills to get cs. His positioning is always terrible, he doesn't understand how to control a lane, he's unable to stack/pull or find experience and gold when under pressure, no clue what items to purchase when he does accumulate gold to best assist in that match and has a poor idea of how to work in aggressive tri-lanes.

The fact of the matter is, he doesn't know how to support because he doesn't know how to play any other position.

The good Gaf players have already mentioned that you need to be just as good - if not better - at the fundamentals as a support player because you are playing at a greater disadvantage than your team's "cores." You don't have a lot of opportunities to get cs from a lane so you have to make sure all your last hits count. Your team generally can't afford for you to wander off and solo the jungle to make up levels and items as you probably have the highest early-mid impact skills and need to be available for skirmishes. You won't have items to increase survivability and mobility until the enemies have item advantages on you and you will generally have fewer levels than most of the players in the game. You can't afford to make as many positioning mistakes because it's a lot easier to punish you.

Thus, you need to learn how to maximize your time as efficiently as possible. But if there is really bad communication from your teammates, how are you going to know what your team needs if you aren't knowledgeable about the other roles?

You won't realize that your ward placement is suboptimal for the mid player if you haven't played mid and relied on that vision. Unless you have someone to coach or point out these flaws, the best way to figure out the nuance of supporting is to get good in the other positions.

Finally, if you feel that supports aren't capable of winning games then work on becoming really proficient with heroes like Chen or Visage who are able to get objectives and apply tons of pressure without needing the help of hard to co-ordinate, pants-on-head retarded pubbers. I've seen enough pro matches where games were won by their supports to know that it's a fallacy to say they can't win games through their impact even with under performing teammates.


Had a Pugna start feeding in a ranked game because our sniper died to a Riki twice. Said our team was full of assholes and we didn't deserve a win.

TThe sad thing is none even said anything to him and he started saying "gg" in all chat after someone died

Such cancer


Another day playing doter, another day doter gaf tells Hylian to git gud. Just play ember or terrorblade or phoenix and you'll get that magical number in no time.

Salt in the wound. You don't need to play FOTM heroes to raise your mmr. As long as the hero can make an impact you can make it work. In fact at 3900 it'd probably be easier to just mass zeus games.


okay, had a day to cool down from being mad at the fountain farming midas sniper.

Randomed Slardar in AP. Crushed foes. Immediately go to ranked with him after warm up, gain 125 MMR. Today was a good day for dota.

How do you guys prefer building Slardar? I went qb stout tangos, into treads, rush blink, armlet, helm of dom and then AC for all my matches. Just feel vulnerable if farm is bad and I dont have blink up by ~10 minutes because by then, the other team has beefed up a little bit.


Corporate Apologist
Aight, Bastion announcer + hon announcer for mega kills, and suddenly it's not so bad anymore. Credit to this guy:


hon stuff is in the comments, also nba jam one for whoever was asking a while ago!

Eh, Unreal Guy is the best Mega Kill guy.

Also, next up for "Local Dota distributors putting items on the workshop" is Nexon items!


On the one hand, Nexon does put up a lot of stuff for their tournaments, and has casually commissioned items in the past. On the other hand, this still makes it so all 3 Asian Dota distributors have put entire item sets on the workshop for no clear reason in the last few weeks.

Chris R

OK so Luna might be my ticket back into a better MMR bracket. If my DRUNK non-ranked match LUna had 650GPM imageing what omy sober LUna (WITH BKB) would do?

Don't play solo then?

I should be able to raise my MMR playing solo. Hence the solo MMR and the party MMR.
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