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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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Played some in-house matches with some friends last night and came to the realization that trying to emulate what I see in pro games is a pretty good way to learn a hero. I've played Alchemist once or twice prior and I learned a lot channeling XBOCT. I got Midas at like 30 mins and everything else around 40 but I'm confident that was more due to where the team was in the game than my individual skill, though that definitely was a factor.
So my 2 favorite characters for now is slardar and templar assassin, can you guys recommend me something similar to them ? Thanks!

Slardar is kinda a mix between Centaur and Bristleback, in my unexperienced opinion. Bristleback shares the armor reduce + physical damage setup and is also good at chasing (by slowing the enemy down rather than speeding up), while Centaur has almost the same AOE stun ability and can boost his speed with his ultimate.


I've never played naga before. I don't understand how it could fun... It's just basically farm and don't die eventauly you'll hit buildings. she's not picked in pubs a lot either

How did she go from carry to support and now back to carry?

I played terror blade twice before (on accident) and I don't think I like illusion heroes.


. I got Midas at like 30 mins and everything else around 40 but I'm confident that was more due to where the team was in the game than my individual skill, though that definitely was a factor.


I've never played naga before. I don't understand how it could fun... It's just basically farm and don't die eventauly you'll hit buildings. she's not picked in pubs a lot either
Fun is subjective. For some people, fun comes from certain victory, when you farm a hero to the point that you know there is no way they can kill you, and all you have to do is tp, push, ulti, repeat till all their buildings are dead and all they can do is twiddle their thumbs, waiting for their slow impending death.

That is Naga. Naga is love. Naga is life.

So given that Blink will likely be given a light tap on the wrist in the future, how would you nerf it?
I wouldn't. Its perfect. Everyone loves it. And just because everyone is using it doesn't mean it should be nerfed.
But if they had to do it, I would increase the cost by at least a 100 gold


I've never played naga before. I don't understand how it could fun... It's just basically farm and don't die eventauly you'll hit buildings. she's not picked in pubs a lot either

How did she go from carry to support and now back to carry?

I played terror blade twice before (on accident) and I don't think I like illusion heroes.

There's a certain megalomaniacal aspect to playing a hero like Naga, I feel. You own the map, and the other heroes are merely residents as you farm your territory, which is everywhere.

As or role, she can scale very well, so her right click with diffusal if you wanna fight is great. Then she got nerfed and people kinda assumed she was dead, but then they discovered her ult and net are still great spells even without items, and she countered wisp who was rampant at the time. Then people went 'wait a minute, she still scales well' and so the radiance thing rose up. There were buffs and nerfs along the way but cba to look them up.


Maybe RTZ wanted items for another hero, I identify him with SF more than naga.
Why no RTZ Naga!?!!?!?!?

Actually the story goes like this... (hearsay from reddit)

RTZ and Anuxi planned the Naga set when RTZ was still a mercenary. EG picks up RTZ. EG has already commissioned a Naga set from another artist. Also, the EG terms require that all EG-branded sets be branded by the team, not by individual players, so an RTZ branded set broke those terms.

So EG gets its own Naga set from another artist. Anuxi has to drop the RTZ branding and release the set as a regular Naga set, before Meracle picks it up and now its Meracle branded.

Please correct me if this is wrong Anuxi


Actually the story goes like this... (hearsay from reddit)

RTZ and Anuxi planned the Naga set when RTZ was still a mercenary. EG picks up RTZ. EG has already commissioned a Naga set from another artist. Also, the EG terms require that all EG-branded sets be branded by the team, not by individual players, so an RTZ branded set broke those terms.

So EG gets its own Naga set from another artist. Anuxi has to drop the RTZ branding and release the set as a regular Naga set, before Meracle picks it up and now its Meracle branded.

Please correct me if this is wrong Anuxi
Fear is on EG, he had an individually branded Sven set.
doesn't play sven - rolls eyes


thacker apparently suffers from impostor syndrome, "those with the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved". Sounds like him.

Hahaha, he seemed pretty content to praise himself when it came to how amazing he was at Dota; compared to his trashcan team of Peruvians.



is this a fucking JOKE




Second-rate Anihawk
Think we'll get to 10M?


~57 days until July 21

~3.4 mil away from 10m

Only need to raise ~59k/day to reach 10m.

Of course it has slowed down significantly, but it'll pick up once the Pudge courier and immortals hit.


Think we'll get to 10M?

~57 days until July 21

~3.4 mil away from 10m

Only need to raise ~59k/day to reach 10m.

Of course it has slowed down significantly, but it'll pick up once the Pudge courier and immortals hit.

I hope it plays out exactly like reality tv has taught me these things work and we get a mysterious benefactor at the end putting us over the hump


I missed EE on Friday.


I missed EE on Friday.
Wait what? You live in or around Toronto?!

Also was anyone else around for that whole DPM shutting down chat thing on the couch stream?

DPM just shot herself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Twitch culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in other Twitch chats where you can become successful by being an overbearing Mod. If you screw non-subs over in GD Studio Chat, you bring hate upon yourself, and the only way to get rid of that hate is repentance. What this means is the GD Studio unsub-chat, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase subscriptions, nor will they tune into streams and purchase tickets for future GD Studio events. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but DPM has alienated an entire market with this move.

DPM, publicly apologize and unban most of the people you banned or you can kiss your reputation with chat goodbye.

im only joking u guys pls don't kill me


Shaper Divine
Looks great! I like the simplicity of this and I really like the helm in particular.

Thanks Bounch! I do prefer doing the simpler sets these days. Trying to make sure shit reads well in game is hard :x


I actually wanted to ask you and bounch and any other creators here how you work through creator's block if you've ever had it.

A creative block is a deep seeded issue, one that you need to pinpoint and work out. Usually when I have a creative block it's because something in my life is causing me to have a mental state that is not fueling creativity. Depression, anxiety or stress are usually the main roots of the problems I find in myself.
Pressure and stress is usually really easily fixed though with smart compartmentalizing of your tasks. The smaller you break your goals down into, the easier they become to manage. One foot at a time, step by step you can push yourself through. This is most apparent when crunching at the office on a game project. Also being surrounded by like minded hardworking individuals full of passion really help drive you.
The depression solution is a bit harder. I find making myself listen to happy music, looking at really nice images and pictures, and then trying to at least get 10 minutes of work done is key to start swinging your mental state into a rhythm. When you have a clear structure to your day, it becomes a lot easier to fall into habit of working through lapses in creativity caused by depression. It's just really hard to get into.

If those things have failed you then perhaps you should take a step back and assess if your passion is still there for what you create. If you still look at the world and get excited by making art then you still have it, its just the motivation that you need to ramp up again. If you find your excitement being led elsewhere, perhaps its time to take a break and pursue a different hobby for a time.


Corporate Apologist
Looks like you can get banned from Match Making if you run multiple instances of Dota at the same time on a single computer. Hopefully Valve gives some better communication about this happening, because right now if you get such a ban, it just lets you queue and you never find a match.


Looks like you can get banned from Match Making if you run multiple instances of Dota at the same time on a single computer. Hopefully Valve gives some better communication about this happening, because right now if you get such a ban, it just lets you queue and you never find a match.
I would rather they keep this layer of security in and give exception to the super rare cases (like the one from that reddit thread). Fuck MMR and tournament farmers


10 years since DK win game well. I walk thru the street crying for my lost rares. I think about Mushit, feedfeedfeed and Burdening throwing the game and my anus bleeds. When I sleep at nite I have nightmares of twitch trolls drinking DK fangay tears. I usually watch old DK vods and cry myself to sleep
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