No, because it's soul-crushing to play against and to watch. It enables some very amazing turnarounds, but the payoff, as a viewer and as a player, is not always worth it, unless you're on the winning team.
Hey man, ti3 grand finale couldn't have been better, probably the best dota game I have ever watched and that was all because of rat dota.
Sure, slow siege PL and Naga can be annoying and Tinker is just a gigantic cunt, but that doesn't mean all split-push strats are boring and stupid. They can sometimes lead to the most amazing comebacks, like you said, and comebacks usually make for the most exciting games.
So it is soul-crushing to play against because it can completely turn a game around? If it can so easily turn a game around what makes it not broken?
Also what should I be using for my camera settings now that I'm not longer using WASD for camera and instead using my mouse?
Saying "split-push is broken" is akin to saying "teamfighting is broken." More games are decided by 5v5 teamfights these days rather than split push, but dota has always been a game where multiple strats can work and that's what makes it so fun. The variety of gameplay is what has drawn me to this game for 8+ years and I hope that never changes. Dota is like chess and there are plenty of picks and counter-picks that vary from strat to strat, it's just all about the draft, what you're trying to accomplish with it, and simultaneously anticipating what the enemy wants to accomplish and how you're going to stop them from doing that.
tldr: every strat can be broken depending on how well it counters the enemies' strat.