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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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Ok, so I looked at your dotabuff, and two of your three games appeared to be stomps where not much could be done, but one was quite long so I thought I'd give it a look.

I'm still gonna go through and try to see what tips I can give, but good lord, this is some deep trench you are in buddy. My sympathies. At least you buy wards when needed regardless of hero, it's a good habit.

Well we finally won, thank god for Riki in scrub land.

I know I'm bad :(
I appreciate your thoughts regardless even if it will mostly be "get good."
Honestly this daily hero stuff isn't helping, I'm gonna have to sacrifice the compendium points and go back to just practicing CM, WD, Bane, Bristle, DS. I'm comfy on those heroes and I know I'm getting stuff done.

I think what I like about warding is it has a noticeable effect. If I put wards in certain spots to help a pudge and then he gets good hooks I know I helped. If we avoid a gank because we saw x hero moving or picking up a rune then I know the money wasn't wasted.

Oh speaking of CM I did max aura first the game we had a Medusa to help with her mana shield usage. Is that wrong? I normally don't do that but it seemed like a good idea at the time.


Hints with Crystal Maiden? I generally stick to wards and trying to get to Mek before going with a Force Staff for better positioning.

Also, when/how do I use her ult? Do I go in and use it after the enemy team has already popped their stuns or do I do it before so they'll waste their stuns on me instead of our carries? Honestly, it seems like it's better to stay on the outskirts and Nova or Frost whenever I can instead of ever using her ult unless we have some team disable.

'secure' enough kills to get a blink and bkb then crush the enemy team with your ult


Ok, so I looked at your dotabuff, and two of your three games appeared to be stomps where not much could be done, but one was quite long so I thought I'd give it a look.

I'm still gonna go through and try to see what tips I can give, but good lord, this is some deep trench you are in buddy. My sympathies. At least you buy wards when needed regardless of hero, it's a good habit.

Ok so I looked at the first 40 mins of this game http://dotabuff.com/matches/727498846. My notes:

1. You went boots and a 4 tangoes as your starting items. On a carry like PL you should not be going boots first. It's only really viable when against a razor mid or on some offlaners or roaming supports (maybe some fringe cases I'm forgetting). Instead, get a stout shield to deal with the ranged harass you were likely to be up against, and were. Then I'd say tangoes and a salve.

2. Your lanes were awful. This obviously isn't all down to you, but did you ask legion to see if she would go jungle so you could farm the lane? As it was you let her farm and kinda stood around spamming a few lances, until you killed the small camp a couple of times. You had 2 possible supports top and 2 carries bot, not exactly efficient. This also meant you had like 5 last hits 7 mins in.

3. Camera control. To be blunt, yours sucks. I think I saw you move the camera away from your hero like 5 times in the whole 40 mins I saw. Constantly looking around the map to check enemy items, levels and health is very important. And whilst in lane, it's a good idea to keep both you and your opponents in view as much as possible. You often had it so your hero was right in the upper corner with empty space filling the rest of the screen. This way you can see nothing of what is going on in front of you beyond the wave.

4. You bought wards. Great! That's an improvement over everyone else there. But as a small note, you don't have to use all of them immediately. When you first bought 4 of them (I assume when you got too frustrated at no one else getting them), you placed all 4 straight away. One at top rune (good), one at bottom rune (also good), but then the other two were next to the lane and inside your jungle respectively. Think about what this achieves. The lane one arguably lets you see people wrap around the treeline, but a tinker and morph are not all that threatening in that respect, and they both stayed in sight of the creeps all the time anyway. The jungle ward was entirely useless. The bot rune ward would show you if qop was ever coming to gank, and all towers were up so there was no other entrance to your jungle. Hold onto those wards for when they are needed rather than wasting the 150 gold you spent.

5. So the game broke down, and eventually the fighting started. Towers were taken, laning ended. At this point, you had treads and a morbid mask. There was zero impact you could have on fights. So you need to make the decision to either try to fight anyway or abandon team and farm. As it was, you went to a lane, saw a fight going on one lane over, walked halfway there, then walked back after not doing anything. This happened at least a couple of times that I remember. This is being incredibly inefficient with your time. You were missing entire creep waves this way. As a carry, you need to always be on the lookout for free creeps. If you see a lane and no one is farming it, go there and hit creeps. If you push it out really far and don't feel safe rotate into the jungle and it will eventually push back, whether by hero or tower. Tp to empty lanes that get to your tower. Always be farming, unless your team has grouped for a specific objective.

That's all for now in terms of general play, hopefully this helps. On the item front, I don't know if this game was before you got those replies here, but Helm of Dom is not good on PL. If you need lifesteal, get vlads, as it gives mana regen and comes in the form of an aura that is good for pushing. With helm, lifesteal is an orb effect, so it does not stack with diffusal (I believe). I didn't get to the point where you bought it, but S&Y seems not so good on PL as well. You want to turn that Yasha into a manta style instead.

Take all this as friendly advice rather than criticism, and feel comfort in the fact that your positioning was better than a bunch of other players in that match.

Edit: I see you replied whilst I was writing this up. Don't give up on farming heroes! They can be very fun, it's just getting used to how you need to behave in certain roles.


So kinda old question probably. Is there a GAF guild for DOTA 2? I played the original for quite a while but left before a ton of heroes got added. Played 2 for a while now even though my dotabuff isn't updated, I must have turned off the public reporting.

My steam name is Mugoogaipan, and I can't stand entitled or rude people so if people want someone nice to play with that will teach (from what I do know) just add me on steam. Would like to start playing with some teams also intead of just randoms.


So kinda old question probably. Is there a GAF guild for DOTA 2? I played the original for quite a while but left before a ton of heroes got added. Played 2 for a while now even though my dotabuff isn't updated, I must have turned off the public reporting.

My steam name is Mugoogaipan, and I can't stand entitled or rude people so if people want someone nice to play with that will teach (from what I do know) just add me on steam. Would like to start playing with some teams also intead of just randoms.

Ask in the neogaf chat channel and pray a guild mod is there at the time.


Ty very much Razzer for taking the time to look the replay over. Sometimes everything is just overwhelming and this helps to give me specific things to improve on for the future.

I'll focus on efficient warding and camera controls for now. God knows I usually only ever move the thing if I'm Treant or dead :( I'm always afraid if I stop looking at myself for too long I will die or let whoever I'm protecting die.


Corporate Apologist
Fun Fact: There is more TI4 Immortal items then Greevils and Redhoofs combined.

I can't see them ever being worth much, there is so many of them. The Rampant Outrage is the most common Axe item for example, despite Axe items being some of the oldest in the game (Though to be fair, newer items always seem to be more abundant then older ones, due to the growing player base). Even on Dragon Knight, his "rare" immortal Dragon is the most owned item for him now.
Fun Fact: There is more TI4 Immortal items then Greevils and Redhoofs combined.

I can't see them ever being worth much, there is so many of them. The Rampant Outrage is the most common Axe item for example, despite Axe items being some of the oldest in the game (Though to be fair, newer items always seem to be more abundant then older ones, due to the growing player base). Even on Dragon Knight, his "rare" immortal Dragon is the most owned item for him now.

I sold mine for delicious steam credits. Especially since the sales are starting tomorrow.


Corporate Apologist
Does anyone have the bots cosmetic? I'm not sure how to get one.
Easiest/Cheapest way to get one would be to just get it from the market:

Though since you likely want all the cool effects with it, you should pay the extra $.30 for one that has the Kinectic Gem in it:
http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Inscribed Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III?filter=booties

They are one of the items you can potentially get from Immortal Strong Box that comes with the Compendium.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm on, talk in the open chat for guild invite.


Corporate Apologist
The dedicated server updated, we should get a patch tonight. I expect this one to have all our Summer Hats and whatnot.
Easiest/Cheapest way to get one would be to just get it from the market:

Though since you likely want all the cool effects with it, you should pay the extra $.30 for one that has the Kinectic Gem in it:
http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Inscribed Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III?filter=booties

They are one of the items you can potentially get from Immortal Strong Box that comes with the Compendium.

Thanks!!! Ended up buying a couple cool cosmetics lol.


Warlock guy just posted an update early warning thread and linked to a pic of a cock-selfie. It's been deleted/removed and was only up for a minute or less. lol what.
Warlock guy just posted an update early warning thread and linked to a pic of a cock-selfie. It's been deleted/removed and was only up for a minute or less. lol what.
There's some stupid reddit drama going on where he threatened to ban the other patch dude from the tf2 reddit for no reason and blah blah blah soap opera.


Corporate Apologist
Warlock guy just posted an update early warning thread and linked to a pic of a cock-selfie. It's been deleted/removed and was only up for a minute or less. lol what.

Are you sure it was him with the cock pic, and not some pretender?

Now, him wanting to ban SirBevledear sounds like something he would do, he is weird.
Dota 2 Update - June 18th, 2014

Product Update - Valve


Compendium Reward Released: Added Favorite Hero Challenge
Select a Favorite Hero in the compendium, and try out the new in-game performance analysis tool
Compendium Reward Released: Added 1v1 Practice Mode
Practice solo midlane against one other player

Team matchmaking is now merged into ranked matchmaking
To play as a team, prepare a party of five for ranked matchmaking. Then select the option to play using the team identity.
Max team roster size increased from 5 to 7. Any team roster change will reset the team MMR.
You may not create a team or be a member of a team until you reach level 13. (Existing teams with players lower than level 13 are not removed from the roster, but will be prevented from matchmaking.)
Abandonment rules and available game modes are now the same as ordinary ranked matchmaking.
You may not participate in team matchmaking while in the low priority matchmaking pool.
Teams will only be matched against other ranked parties of five, preferably against other parties playing using a team identity, but potentially against ordinary parties not using a team identity.

Visual update to the Hero Picker and Loadout Browser.
Combined co-op and normal bot match tabs.
Several ability and item tooltip adjustments.
Updated controls when watching replays, it now auto-hides at the bottom of the screen.
Team profiles for pro teams now only display official player names, and have limited right-click options.
Game end scoreboard now shows rank changes and fantasy points in ranked and league matches, respectively.
Added a Player Score details popup to the Fantasy Roster and Matchup pages.
Spectators can now see item tooltips on purchase announcements.

While in game, changing the camera zoom level is now smooth.
Double tapping Select All will now center the camera on your hero.
Fixed bug where panning the camera or clicking on the minimap did not immediately update the camera's height.
Spectators can now zoom out while using the Directed Camera, Free Camera, and Hero Chase Camera.
Fixed a bug in Showcase View where if you clicked on another unit to begin dragging the camera, you would move to that hero.
Increased the click radius for selecting another unit in Showcase View.
Showcase View no longer defaults to the front of the selected unit, unless it’s the first time, or unless the player is in another player’s perspective (including broadcasters).
Fixed a bug where the camera’s transition into Showcase View would rotate in an awkward way.

Improved effectiveness of language matching in the matchmaking algorithm.

Added bot for Bristleback.

Fixed a bug where Tether could sometimes move Io towards the previously Tethered unit instead
Fixed large stacks of Thirst sometimes letting you run through Kinetic Field and Pounce's Leash
Fixed Cleave not hurting units that are currently being teleported to
Fixed an issue with Sleight of Fist and Disarm not interacting properly
Fixed Huskar's Burning Spears malfunctioning on rare occasions
Fixed Ember Spirit sometimes being affected by damage reflection while invulnerable in Sleight of Fist
Daedalus now plays the crit sound on an attack connecting, rather than on attack start
Bot guy returns
Team mm is back
New modes
More racism
Fixed reddit bugs
Does spectator zooming out mean what I think it means?


I'm absolutely estatic but also confused as fuck. The items were never meant for this. Trying to figure stuff out now, none of the revenue share was set up with this in mind. Fuck. This is sorta hilarious but also frustrating.



Corporate Apologist
I'm absolutely estatic but also confused as fuck. The items were never meant for this. Trying to figure stuff out now, none of the revenue share was set up with this in mind. Fuck. This is sorta hilarious but also frustrating.


Which ones?

Also, it looks like Tides Octopus Hat may have been updated. I'm buying one now.


Corporate Apologist
Odd, there is now a string that says "Cannot use Blink Dagger while ruptured."

Blood Seeker Stealth Buffed?

Also, there is some strings about live games and auto speed, Valve may actually be implementing the ability to rewind live games maybe?

Also, there is this sting:
"DOTA_ConfirmUnpublishedLobby_title" "UNPUBLISHED GAME MODE"
"DOTA_ConfirmUnpublishedLobby_desc" "To test your unpublished game mode with other people, all participants must manually install the game mode in their dota_addons folder."


May contain jokes =>
I'm absolutely estatic but also confused as fuck. The items were never meant for this. Trying to figure stuff out now, none of the revenue share was set up with this in mind. Fuck. This is sorta hilarious but also frustrating.


I'm honestly not even sure what you're reacting to lol

well that looks different

i like it


everything is different


Corporate Apologist
Better buy a bunch of chests now.

Edit: Oh, not on sale yet. I guess Valve pushed all the items today, and they should go to the store tomorrow.

Edit 2: No no, they are, buying!
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