Does anyone know if drunken haze gets applied if you have an MKB while dueling as LC? Just played a game where our LC built MKB but was still missing after getting hazed while dueling.
I think that MKB's true strike is disabled.
Does anyone know if drunken haze gets applied if you have an MKB while dueling as LC? Just played a game where our LC built MKB but was still missing after getting hazed while dueling.
Does anyone know if drunken haze gets applied if you have an MKB while dueling as LC? Just played a game where our LC built MKB but was still missing after getting hazed while dueling.
Tresdin will ignore effects that disable her attacks during Duel such as Frostbite if Duel is activated after being disabled. however casting a Frostbite while the duel is occurring will prevent the target from attacking.
"Pre-duel" effects gets ignored, "during duel" effects are applied. I don't know how the item interaction works though. MKB should go through. . . .
no faith in beyond earth
unless its completely and utterly different from civ v
The fuck, Sand King didn't win any votes.
Dota 2 fanbase is utter shit.
Sure no prob. I will show it to my friends too when you are done.![]()
Thanks! Cast is finished, took longer than expected because i had to do some postproduction to remove street noise. Also, my upload speed sucks.
Go easy on me, I still try to get better at casting. Any feedback is appreciated.
So valve still not adding that awesome wd set?
SHIT! You can see how much you have spent in Dota 2 since the Steam Cards were added
Go over and make me feel better Dota Gaf.
3 years then?"Soon"
SHIT! You can see how much you have spent in Dota 2 since the Steam Cards were added
Go over and make me feel better Dota Gaf.
This doesn't even include market purchases? Holy fuck.
Good lord!
You can find your market spend my installing this extension and going to Account
I'm watching my spending a little more now, it's so easy tho, been worth it so far but I need to chill.
It's depressing to realize that I'll never play a game as good as Dota 2 ever again.
Welp, won my very next Ember game, no thanks at all to me.
Think it's time to retire on this hero now.
Daily Hero is Phoenix
no idea how to play this hero
$233 spent on dota2 :/
pretty sure my items are worth more than that though.
Daily Hero is Phoenix
no idea how to play this hero
Does SnY debuff apply when doing sleight of fist?
Sorry. I was dead at the buzzer and like 30 gold short of a blink dagger.
Draskyl is going to be the only person not at TI4. EVERYONE was invited apparently.
Daily Hero is Phoenix
no idea how to play this hero
What is wrong with his animations in the second wif?
What is wrong with his animations in the second wif?
Urn is nice to have by no means necessary, you'll be near full health from Tranqs/Supernova as long as you're not wasting your HP.I think urn is required because you are constantly decreasing your life via spells.
Not necessarily. 5 attacks is a very long time in the early game, and the idea is that your team will be going in while you Nova, meaning that they can stay and take burning damage and attack you, leaving your team open to attack them, or run away, taking burn damage the entire time. This presents a very tricky situation for them where they have to, as a team, decide if killing you is worth dying to your team, and most pubs can't handle it. Don't be shy of just Supernovaing in front of people if your team is ready.My understanding is you need to hit them with fire spirits first otherwise you'll just be a free kill.
I think Phoenix should be very aggressive in the early game, because that's where he shines in the most, and Supernova is almost always a get out of jail free card. Your job is to Dive, slow everyone, burn them, and then kite them a bit. If they try to kill you, Nova, if not, then just keep pecking at them until they die. You should be looking to use Supernova as often as possible, because it's pretty much a free fountain trip. It is obscenely powerful, and saving it for "when you need it" is a bit of a waste.I dont think Phoenix should be the one initiating.
scummy advice
You are scum.
What is wrong with his animations in the second wif?
Sometimes I get mags that are like but other times