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DOTA 2 |OT8| DOTA Asian Championship (1/27-2/9)

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Why is reddit is complaining about CM being 'bad'?
Did they not read the damn change logs for 6.83 &6.82??

New CM ulti is fucking HUGE



Also, my ideas to rework sniper's passive skills,already posted on the dota2 dev forum:
Change Ammo - Toggle skill, similar to berserker's rage,allows sniper to change between 3 kinds of ammo,changing his range,damage,MS and AS:

Shells: close range,low damage,shoots additional projectiles in xo angle in front of sniper(at melee range all projectiles can hit the same hero)
Cartridge: medium range, medium damage, high MS and AS,chance to maim the target
Sniper bullets: max range, high damage, low MS and AS,chance for HS(truestrike bonus dmg)

Camouflage - 30-40 cd skill, buff,8-10s duration, can be cast on both allies and sniper,lowers the target's MS and makes them invisible.Invisibility breaks similar to smoke.


Corporate Apologist
I feel you should stop zooming in on items for your blog matt, people seem to bitch about stuff being low quality when it has a 256x512 texture. Or don't, I'm just upset at how often people will say X or Y is low quality when they are perfectly fine and good when zoomed out.


I think axe got nerfed, the cast range on hunger allowed him to gank properly before out of the jungle, with 150 less range it will be much less viable, making blink and mobility even more important. At least mana management should be less awkward now, with the decrease cost on hunger higher levels which is indeed nice.

Juggernaut got an insane buff. +6 base damage and +1 armor is really significant, and make him one of the best midgame carry. The only awkward thing is that he got a lot of rightclick in the midgame, but you still want to spin because you're melee and you would be chainstunned kited otherwise anyway. Because of that, the buff is mostly a farming-laning-pushing buff, but still pretty huge. We will see him as a secondary core (with farming mids) or even oflaner even now.

KKA had interesting changes because of the fact that his wr in pubs will go down guaranteed. A lot of players including me kept his XTMS at level 3 for better sure combo with boat (avoided being stunned at wrong moment for no X etc...), and to get some bonus stats since he really needed mana before. Without recall mana cost now however, the ability is so much better if you can consistently hit it, and the mana management issues are less of an issue. Many kills were missed on that 50 mana recall jesus.

Lion is now a properly zoning support, and slightly better mid. I think with extremely bad animations however, base damage increases matter more for trading hits than actually csing creeps. Exceptions are things like clinkz that have absurdly high damage so they can easily cs even with slow projectiles and animations. Also lion projectile should be visually fixed because it doesn't have the same speed as the real one.

Night stalker has really good laning now, comparable to panda. Absurdly high armor, hp , base damage, and a 50% miss chance on low mana cost to make enemies miss some crucial lh. If i'm not mistaken, you should always cast darkness during the day now with the not-stopping clock, but i'm not sure about the numbers and the total % night duration in a game.

Pudge got significant lane presence at level 1 now. Support/roam pudge is really viable, imagine nightmare->hook as a sort of nightmare->arrow. It's a bit worse at lvl 1 (because pudge need rot + hook to chase), but i think it can be better at other levels. While unreliable, hook is an extremely good ability. Also we HoN now.

Pugna ward not being reflectable feel stupid to me, now supports with high mana cost spells need bkb or just die.

QoP buff is huge, double blink range at lvl 1? She will be so much harder to gank now, maybe QoP offlane is back? Ulti buff is nice but not as important imho.

Rubick zoning ability is now stronger, and we got back a bit of the infamous TI2 mid rubick. Dendi plz.

Sniper is wat. I think the most important part is that you can now easily triple stack the jungle with him, and the 50 mana cost mean you'll never ever need a mana item now. Not being able to push anymore is a lot of WAT.

Techies mine now again leave a creepwave at at 1 attack from death, making farming much easier again. Improved damage vs tower could make him a real factor in games, and i could even see him being picked especially against team with melee cores.

Tusk still unplayable IFraud plz. This hero was so insanely fun when he came out with fast snowballs and huge punches, and now feel like he want his good spells to be sigil and shards which are nowhere as fun and give me cancer (Kappa).

Ursa need a mention. He's the biggest winner of indirect changes this patch. The increase AS cap and the diffusal change are really good for him. Diffusal was really good on him bcause of the ability to remove ghost, and instanlty drain 100 mana from a target, and slow to make hitting the target easier. The problem is that it wasn't worth over satanic or Skadi bonuses, but now it doesn't conflict anymore.

Drow change i don't like mostly because this hero is basically a gimmick combo with visage and little else. There's too much difference in power between drow-visage and drow+any other team. I would've liked halved effect on non-heroes on the aura in exchange for some other things so drow could be a strong indipendent woman who need no visage.

PA blink will be viable again i think. People nowadays all go for stats+ mass MS build, but blink not being disabled by refracted damage make it an absurdly strong defensive item.

CM ulti is now taller than your screen gg.

Wand is now buffed for supports (and tbh it needed it since stick was just better almost always).

Also i may be back playing a bit with the new patch. My huskar gonna hit that sweet 70% wr boys.


I solo queue support and think CM has been fine in 6.82 despite the onslaught of nerfs. She is my go to support when I need a win.

I prioritize leveling up aura. For the first four levels I skill q-w-e-e. Then depending on how aggressive I have been in lane and what my team composition is, I will put a third level in e or a second level in w. If I have teammates who can make use of the mana aura to spam spells, I max the aura as soon as possible (still skill the ultimate at 6).

Most people don't appreciate how amazing the aura is. By putting 2 early levels in aura you have a 3.0 mana regen bonus. You almost never run out of mana and you can spam q and w (be careful not to hit creeps with q). The ability to spam is better than the extra damage/stun duration from leveling up frostbite in my opinion.

Skill the ult ASAP. The ultimate is amazing. If you get the jump on someone with frostbite and freezing field, it is typically a guaranteed kill. The radius is fairly large, so there is no need to put yourself in a poor position.

Please do not jungle with frostbite. Her lane presence is amazing. You should win your lane with CM. If you haven't, then the game is probably over already. CM + Axe or CM + Undying offlane is incredibly difficult to deal with. Any tanky lane partner that allows CM to sit in the back is typically great. For this reason I don't like pairing her with squishy ranged heroes.

I personally always build drums on CM. It might seem a little odd, but the movement speed is extremely important as well as the added tankiness.
I honestly think next year one of the big studios may say fuck it and no longer work with Dota. No one is happy behind the scenes and it just continues to get worse.

2015 is going to be a rough year.


I honestly think next year one of the big studios may say fuck it and no longer work with Dota. No one is happy behind the scenes and it just continues to get worse.

2015 is going to be a rough year.

Casting studios you mean? Cus in that case I would see it being the GD studio. 2GD himself already says he wants to move on.

Although for actual casters, where would they go after Dota?


I solo queue support and think CM has been fine in 6.82 despite the onslaught of nerfs. She is my go to support when I need a win.

I prioritize leveling up aura. For the first four levels I skill q-w-e-e. Then depending on how aggressive I have been in lane and what my team composition is, I will put a third level in e or a second level in w. If I have teammates who can make use of the mana aura to spam spells, I max the aura as soon as possible (still skill the ultimate at 6).

Most people don't appreciate how amazing the aura is. By putting 2 early levels in aura you have a 3.0 mana regen bonus. You almost never run out of mana and you can spam q and w (be careful not to hit creeps with q). The ability to spam is better than the extra damage/stun duration from leveling up frostbite in my opinion.

Skill the ult ASAP. The ultimate is amazing. If you get the jump on someone with frostbite and freezing field, it is typically a guaranteed kill. The radius is fairly large, so there is no need to put yourself in a poor position.

Please do not jungle with frostbite. Her lane presence is amazing. You should win your lane with CM. If you haven't, then the game is probably over already. CM + Axe or CM + Undying offlane is incredibly difficult to deal with. Any tanky lane partner that allows CM to sit in the back is typically great. For this reason I don't like pairing her with squishy ranged heroes.

I personally always build drums on CM. It might seem a little odd, but the movement speed is extremely important as well as the added tankiness.

The thing about laning cm is that she is awful at trading hits. Her shitty animation, slow movement speed and low damage means any offlaner will easily bully you away. But her spells are good, so she has good killing potential. the thing is, you need another support for that. I'd like to see some of your cm games, just to see how it is you win your lane as a solo support, cus I can't see it unless they fuck up.


yeah but notail is garbage. He is just a great personality

I hope this is sarcasm because Notail is an amazing player

His Wisp and Earthshaker are next level good

In 99% of games Secret has Wisp 1st banned vs them, purely because Notail makes the hero look OP as hell

In regards to Crystal Maiden, I feel she is strong but could do with buffs, over and above the ones shes getting. She is extremely good at ganking and roaming and meh as a lane support

The fact that you cannot do a full combo of Q - E and R at level 6 WITH a wand is pretty stupid though

Shes an INT hero ffs Icefrog

Give her back her starting INT and maybe 5 more MS and I will play her almost every game

PS: Also has the best taunt in the game. So cute
The thing about laning cm is that she is awful at trading hits. Her shitty animation, slow movement speed and low damage means any offlaner will easily bully you away. But her spells are good, so she has good killing potential. the thing is, you need another support for that. I'd like to see some of your cm games, just to see how it is you win your lane as a solo support, cus I can't see it unless they fuck up.

If you are in a trilane vs a solo offlaner then you dont harass him, you straight up kill him with your spells + your allies who can easily close in the distance


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I've seen a few roaming pudges before and it can be good... provided you're dendi.


I hope this is sarcasm because Notail is an amazing player

His Wisp and Earthshaker are next level good

In 99% of games Secret has Wisp 1st banned vs them, purely because Notail makes the hero look OP as hell

twas a joke, relax. I really enjoy watching him play elder titan, earth shakers gonna shake shake shake shake shake, and his other range of heroes


If you are in a trilane vs a solo offlaner then you dont harass him, you straight up kill him with your spells + your allies who can easily close in the distance

Which is why I mentioned as solo support. Trilanes in pubs are not always gonna happen when you solo queue.

That said, I think CM will be good in 6.83. With the new bounty rune at spawn you can take frostbite level 1 and hit level 2 off 1 creep. From there you have both of your offensive spells for your first gank at around 1 min. That's pretty good. And her new ulti is so much easier to have an impact with by the look of it.


I honestly think next year one of the big studios may say fuck it and no longer work with Dota. No one is happy behind the scenes and it just continues to get worse.

2015 is going to be a rough year.
ESL or DH. They have the least vested interest since they are overall esports companies. I don't see BTS or SL leaving considering how much they actually enjoy dota.


i kinda hope there's less pro dota next year, it would just suck if there's less money for pros as a result

the oversaturation is real
what do we play when dota is dead

I honestly think next year one of the big studios may say fuck it and no longer work with Dota. No one is happy behind the scenes and it just continues to get worse.

2015 is going to be a rough year.

lots of people will drop out of the scene once it becomes necessary to actually maintain some standards


I haven't really been keeping up with the pro scene, is it just the huge amount of scattered tournaments that's frustrating people or is there something else I missed?


I haven't really been keeping up with the pro scene, is it just the huge amount of scattered tournaments that's frustrating people or is there something else I missed?

envy posted a blog: http://www.liquiddota.com/blogs/473477-my-perspective-on-DotA2

complains about quantity and quality of tournaments, casters not giving a shit (which i think is because of problem 1), and a bunch of other long winded shit that basically amounts to saying there's too many games
probably zet.
I don't think we have any info about him yet.

I think because he's one of the most forgettable new heroes. I don't hear anything about him, like, ever. I wonder how many people even know he's an unported hero.

I think we might even see a Dota 2 exclusive hero before we see Zet. That's how low priority I think he is.
I think because he's one of the most forgettable new heroes. I don't hear anything about him, like, ever. I wonder how many people even know he's an unported hero.

I think we might even see a Dota 2 exclusive hero before we see Zet. That's how low priority I think he is.

people talked about zet being op for like a year

more than the oracle talk for a certain window for sure
I haven't really been keeping up with the pro scene, is it just the huge amount of scattered tournaments that's frustrating people or is there something else I missed?

No, that's about it. With the quantity of tournaments and matches, everything run by different organizations (of varying quality and integrity) and the inherent difficulty of maintaining a decent schedule with the variable length of matches and seemingly inevitable connection issues/lag, things appear to be the definition of "organized chaos". Also, actually getting paid has proven to be somewhat problematic/challenging for a variety of reasons.

It's a scene that desperately needs a higher tier of organization. Not as controlling as what Riot has done with League, but not as free and lose as it is right now. It's too crazy right now.


is there a player's union? ee mentioned some kind of organization but i have no idea how much they do

a group that has actual power to negotiate and advocate for the bulk of pro players would do a lot for the scene, especially when it comes to shitty tournament stuff like organizers skimping on travel and translators
is there a player's union? ee mentioned some kind of organization but i have no idea how much they do

a group that has actual power to negotiate and advocate for the bulk of pro players would do a lot for the scene, especially when it comes to shitty tournament stuff like organizers skimping on travel and translators

there is an unofficial syndicate of players who are talking together to try and find better playing conditions yes

my understanding is this wont really have anything effect on anything for many months and who knows where it will be then

there is no membership or official group right now as far as we know


is there a player's union? ee mentioned some kind of organization but i have no idea how much they do

a group that has actual power to negotiate and advocate for the bulk of pro players would do a lot for the scene, especially when it comes to shitty tournament stuff like organizers skimping on travel and translators

At the moment there is no binding contract but a number of players have started working together and discussing what to do. Secret have been rumoured to be heavily involved in this, and going by EE's AMA PPD is also a major player in this. Naturally, Matt could tell you more, but I don't know if he will.

That said, he did already mention that some effects of things that are starting now may not be felt till the second half of next year, so I imagine we might seeing some official union type things around then.

That Thorin guy mentioned Tennis, and while I feel he didn't have it quite right for Dota, it is a good example. The ATP and it's world tour is an example of player power. Notice the Wimbledon Boycott described on that page.


Canadians burned my passport
there is an unofficial syndicate of players who are talking together to try and find better playing conditions yes

my understanding is this wont really have anything effect on anything for many months and who knows where it will be then

there is no membership or official group right now as far as we know

EE said there was an official union also in the works, but it's too secretive and he has his doubts about it.


May contain jokes =>
Could be any day, really. Whenever they feel good about the state of bugs. And usually after any big tournaments have completed their matches for the day. They've released patches on every day of the week in the past, excluding Sunday.

Should be close.

I wonder about the whole "next week" thing for the Captains Mode changes. I can't imagine the patch taking that long to come out especially with how proactive they've been about bug fixing. But then I dunno why those specific changes would be held another week.


Going further with the Tennis example, we have an interesting situation with Twitch, as they are the monopoly holder on broadcasting for E-sports, they hold a similar position to the TV networks. Any union type thing wishing for change would do well to go to them to work out deals, putting even more pressure on tournaments. Now that Twitch own GGA, the dynamic takes an interesting turn. Would they side with their players on EG, Alliance and Tinker or would they try to shut them down.
i wanna fast forward 10 years where there is a cabal of the board of pro dota association with dendi, envy, pdd, and sing sitting and controlling the future of esports and the world in top secret meetings with conservative lighting



i hope this drama ends soon cuz i am close to not giving a shit about pro dota outside of the international and the captains draft tournament
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