I just had a kotl game where I was able to keep two lanes of super creeps off the T4s for ~15 minutes until their team came to us and we team wiped them over and over. kotl's force bomb or whatever it's called is nice to use on Earthshaker and the like that depend on multiple skills after they blink in
Heh last night I played an hour and 30 minute match that went like this, we had a tiny, I was necro, my friend was KOTL, they couldn't break our base. We held them off from breaking high ground for 35 minutes. Aghs refresher was doing some work but our damn wraith king decided to go solo rosh when they had it warded, my kotl friend followed and got rekt, and then they pushed for the win.
I've found playing a support has way more to do with understanding the skill level and general tendencies of the cores you are supporting than actually knowing what the "ideal" support should do, in contrast to cores whose jobs are usually fairly straightforward. I think the suggestion of buying the first two set of wards and seeing if your team can actually use vision intelligently before deciding to buy them for the rest of the game is a good idea, plus I can probably roam more and help out people even if they aren't losing their lanes, even if I'm getting completely uncontested pulls and jungle farm while my carry isn't being pressured.
It's definitely much harder. A buddy I que with says supporting is more relaxing to him, but it's much more stressful for me. You have to try to keep all your idiots alive and have a much greater awareness of the potential for fights to break out so you can always be there to help.
I know we're in for a fun game when nobody on my team wants to contest the 0:00 runes.
Jakiro son.
I love Disruptor (he's probably my most played hero) but Jakiro can help destroy towers, has a low cd stun, and slow.
Probably the best support in Dota 2.
I haven't played much Jakiro but I might start. From what I've seen he can even transition into a semi-carry if he gets big enough and ALL his spells have such a ridiculously low cool down.