What the fuck why is he nuking lvl 1 techies fuck you icefraud. Back to playing zelda.
The Mass Effect gif thread has slain my life. Greetings from the great beyond my dudes and dudettes.
have been laughing my ass off the entire day because of those gifs, too fucking good
it's SO bad
One the one hand, I'm dying of laughter.
On the other, I feel bad a studio without the experience and polish to make a new Mass Effect entry was given the chance and they're getting eviscerated.
true, but apparently the game was in dev for 5 years?
probably some hefty mismanagement that went on during development, because my god SOMEONE there must've thought "man we can't really ship our game with animations looking like this"
For sure.Blue gal looks alright, human gal looks like she's chewing on something all the time, and the gun being backwards is lmao.
This will be one hell of a Noclip video in a decade...
One the one hand, I'm dying of laughter.
On the other, I feel bad a studio without the experience and polish to make a new Mass Effect entry was given the chance and they're getting eviscerated.
FTFYYou all wasting your life not playing Horizon Zero Dawn
Game is the truth
Everybody playing that though, and I'm sure it's good. People sleeping on Yakuza 0 will regret doing so.
there's a lot of good games coming out now though :/
haven't played yakuza, nier, GR2 or horizon yet and I want all of them![]()
e: just most of the games i want are japanese, am I a closet weeb now?
https://twitter.com/EternaLEnVy1991/status/842638205509947392 said:
I'm probably actually going to go take on Ganon today after thoroughly exploring (and there's still more shit I want to see). This game...wew lad.
>not waiting for the PC version
I hope the PC version is good. I preordered because I'm a sap, and I don't have a PS4.
haven't played yakuza, nier, GR2 or horizon yet and I want all of them
e: just most of the games i want are japanese, am I a closet weeb now?
Does your gaming setup look like this?
I'm playing Horizon now, and then only Japanese Yakuza, Nier, GR2, Fucking Persona 5, Odin Sphere, FF15(?).
lol is that np's house?
ye it is
fakeedit; o just noticed the title in the quotes
oh yeah persona too. I might buy that too, but not sure yet. If I need to play the first 4 games to understand the game I probably won't
lol is that np's house?
ye it is
fakeedit; o just noticed the title in the quotes
oh yeah persona too. I might buy that too, but not sure yet. If I need to play the first 4 games to understand the game I probably won't
I love dreamleague, great production values, meme-tastic presentation, and good time slot (for me) to have a twitch stream in the background for.
I just hope they don't get wrecked again by all the teams quitting the league half way again.
You don't need to play the other Persona games to understand P5. They have similar mechanics and such, but they are all separate stories other than some characters being connected, but otherwise are separate.
Similar manner to the SMT games, where only SMT2 is a direct sequel to SMT1. And 3 and 4 are separate.
I'm 99% sure that you won't need to play any of the earlier Persona games to enjoy 5.
Edit: You probably should tho if you enjoy JRPG's!
Does DOTA 2 take place on earth? I heard storm say (headphone users, be careful!) this line a couple of games ago. Is there any lore to back that up?
I don't know why any TI bound team would play in this
2-3 weeks before TI in Atlanta, that heartbed of nobodygivesafuckabout Dota.
definitely not on earth, this is just some 4th wall breaking i'm 99.9999999% sure
the old client used to have a map of the dota world, not sure where that went.
The ticket page says Dreamhack Atlanta is September 28th, that should be *after* TI, no?
Only awkward thing I see is that if you have teams that do well enough in the league portion (which I assume will be at least a month or so before TI) to qualify for the LAN final, do
super poorly at TI then rage quit and disband.
I'm at the bottom of the Mariana's Trench in a dumpsterDude.. i just looked up that old map, check this
Dude.. i just looked up that old map, check this
Stream upShowmatch 2 of 5
EG vs Onyx Bo5
Winner takes $4k and plays the following showmatch
Loser take $1k and is eliminated
balanced champ
Wtf is wrong with ice frog