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Dragon Age II |OT| The Revenge of Shit Mountain


subversus said:
they were the most generic enemy ever and this pic shows it.

New ones aren't an improvement though.

Generic to what? The new ones are more generic than before if that's the case. They're putty patrols. At least you barely ever fight darkspawn in DA2.


No bald cap? Lies!
Fimbulvetr said:
I think most of them are from Infinity Blade, and one or two are from Demon's Souls.

Ahh yes the master artists from Epic Games, I should have known. Though Im gonna guess the massive teeth vagina dragon is from Demon's Soul.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Enduin said:
Ahh yes the master artists from Epic Games, I should have known. Though Im gonna guess the massive teeth vagina dragon is from Demon's Soul.

Dark Souls. Anyway you're the reason Bioware is getting away with such lazy design.


No bald cap? Lies!
subversus said:
Dark Souls. Anyway you're the reason Bioware is getting away with such lazy design.

Lazy design, thats a laugh. It might not be horribly unique but the Dragon Age universe is extremely cohesive and thats not always an easy task. Infinity Blade looks like mishmash of over the top bad art, none of it matches, if not for the samey looking PC character in his space armor it wouldnt be clear that any of that came from the same game.

Dragon Age isnt gonna get any awards for creativity but all the designs looked like they belonged in that world and looked believable, except for the hurlock's armor from DA2, faces were great but uhh that armor was as bad as that Infinity Blade crap. Theres a hell of a lot more to art design than making shit look "cool." It also has to make sense and compliment everything else in the game. If you just start drawing crazy shit in an attempt to make everything look extreme and super dramatic its gonna just look like shit if theres no overarching theme and style that brings it all together.


Just finished it (as a duel-wielding rogue) - enjoyed it, thought the repetition in the quests gets a bit much after a while.

Also, somehow I managed to completely miss Isabella, which would have added a bit of time to my final clock (~24-25 hours, not including deaths). Embarassingly, my first time through ME2 I missed Legion, so this seems to be a trend for me with Bioware games.

Game became much more enjoyable when I stopped comparing it to the first.
HixxSAFC said:
I'm not sure but I gave her it (+ romanced) and she returned. I'd be VERY surprised if she didnt return regardless of your choice to give it to her or not though
Never romanced her and when I told her she had to give it up she double crossed me and never returned for the rest of the game.


So puzzled by the loot 'system' (I use that word loosely) in this game. If you're the only one who can equip armor (why is that again?), why on earth are there armor drops that you would never equip for your class, i.e. ones that require high dexterity or strength if you're a Mage? Or high willpower/magic when you're a Warrior?

Why not have the option to set that stuff to auto-junk? Why even have a bunch of meaningless junk that you pick up that you can only sell (that literally goes into its own category as vendor trash)? Why not just have you pick up money instead of the dog-and-pony act where it takes up inventory space and you have to go to a vendor and click on a "sell junk" button to get rid of it.

So many incomprehensible design decisions in this game.


Wiggum2007 said:
How do you even miss out on Legion? I thought you got him on one of the required main story quests.

Blacked out just incase..

You can turn him off or keep him locked up can't you?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Mr Jared said:
I can't believe the Sebastian DLC achievements are still broken. It's been a week now.

BlazBlue: CS Valkenhayn achievements have been borked since December. :p

Is that kind of glitch something that needs an actual patch(meaning it goes through certification) or is it just something that can get fixed on another end?


You did EVERYTHING in only 22 hours?

The fuck? I think I was clocked at 34 and change and I did every single thing. I got up to level 22...my rogue had like 93% crit and everything.

Kyoufu said:
Yeah I don't know how that is even possible, unless he skipped dialogue scenes and/or played on Casual.

Ickman3400 said:
I'm calling bullshit as well. On my 2nd playthrough and just came out of the deep roads after 12 hours, only about 3 hours faster than my 1st playthrough and doing everything in Act 1 both times. Skipped a lot of dialogue too.

At the very least he was playing on casual, I'm still not believing it though.

Nope, I really did everything I could in 22 hours. Played on Normal as a Warrior reached level 22 in the end. I skip the dialogue when I finish reading the line as I can't be bothered listening to the voice acting unless I think it's gonna be funny.

Anyways, time to start an angry fem-Hawke now since the female version always seems better in Bioware games :3


I'm doing evil duel-wielding Rogue "War" Hawke next, and pretty much making all the opposite major decisions from my first play through.

I'm waiting to get some ideas on a new FemHawke face though. I need a good red-head face.
X-Frame said:
I'm doing evil duel-wielding Rogue "War" Hawke next, and pretty much making all the opposite major decisions from my first play through.

I'm waiting to get some ideas on a new FemHawke face though. I need a good red-head face.

Here's mine, although she's more of a blonde/redhead.



Lostconfused said:
Bagh character customization options suck this time around. Might as well just stick to the default Hawke face at all times.

I dunno. I'm pretty damn happy with my MaleHawke.

But, yeah, they did a really great job with the default faces in this one.


Thinking about it now, if mod tools are released, I would very much like to see a Jedi class. All the powers are there after all and it would make me much more excited to play the game.
Xamdou said:
How many Acts are there? Is there a reset item or place to reset the stats of my ally?

3 Acts, and you can buy a potion in the black emporium dlc that resets attributes and abilities to anyone who drinks it
Patryn said:
I dunno. I'm pretty damn happy with my MaleHawke.
I tried to play around with FemHawke options and couldn't get any satisfactory results compared to Origins. But that's one problem that moders will probably be able to fix.
CrazyDude said:
How long is each act?

Hard to say really. Most people seem to complete Act 1 within 15-20 hours but the last 2 are definitely shorter, less side quests to do in each.

Took me 32 hours to beat on normal doing almost every quest I found.
Man the ending of Origins is just sooo much more epic than DA2.


Less is more, at least for me I guess. With all the huge swarms of enemies, none of the fights really looked as incredible as say this


Or what they did with Sandal. Great job Bioware you just explained the joke. You do realize that you ruined it by doing that right, right?

Clearly the design of the mabari in Origins was entirely intentional. But its just one more thing that got changed for the sequel without a good reason.


Also DA2 is lacking in those giant middle finger screw you I hate you so much abilities. Namely stuff like Hex of Misdirection and Hex of Mortality. Both of those could ruin your day completely if you weren't pay attention. Of course there are a few OP abilities in DA2 but unintentionally so. Like Gravity Well for Example. Where near its center get trapped in it for the full duration and most of the time AI is dumb enough to run right into it.


Ugggghhh, the end of Act 2 fight is soo stupid as DW Rogue. Even on casual it was a pain in the ass and he still hits like a fucking brick. Maxing my dodge rate does little to make my fem Hawke any better on 1v1 since talents will still hit and it sucks.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Enduin said:
Lazy design, thats a laugh. It might not be horribly unique but the Dragon Age universe is extremely cohesive and thats not always an easy task. Infinity Blade looks like mishmash of over the top bad art, none of it matches, if not for the samey looking PC character in his space armor it wouldnt be clear that any of that came from the same game.

Dragon Age isnt gonna get any awards for creativity but all the designs looked like they belonged in that world and looked believable, except for the hurlock's armor from DA2, faces were great but uhh that armor was as bad as that Infinity Blade crap. Theres a hell of a lot more to art design than making shit look "cool." It also has to make sense and compliment everything else in the game. If you just start drawing crazy shit in an attempt to make everything look extreme and super dramatic its gonna just look like shit if theres no overarching theme and style that brings it all together.

This post made me lol. It's fantasy, you can do any overarching mythology to justify any design. They could do it in Murcoock or Zelazny style but they did what they did. I understand that there are a lot of fans of generic "cohesive" looking fantasy though.
What is up with this game and giving me amulets? I find at probably twice as many of them as I do belts or rings.

You'd think rings would be the more common thing since you can equip two of them on each person...


No bald cap? Lies!
subversus said:
This post made me lol. It's fantasy, you can do any overarching mythology to justify any design. They could do it in Murcoock or Zelazny style but they did what they did. I understand that there are a lot of fans of generic "cohesive" looking fantasy though.

Youre totally missing the point, its not about explaining away things to justify random crap, and its not that you cant make over the top unique characters and creatures, its that you have to have them make sense in that world and everything else in it, visually not through poor explanations to patch it in there. When a game has bad art design things in the game can become jarring to the player because they clash with the rest of the world and seem unrealistic, relative to their setting, and it removes the player from the game.

Look at a game like Zeno Clash, everything about that game is bizarre and over the top, but it all fits together and compliments the other weird shit around it. Its not just some collage of unique and abstract things slapped together, it was a thoughtfully constructed world thats batshit crazy, but within its own confines seems real and plausible.

I dont prefer generic fantasy I just prefer well designed fantasy, and in most cases people usually fail at creating that.


Did anybody else have to fight
the arishtok and his whole entire crew?
I had to and OMG that was the hardest boss fight I have had in awhile even compared to demon souls.


Sir Garbageman said:
WOW, ACT II spoilers
they offed Hawke's Mom in the most random way possible. Serial killer wanted her face? What?

Well, technically,
her head. But its not all that random. In the previous Act, she mentions about dating again and asking you if remarrying is a good idea. Plus that particular quest arc starts and continues through all but the final Act.
Lostconfused said:
Man the ending of Origins is just sooo much more epic than DA2.


Less is more, at least for me I guess. With all the huge swarms of enemies, none of the fights really looked as incredible as say this



The fuck is up with Leliana and Morrigan portraits?
Lostconfused said:
Less is more, at least for me I guess. With all the huge swarms of enemies, none of the fights really looked as incredible as say this

Heh, I love it when ogres grab and smack the hell out of you.


And you can also see Zevran doing an ogre takedown move, right in the middle of the action. It's a shame DA2 reverted to a cutscene.
I know I may get some flak from some quarters of this discussion, but I really enjoy some of the multi-phase boss battles in this game. Maybe it is the former and still sometimes-MMO player inside of me, but I am usually willing to forgive the design or "absurdity" of it, a little bit, for a longer more tactical and satisfying experience.

In particular,
I really enjoyed the Vartrell, the High Dragon and the Orsino / Meredith fights.
. More of these in DA3, please.

I missed the other two optional boss fights. So going to get those in my second playthrough.


Lostconfused said:
I tried to play around with FemHawke options and couldn't get any satisfactory results compared to Origins. But that's one problem that moders will probably be able to fix.

Yeah, that's the funny thing. I was going to go FemHawke originally, but I couldn't get a nice face. Then I made a MaleHawke that I really liked.

But in both Mass Effects and DA:O, I found that it was far easier to make a good female face than a male face.


njean777 said:
Did anybody else have to fight
the arishtok and his whole entire crew?
I had to and OMG that was the hardest boss fight I have had in awhile even compared to demon souls.

I thought that was actually one of the easier mass brawls.

The Arishok basically stood their buffing for the whole fight, so mopped up all the mages asap and then just AoE'd his buddies down, had Aveline keep the Arishok busy while doing all of that and then just nuke him down.
GrandHarrier said:
In particular,
I really enjoyed the Vartrell, the High Dragon and the Orsino / Meredith fights.
. More of these in DA3, please.



Who is this
guy everyone keeps talking about?

I lost my brother in the deeproads and have no 2H warrior companions :(
Spat_triate said:
Who is this
guy everyone keeps talking about?

I lost my brother in the deeproads and have no 2H warrior companions :(

He's a character you meet on a sidequest. I think you should be meeting him soon. Elf Warrior, two hander. Looks straight out of an anime.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Spat_triate said:
Who is this
guy everyone keeps talking about?

I lost my brother in the deeproads and have no 2H warrior companions :(
You missed him. I did too on my first playthrough. His quest begins via a letter.


he's Virgin Tight™
I don't know why but I am more compelled to finish many quests here than in Origins. How and why? No clue =P.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Relix said:
I don't know why but I am more compelled to finish many quests here than in Origins. How and why? No clue =P.
While I find them fairly disposable, they are quick. The kind of thing you finish before you even notice you start. In that way it's easy to just keep moving from one to the next, or to head knee deep into quests you don't know much about because you know it will be over in the next 10 minutes.

It actually reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy XIII. It's a way to keep the player hooked, but it lacks a lot of substance to me without extended dungeon crawling that really pushes your party to its limits. RPGs with resources always available and full health for every battle tend to feel very tame to me. They definitely lack a hard tension I find to be readily available in other games of the genre.


Dance In My Blood said:
While I find them fairly disposable, they are quick. The kind of thing you finish before you even notice you start. In that way it's easy to just keep moving from one to the next, or to head knee deep into quests you don't know much about because you know it will be over in the next 10 minutes.

It actually reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy XIII. It's a way to keep the player hooked, but it lacks a lot of substance to me without extended dungeon crawling that really pushes your party to its limits. RPGs with resources always available and full health for every battle tend to feel very tame to me. They definitely lack a hard tension I find to be readily available in other games of the genre.

I actually think it would have been a good design, IF they used it more to flesh out the different areas and characters of city. As it is, its just checklist quests for the most part.


So I think I'm near the end and
Fenris left after disagreeing with my decision, leaving me with Aveline for my tank. Aveline who hasn't been used since the beginning and who is still using the mace she had 20 levels ago. I hope some nonsensical weapon store pops up soon.


njean777 said:
Did anybody else have to fight
the arishtok and his whole entire crew?
I had to and OMG that was the hardest boss fight I have had in awhile even compared to demon souls.
I loaded my save file and dueled him.
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