subversus said:
This post made me lol. It's fantasy, you can do any overarching mythology to justify any design. They could do it in Murcoock or Zelazny style but they did what they did. I understand that there are a lot of fans of generic "cohesive" looking fantasy though.
Youre totally missing the point, its not about explaining away things to justify random crap, and its not that you cant make over the top unique characters and creatures, its that you have to have them make sense in that world and everything else in it, visually not through poor explanations to patch it in there. When a game has bad art design things in the game can become jarring to the player because they clash with the rest of the world and seem unrealistic, relative to their setting, and it removes the player from the game.
Look at a game like Zeno Clash, everything about that game is bizarre and over the top, but it all fits together and compliments the other weird shit around it. Its not just some collage of unique and abstract things slapped together, it was a thoughtfully constructed world thats batshit crazy, but within its own confines seems real and plausible.
I dont prefer generic fantasy I just prefer well designed fantasy, and in most cases people usually fail at creating that.